my $cache;
my $cache_timeout;
my $default_url_base; # Default resolver location
+my $resolver_type; # Default resolver type
our ($ua, $parser);
"apps", "open-ils.resolver", "app_settings", "cache_timeout" ) || 300;
$default_url_base = $sclient->config_value(
"apps", "open-ils.resolver", "app_settings", "default_url_base");
+ $resolver_type = $sclient->config_value(
+ "apps", "open-ils.resolver", "app_settings", "resolver_type");
sub child_init {
my $id_value = shift; # the normalized ISSN or ISBN
my $url_base = shift || $default_url_base;
+ if ($resolver_type eq 'cufts') {
+ return cufts_holdings($self,$conn,$id_type,$id_value,$url_base);
+ } else {
+ return sfx_holdings($self,$conn,$id_type,$id_value,$url_base);
+ }
+sub cufts_holdings{
+ my $self = $_[0];
+ my $conn = $_[1];
+ my $id_type = $_[2];
+ my $id_value = $_[3];
+ my $url_base = $_[4];
+ # We'll use this in our cache key
+ my $method = $self->api_name;
+ # We might want to return raw JSON for speedier responses
+ my $format = 'fieldmapper';
+ if ($self->api_name =~ /raw$/) {
+ $format = 'raw';
+ }
+ # Nice little CUFTS OpenURL request
+ my $url_args = '?';
+ if ($id_type eq 'issn') {
+ $url_args .= "&issn=$id_value";
+ } elsif ($id_type eq 'isbn') {
+ $url_args .= "&isbn=$id_value";
+ }
+ my $ckey = $prefix . $method . $url_base . $id_type . $id_value;
+ # Check the cache to see if we've already looked this up
+ # If we have, shortcut our return value
+ my $result = $cache->get_cache($ckey) || undef;
+ if ($result) {
+ $logger->info("Resolver found a cache hit");
+ return $result;
+ }
+ # Otherwise, let's go and grab the info from the CUFTS server
+ my $req = HTTP::Request->new('GET', "$url_base$url_args");
+ # Let's see what we we're trying to request
+ $logger->info("Resolving the following request: $url_base$url_args");
+ my $res = $ua->request($req);
+ my $xml = $res->content;
+ my $parsed_cufts = $parser->parse_string($xml);
+ my (@targets) = $parsed_cufts->findnodes('/CUFTS/resource/service[@name="journal"]');
+ my @cufts_result;
+ foreach my $target (@targets) {
+ my %full_txt;
+ # Ensure we have a name and especially URL to return
+ $full_txt{'name'} = $target->findvalue('../@name[1]');
+ $full_txt{'url'} = $target->findvalue('./result/url') || next;
+ $full_txt{'coverage'} = $target->findvalue('./result/ft_start_date') . ' - ' . $target->findvalue('./result/ft_end_date');
+ my $embargo = "";
+ my $days_embargo = $target->findvalue('./result/embargo_days') || '';
+ if (length($days_embargo) > 0) {
+ $days_embargo = $days_embargo . " days ";
+ }
+ my $months_embargo = $target->findvalue('./result/embargo_months') || '';
+ if (length($months_embargo) > 0) {
+ $months_embargo = $months_embargo . " months ";
+ }
+ my $years_embargo = $target->findvalue('./result/embargo_years') || '';
+ if (length($years_embargo) > 0) {
+ $years_embargo = $years_embargo . " years ";
+ }
+ if (length($years_embargo . $months_embargo . $days_embargo) > 0) {
+ $embargo = "(most recent " . $years_embargo . $months_embargo . $days_embargo . "unavailable due to publisher restrictions)";
+ }
+ $full_txt{'embargo'} = $embargo;
+ if ($format eq 'raw') {
+ push @cufts_result, {
+ public_name => $full_txt{'name'},
+ target_url => $full_txt{'url'},
+ target_coverage => $full_txt{'coverage'},
+ target_embargo => $full_txt{'embargo'},
+ };
+ } else {
+ my $rhr = Fieldmapper::resolver::holdings_record->new;
+ $rhr->public_name($full_txt{'name'});
+ $rhr->target_url($full_txt{'url'});
+ $rhr->target_coverage($full_txt{'coverage'});
+ $rhr->target_embargo($full_txt{'embargo'});
+ push @cufts_result, $rhr;
+ }
+ }
+ # Stuff this into the cache
+ $cache->put_cache($ckey, \@cufts_result, $cache_timeout);
+ # Don't return the list unless it contains results
+ if (scalar(@cufts_result)) {
+ return \@cufts_result;
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub sfx_holdings{
+ my $self = $_[0];
+ my $conn = $_[1];
+ my $id_type = $_[2];
+ my $id_value = $_[3];
+ my $url_base = $_[4];
# We'll use this in our cache key
my $method = $self->api_name;