return $response;
+=head2 checkoutitem
+ $response = $ils->checkoutitem($request);
+Handle the Checkoutitem message.
+sub checkoutitem {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $request = shift;
+ # Check our session and login if necessary:
+ $self->login() unless ($self->checkauth());
+ # Common stuff:
+ my $message = $self->parse_request_type($request);
+ my $response = NCIP::Response->new({type => $message . 'Response'});
+ $response->header($self->make_header($request));
+ # We need the copy barcode from the message.
+ my ($item_barcode, $item_idfield) = $self->find_item_barcode($request);
+ if (ref($item_barcode) eq 'NCIP::Problem') {
+ $response->problem($item_barcode);
+ return $response;
+ }
+ # Retrieve the copy details.
+ my $details = $self->retrieve_copy_details_by_barcode($item_barcode);
+ unless ($details) {
+ # Return an Unkown Item problem unless we find the copy.
+ $response->problem(
+ NCIP::Problem->new(
+ {
+ ProblemType => 'Unknown Item',
+ ProblemDetail => "Item with barcode $item_barcode is not known.",
+ ProblemElement => $item_idfield,
+ ProblemValue => $item_barcode
+ }
+ )
+ );
+ return $response;
+ }
+ # User is required for CheckOutItem.
+ my ($user_barcode, $user_idfield) = $self->find_user_barcode($request);
+ if (ref($user_barcode) eq 'NCIP::Problem') {
+ $response->problem($user_barcode);
+ return $response;
+ }
+ my $user = $self->retrieve_user_by_barcode($user_barcode, $user_idfield);
+ if (ref($user) eq 'NCIP::Problem') {
+ $response->problem($user);
+ return $response;
+ }
+ # Isolate the copy.
+ my $copy = $details->{copy};
+ # Check if the copy can circulate.
+ unless ($self->copy_can_circulate($copy)) {
+ $reponse->problem(
+ NCIP::Problem->new(
+ {
+ ProblemType => 'Item Does Not Circulate',
+ ProblemDetail => "Item with barcode $item_barcode does not circulate.",
+ ProblemElement => $item_idfield,
+ ProblemValue => $item_barcode
+ }
+ )
+ );
+ return $response;
+ }
+ # Look for a circulation and examine its information:
+ my $circ = $details->{circ};
+ # Check if the item is already checked out.
+ if ($circ && !$circ->checkin_time()) {
+ $response->problem(
+ NCIP::Problem->new(
+ {
+ ProblemType => 'Item Already Checked Out',
+ ProblemDetail => "Item with barcode $item_barcode is already checked out.",
+ ProblemElement => $item_idfield,
+ ProblemValue => $item_barcode
+ }
+ )
+ );
+ return $response;
+ }
+ # Check if user is blocked from circulation:
+ my $problem = $self->check_user_for_problems($user, 'CIRC');
+ if ($problem) {
+ # Replace the ProblemElement and ProblemValue fields.
+ $problem->ProblemElement($user_idfield);
+ $problem->ProblemValue($user_barcode);
+ $response->problem($problem);
+ return $response;
+ }
+ # Now, we attempt the check out. If it fails, we simply say that
+ # the user is not allowed to check out this item, without getting
+ # into details.
+ my $params = {
+ copy => $copy,
+ patron_id => $user->id(),
+ };
+ my $r = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.circ',
+ 'open-ils.circ.checkout.full.override',
+ $self->{session}->{authtoken},
+ $params
+ )->gather(1);
+ # We only look at the first one, since more than one usually means
+ # failure.
+ if (ref($r) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $r = $r->[0];
+ }
+ if ($r->{textcode} ne 'SUCCESS') {
+ $problem = _problem_from_event('Check Out Failed', $r);
+ $response->problem($problem);
+ } else {
+ my $data = {
+ ItemId => NCIP::Item::Id->new(
+ {
+ AgencyId => $request->{$message}->{ItemId}->{AgencyId},
+ ItemIdentifierType => $request->{$message}->{ItemId}->{ItemIdentifierType},
+ ItemIdentifierValue => $request->{$message}->{ItemId}->{ItemIdentifierValue}
+ }
+ ),
+ UserId => NCIP::User::Id->new(
+ {
+ UserIdentifierType => 'Barcode Id',
+ UserIdentifierValue => $user->card->barcode()
+ }
+ )
+ };
+ # We need to retrieve the copy details again to refresh our
+ # circ information to get the due date.
+ $details = $self->retrieve_copy_details_by_barcode($item_barcode);
+ $circ = $details->{circ};
+ my $due = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime(cleanse_ISO8601($circ->due_date()));
+ $due->set_time_zone('UTC');
+ $data->{DateDue} = $due->iso8601();
+ $response->data($data);
+ }
+ # At some point in the future, we should probably check if
+ # they requested optional user or item elements and return
+ # those. For the time being, we ignore those at the risk of
+ # being considered non-compliant.
+ return $response;
=head2 login
return $aou;
+=head2 retrieve_copy_location
+ $location = $ils->retrieve_copy_location($location_id);
+Retrive a copy location based on id.
+sub retrieve_copy_location {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $location = $U->simplereq(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud',
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.acpl',
+ $self->{session}->{authtoken},
+ $id
+ );
+ return $location;
=head2 create_precat_copy
return undef;
+=head2 copy_can_circulate
+ $can_circulate = $ils->copy_can_circulate($copy);
+Check if the copy's location and the copy itself allow
+circulation. Return true if they do, and false if they do not.
+sub copy_can_circulate {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $copy = shift;
+ my $location = $copy->location();
+ unless (ref($location)) {
+ $location = $self->retrieve_copy_location($location);
+ }
+ return ($U->is_true($copy->circulate()) && $U->is_true($location->circulate()));
+=head2 copy_can_fulfill
+ $can_fulfill = $ils->copy_can_fulfill($copy);
+Check if the copy's location and the copy itself allow
+holds. Return true if they do, and false if they do not.
+sub copy_can_fulfill {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $copy = shift;
+ my $location = $copy->location();
+ unless (ref($location)) {
+ $location = $self->retrieve_copy_location($location);
+ }
+ return ($U->is_true($copy->holdable()) && $U->is_true($location->holdable()));
=head2 find_user_barcode