use OpenILS::Event;
use OpenILS::Const qw/:const/;
my $U = "OpenILS::Application::AppUtils";
+use XML::LibXML;
+use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Path;
# --------------------------------------------------------------
return \@data;
+ method => 'user_balance_summary',
+ api_name => 'open-ils.collections.user_balance_summary.generate',
+ api_level => 1,
+ stream => 1,
+ argc => 2,
+ signature => {
+ desc => q/Collect balance information for users in collections. By default,
+ only the total balance owed is calculated. Use the "include_xacts"
+ param to include per-transaction summaries as well./,
+ params => [
+ { name => 'auth',
+ desc => 'The authentication token',
+ type => 'string' },
+ { name => 'args',
+ desc => q/
+ Hash of API arguments. Options include:
+ location -- org unit shortname
+ start_date -- ISO 8601 date. limit to patrons added to collections on or after this date (optional).
+ end_date -- ISO 8601 date. limit to patrons added to collections on or before this date (optional).
+ user_id -- retrieve information only for this user (takes preference over
+ start and end_date). May be a single ID or list of IDs. (optional).
+ include_xacts -- If true, include a summary object per transaction in addition to the full balance owed
+ /,
+ type => q/hash/
+ },
+ ],
+ 'return' => {
+ desc => q/
+ The file name prefix of the file to be created.
+ The file name format will be:
+ user_balance_YYYY-MM-DD_${location}_${start_date}_${end_date}_${user_id}.[tmp|xml]
+ Optional params not provided by the caller will not be part of the file name.
+ Examples:
+ user_balance_BR1_2012-05-25_2012-01-01_2012-12-31 # start and end dates
+ user_balance_BR2_2012-05-25_153244 # user id only.
+ In-process files will have a .tmp suffix
+ Completed files will have a .xml suffix
+ /,
+ type => 'string'
+ }
+ }
+sub user_balance_summary {
+ my ($self, $client, $auth, $args) = @_;
+ my $location = $$args{location};
+ my $start_date = $$args{start_date};
+ my $end_date = $$args{end_date};
+ my $user_id = $$args{user_id};
+ return OpenILS::Event->new('BAD_PARAMS')
+ unless $auth and $location and
+ ($start_date or $end_date or $user_id);
+ my $e = new_editor(authtoken => $auth);
+ return $e->event unless $e->checkauth;
+ my $org = $e->search_actor_org_unit({shortname => $location})->[0]
+ or return $e->event;
+ # they need global perms to view users so no org is provided
+ return $e->event unless $e->allowed('VIEW_USER', $org->id);
+ my $org_list = $U->get_org_descendants($org->id);
+ my ($evt, $file_prefix, $file_name, $FILE) = setup_batch_file('user_balance', $args);
+ $client->respond_complete($evt || $file_prefix);
+ my @user_list;
+ if ($user_id) {
+ @user_list = (ref $user_id eq 'ARRAY') ? @$user_id : ($user_id);
+ } else {
+ # collect the users from the tracker table based on the provided filters
+ my $query = {
+ select => {mct => ['usr']},
+ from => 'mct',
+ where => {location => $org_list}
+ };
+ $query->{where}->{enter_time} = {'>=' => $start_date};
+ $query->{where}->{enter_time} = {'<=' => $end_date};
+ my $users = $e->json_query($query);
+ @user_list = map {$_->{usr}} @$users;
+ }
+ print $FILE "<Collections>\n"; # append to the document as we have data
+ for my $user_id (@user_list) {
+ my $user_doc = XML::LibXML::Document->new;
+ my $root = $user_doc->createElement('User');
+ $user_doc->setDocumentElement($root);
+ my $user = $e->retrieve_actor_user([
+ $user_id, {
+ flesh => 1,
+ flesh_fields => {
+ au => [
+ 'card',
+ 'cards',
+ 'standing_penalties',
+ 'addresses',
+ 'billing_address',
+ 'mailing_address',
+ 'stat_cat_entries'
+ ]
+ }}
+ ]);
+ my $au_doc = $user->toXML({no_virt => 1, skip_fields => {au => ['passwd']}});
+ my $au_node = $au_doc->documentElement;
+ $user_doc->adoptNode($au_node);
+ $root->appendChild($au_node);
+ my $circ_ids = $e->search_action_circulation(
+ {usr => $user_id, circ_lib => $org_list, xact_finish => undef},
+ {idlist => 1}
+ );
+ my $groc_ids = $e->search_money_grocery(
+ {usr => $user_id, billing_location => $org_list, xact_finish => undef},
+ {idlist => 1}
+ );
+ my $res_ids = $e->search_booking_reservation(
+ {usr => $user_id, pickup_lib => $org_list, xact_finish => undef},
+ {idlist => 1}
+ );
+ # get the sum owed an all transactions
+ my $balance = $e->json_query({
+ select => {mbts => [
+ { column => 'balance_owed',
+ transform => 'sum',
+ aggregate => 1
+ }
+ ]},
+ from => 'mbts',
+ where => {id => [@$circ_ids, @$groc_ids, @$res_ids]}
+ })->[0];
+ $balance = $balance ? $balance->{balance_owed} : '0';
+ my $xacts_node = $user_doc->createElement('Transactions');
+ my $balance_node = $user_doc->createElement('BalanceOwed');
+ $balance_node->appendChild($user_doc->createTextNode($balance));
+ $xacts_node->appendChild($balance_node);
+ $root->appendChild($xacts_node);
+ if ($$args{include_xacts}) {
+ my $xacts = $e->search_money_billable_transaction_summary(
+ {id => [@$circ_ids, @$groc_ids, @$res_ids]},
+ {substream => 1}
+ );
+ for my $xact (@$xacts) {
+ my $xact_node = $xact->toXML({no_virt => 1})->documentElement;
+ $user_doc->adoptNode($xact_node);
+ $xacts_node->appendChild($xact_node);
+ }
+ }
+ print $FILE $user_doc->documentElement->toString(1) . "\n";
+ }
+ print $FILE "\n</Collections>";
+ close($FILE);
+ (my $complete_file = $file_name) =~ s|.tmp$|.xml|og;
+ unless (move($file_name, $complete_file)) {
+ $logger->error("collections: unable to move ".
+ "user_balance file $file_name => $complete_file : $@");
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub setup_batch_file {
+ my $prefix = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ my $location = $$args{location};
+ my $start_date = $$args{start_date};
+ my $end_date = $$args{end_date};
+ my $user_id = $$args{user_id};
+ my $conf = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new;
+ my $dir_name = $conf->config_value(apps =>
+ 'open-ils.collections' => app_settings => 'batch_file_dir');
+ if (!$dir_name) {
+ $logger->error("collections: no batch_file_dir directory configured");
+ return OpenILS::Event->new('COLLECTIONS_FILE_ERROR');
+ }
+ unless (-e $dir_name) {
+ eval { mkpath($dir_name); };
+ if ($@) {
+ $logger->error("collections: unable to create batch_file_dir directory $dir_name : $@");
+ return OpenILS::Event->new('COLLECTIONS_FILE_ERROR');
+ }
+ }
+ my $file_prefix = "${prefix}_" . DateTime->now->strftime('%F') . "_$location";
+ $file_prefix .= "_$start_date" if $start_date;
+ $file_prefix .= "_$end_date" if $end_date;
+ $file_prefix .= "_$user_id" if $user_id;
+ my $FILE;
+ my $file_name = File::Spec->catfile($dir_name, "$file_prefix.tmp");
+ unless (open($FILE, '>', $file_name)) {
+ $logger->error("collections: unable to open user_balance_summary file $file_name : $@");
+ return OpenILS::Event->new('COLLECTIONS_FILE_ERROR');
+ }
+ return (undef, $file_prefix, $file_name, $FILE);
sub flesh_payment {
my $e = shift;
my $p = shift;