If the open-ils.collections.users_of_interest API encounters a patron that
has a null "card" value in actor.usr the API will crash with an error like:
Received Exception:
Name: osrfMethodException
Status: *** Call to [open-ils.collections.users_of_interest.retrieve] failed for session [
1416515351406], thread trace [1]:
Can't call method "barcode" on an undefined value at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/OpenILS/Application/Collections.pm line 299.
This patches users_of_interest to be sure that the user has a defined value
for actor.usr.card before proceeding to pull out the barcode for the results
of the API call.
Signed-off-by: Michael Peters <mpeters@emeralddata.net>
id => $u->id,
dob => $u->dob,
profile => $u->profile->name,
- barcode => $u->card ? $u->card->barcode : undef ,
+ barcode => defined($u->card) ? $u->card->barcode : "There is no card for this user",
groups => [ map { $_->name } @{$u->groups} ],