return {'num_items_received' => scalar @$items, 'new_unit_id' => $new_unit_id};
+sub _find_or_create_call_number {
+ my ($e, $lib, $cn_string, $record) = @_;
+ my $existing = $e->search_asset_call_number({
+ "owning_lib" => $lib,
+ "label" => $cn_string,
+ "record" => $record,
+ "deleted" => "f"
+ }) or return $e->die_event;
+ if (@$existing) {
+ return $existing->[0]->id;
+ } else {
+ return $e->die_event unless
+ $e->allowed("CREATE_VOLUME", $lib);
+ my $acn = new Fieldmapper::asset::call_number;
+ $acn->creator($e->requestor->id);
+ $acn->editor($e->requestor->id);
+ $acn->record($record);
+ $acn->label($cn_string);
+ $acn->owning_lib($lib);
+ $e->create_asset_call_number($acn) or return $e->die_event;
+ return $e->data->id;
+ }
"method" => "receive_items_one_unit_per",
"api_name" => "open-ils.serial.receive_items.one_unit_per",
+ # Treat call number specially: the provided value from the
+ # user will really be a string.
if ($user_unit->call_number) {
- # call_number passed in will actually be a string representing
- # a call_number label, not an actual acn object or even an ID.
- # Therefore we must lookup the call_number requested, or
- # create a new one if it does not exist for the given lib.
- my $existing = $e->search_asset_call_number({
- "owning_lib" => $sdist->holding_lib->id,
- "label" => $user_unit->call_number,
- "record" => $record,
- "deleted" => "f"
- }) or return $e->die_event;
- if (@$existing) {
- $user_unit->call_number($existing->[0]->id);
- } else {
- return $e->die_event unless
- $e->allowed("CREATE_VOLUME", $sdist->holding_lib->id);
- my $acn = new Fieldmapper::asset::call_number;
- $acn->creator($user_id);
- $acn->editor($user_id);
- $acn->record($record);
- $acn->label($user_unit->call_number);
- $acn->owning_lib($sdist->holding_lib->id);
- $e->create_asset_call_number($acn) or return $e->die_event;
+ my $real_cn = _find_or_create_call_number(
+ $e, $sdist->holding_lib->id,
+ $user_unit->call_number, $record
+ );
- $user_unit->call_number($e->data->id);
+ if ($U->event_code($real_cn)) {
+ $e->rollback;
+ return $real_cn;
+ } else {
+ $user_unit->call_number($real_cn);
openils.Util.removeCSSClass(e, "hideme");
+function hide_table_cell(e) {
+ if (typeof(e) == "string") e = dojo.byId(e);
+ = "none";
+ = "hidden";
+function show_table_cell(e) {
+ if (typeof(e) == "string") e = dojo.byId(e);
+ = "table-cell";
+ = "visible";
function busy(on) {
if (typeof(busy._window) == "undefined")
busy._window = dojo.query("window")[0];
dojo.query("textbox,menulist", row).forEach(
function(element) { element.disabled = disabled; }
+ this._row_disabled(row, disabled);
- this._row_disabled = function(row) {
+ this._row_disabled = function(row, disabled) {
if (typeof(row) == "string") row = this.rows[row];
- return !dojo.query("checkbox", row)[0].checked;
+ var checkbox = dojo.query("checkbox", row)[0];
+ if (typeof(disabled) != "undefined")
+ checkbox.checked = !disabled;
+ return !checkbox.checked;
this._row_field_value = function(row, field, value) {
this._call_number_confirm_for_lib = function(lib, value) {
- /* XXX Right now, this method will ask the user if they're serious if
- * they apply an _existing_ (somewhere) call number to an item
- * going to a library where that call number _doesn't_ exist,but it
- * won't say anything if the user enters a brand new call number.
- * This may not be ideal, and can be reworked later. */
if (!this._has_confirmed_cn_for)
this._has_confirmed_cn_for = {};
list.forEach(function(o) {self.add_entry_row(o);});
- if (list.length > 1) {
- self.build_batch_entry_row();
- show("batch_receive_entry");
- }
+ self.build_batch_entry_row();
+ dojo.byId("batch_receive_with_units").doCommand();
+ show("batch_receive_entry");
} else {
+ this.toggle_receive_with_units = function(ev) {
+ var head_row = dojo.byId("batch_receive_entry_thead");
+ var batch_row = dojo.byId("entry_batch_row");
+ var fields = [
+ "barcode", "call_number", "price", "location", "circ_modifier"
+ ];
+ var table_cell_func = ?
+ show_table_cell : hide_table_cell;
+ fields.forEach(
+ function(key) {
+ if (batch_row) table_cell_func(node_by_name(key, batch_row));
+ if (head_row) table_cell_func(node_by_name(key, head_row));
+ for (var id in self.rows) {
+ table_cell_func(node_by_name(key, self.rows[id]));
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ if (! {
+ /* XXX As of the time of this writing, a blank barcode field will
+ * avoid unit creation */
+ this._set_all_enabled_rows("barcode", "");
+ }
+ };
this.toggle_all_receive = function(checked) {
- for (var id in this.rows)
+ for (var id in this.rows) {
this._disable_row(id, !checked);
+ }
this.build_batch_entry_row = function() {
} else if (!confirmed_missing_units) {
- if (confirm(S("missing_units"))) {
+ if (
+ (!dojo.byId("batch_receive_with_units").checked) ||
+ confirm(S("missing_units"))
+ ) {
confirmed_missing_units = true;
} else {
<vbox id="batch_receive_entry" class="hideme">
<box class="hideme" id="form_holder">
<!-- XXX should be a XUL grid instead of an HTML table -->
- <h:table>
+ <h:table id="batch_receive_entry_thead">
- <h:th>
+ <h:th name="barcode">
- <h:th>
+ <h:th name="circ_modifier">
- <h:th>
+ <h:th name="call_number">
- <h:th>
+ <h:th name="location">
- <h:th>
+ <h:th name="price">
<button oncommand="batch_receiver.init();"
accesskey="&staff.serial.batch_receive.start_over.accesskey;" />
- <!-- coming soon
<spacer flex="1" />
- <checkbox oncommand="batch_receiver.toggle_receive_with_units(event);"
+ <checkbox
+ id="batch_receive_with_units"
+ oils_persist="checked"
+ oncommand="batch_receiver.toggle_receive_with_units(event);"
accesskey="&staff.serial.batch_receive.with_units.accesskey;" />
- -->