--- /dev/null
+package OpenILS::WWW::Proxy::Authen;
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Apache2::Access;
+use Apache2::RequestUtil;
+use Apache2::Log;
+use APR::Const -compile => qw(:error SUCCESS);
+use CGI;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/;
+use OpenSRF::EX qw(:try);
+use OpenSRF::System;
+# set the bootstrap config when
+# this module is loaded
+my $bootstrap;
+my $ssl_off;
+sub import {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $bootstrap = shift;
+ $ssl_off = shift;
+sub child_init {
+ OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => $bootstrap );
+sub handler {
+ my $apache = shift;
+ my $ltype = $apache->dir_config('OILSProxyLoginType');
+ my $perms = [ split ' ', $apache->dir_config('OILSProxyPermissions') ];
+ return Apache2::Const::NOT_FOUND unless (@$perms);
+ my $cgi = new CGI;
+ my $auth_ses = $cgi->cookie('ses') || $cgi->param('ses');
+ my $ws_ou = $apache->dir_config('OILSProxyLoginOU') || $cgi->cookie('ws_ou') || $cgi->param('ws_ou');
+ my $url = $cgi->url;
+ my $bad_auth = 1; # Assume failure until proven otherwise ;)
+ # push everyone to the secure site
+ if (!$ssl_off && $url =~ /^http:/o) {
+ my $base = $cgi->url(-base=>1);
+ $base =~ s/^http:/https:/o;
+ $apache->headers_out->set(Location => $base . $apache->unparsed_uri);
+ return Apache2::Const::HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY;
+ }
+ my $tried_login = 0;
+ my $cookie;
+ while ($bad_auth && $tried_login == 0) {
+ if (!$auth_ses) {
+ $tried_login = 1;
+ my ($status, $p) = $apache->get_basic_auth_pw;
+ my $u;
+ if ($status == Apache2::Const::OK) {
+ $u = $apache->user;
+ } else {
+ $u = $cgi->param('user');
+ $p = $cgi->param('passwd');
+ return $status if (!$u);
+ }
+ if ($u) {
+ $auth_ses = oils_login($u, $p, $ltype);
+ if ($auth_ses) {
+ $cookie = $cgi->cookie(
+ -name=>'ses',
+ -value=>$auth_ses,
+ -path=>'/'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $user = verify_login($auth_ses);
+ if ($user) {
+ $ws_ou ||= $user->home_ou;
+ warn "Checking perms " . join(',', @$perms) . " for user " . $user->id . " at location $ws_ou\n";
+ my $failures = OpenSRF::AppSession
+ ->create('open-ils.actor')
+ ->request('open-ils.actor.user.perm.check', $auth_ses, $user->id, $ws_ou, $perms)
+ ->gather(1);
+ if (@$failures > 0) {
+ $cookie = $cgi->cookie(
+ -name=>'ses',
+ -value=>'',
+ -path=>'/',
+ -expires=>'-1h'
+ );
+ } else {
+ $bad_auth = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $auth_ses = undef if($bad_auth && !$tried_login);
+ }
+ if ($bad_auth) {
+ $apache->err_headers_out->add('Set-Cookie' => $cookie) if($cookie);
+ $apache->note_basic_auth_failure;
+ return Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED;
+ }
+ if ($tried_login) {
+ # We authenticated, and thus likely got a new auth key.
+ # Set it and redirect in case what we are protecting needs the key.
+ # When not redirecting we don't need the err_ variant of this. Noting for reference.
+ $apache->err_headers_out->add('Set-Cookie' => $cookie) if($cookie);
+ my $base = $cgi->url(-base=>1);
+ $apache->headers_out->set(Location => $base . $apache->unparsed_uri);
+ return Apache2::Const::HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY;
+ }
+ # they're good, let 'em through
+ return Apache2::Const::OK;
+# returns the user object if the session is valid, 0 otherwise
+sub verify_login {
+ my $auth_token = shift;
+ return undef unless $auth_token;
+ my $user = OpenSRF::AppSession
+ ->create("open-ils.auth")
+ ->request( "open-ils.auth.session.retrieve", $auth_token )
+ ->gather(1);
+ if (ref($user) eq 'HASH' && $user->{ilsevent} == 1001) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return $user if ref($user);
+ return undef;
+sub oils_login {
+ my( $username, $password, $type ) = @_;
+ $type |= "staff";
+ my $nametype = 'username';
+ $nametype = 'barcode' if ($username =~ /^\d+$/o);
+ my $seed = OpenSRF::AppSession
+ ->create("open-ils.auth")
+ ->request( 'open-ils.auth.authenticate.init', $username )
+ ->gather(1);
+ return undef unless $seed;
+ my $response = OpenSRF::AppSession
+ ->create("open-ils.auth")
+ ->request( 'open-ils.auth.authenticate.complete',
+ { $nametype => $username,
+ password => md5_hex($seed . md5_hex($password)),
+ type => $type })
+ ->gather(1);
+ return undef unless $response;
+ return $response->{payload}->{authtoken};