my $self = shift;
my $xmldoc = shift;
if ($xmldoc) {
- my $root = $xmldoc->documentElement();
- my $xpc = $self->xpc();
- my $itemid =
- $xpc->findnodes( '//ns:ItemId/ItemIdentifierValue', $root );
+ my $root = $xmldoc->documentElement();
+ my $xpc = $self->xpc();
+ my $itemid = $xpc->find( '//ns:ItemIdentifierValue', $root );
my ($action) = $xpc->findnodes( '//ns:RequestedActionType', $root );
my ($request) = $xpc->findnodes( '//ns:RequestId', $root );
my $requestagency = $xpc->find( 'ns:AgencyId', $request );
- my $requestid = $xpc->find( '//ns:RequestIdentifierValue', $request );
+ my $requestid = $xpc->find( '//ns:RequestIdentifierValue', $request );
+ my $borrowerid = $xpc->find( '//ns:UserIdentifierValue', $root );
+ if ($action) {
+ $action = $action->textContent();
+ }
+ my $iteminfo = $xpc->find( '//ns:ItemOptionalFields', $root );
+ my $itemdata = {};
+ if ( $iteminfo->[0] ) {
+# populate a hashref with bibliographic data, we need this to create an item
+# (this could be moved up to eventually as CreateItem will need this also)
+ my $bibliographic =
+ $xpc->find( '//ns:BibliographicDescription', $iteminfo->[0] );
+ my $title = $xpc->find( '//ns:Title', $bibliographic->[0] );
+ if ( $title->[0] ) {
+ $itemdata->{title} = $title->[0]->textContent();
+ }
+ my $author = $xpc->find( '//ns:Author', $bibliographic->[0] );
+ if ( $author->[0] ) {
+ $itemdata->{author} = $author->[0]->textContent();
+ }
+ my $date =
+ $xpc->find( '//ns:PublicationDate', $bibliographic->[0] );
+ if ( $date->[0] ) {
+ $itemdata->{publicationdate} = $date->[0]->textContent();
+ }
+ my $publisher = $xpc->find( '//ns:Publisher', $bibliographic->[0] );
+ if ( $publisher->[0] ) {
+ $itemdata->{publisher} = $publisher->[0]->textContent();
+ }
+ my $medium = $xpc->find( '//ns:Mediumtype', $bibliographic->[0] );
+ if ( $medium->[0] ) {
+ $itemdata->{mediumtype} = $medium->[0]->textContent();
+ }
+ }
# accept the item
- my $accepted = $self->ils->acceptitem($itemid);
+ my $create = 0;
+ my ( $from, $to ) = $self->get_agencies($xmldoc);
+# Autographics workflow is for an accept item to create the item then do what is in $action
+ if ( $from->[0]->textContent() =~ /CPomAG/ ) {
+ $create = 1;
+ }
+ my $accepted =
+ $self->ils->acceptitem( $itemid, $borrowerid, $action, $create,
+ $itemdata );
my $output;
my $vars;
- my ( $from, $to ) = $self->get_agencies($xmldoc);
# we switch these for the templates
# because we are responding, to becomes from, from becomes to
my $elements = $self->get_user_elements($xmldoc);
$vars->{'requestagency'} = $requestagency;
$vars->{'requestid'} = $requestid;
+ $vars->{'newbarcode'} = $accepted->{'newbarcode'} || $itemid;
$vars->{'elements'} = $elements;
$vars->{'accept'} = $accepted;
$output = $self->render_output( '', $vars );
use Modern::Perl;
use Object::Tiny qw{ name };
+use MARC::Record;
+use MARC::Field;
use C4::Members qw{ GetMemberDetails };
use C4::Circulation qw { AddReturn CanBookBeIssued AddIssue };
use C4::Context;
use C4::Items qw { GetItem };
use C4::Reserves qw {CanBookBeReserved AddReserve GetReservesFromItemnumber};
+use C4::Biblio qw {AddBiblio GetMarcFromKohaField};
+use C4::Barcodes::ValueBuilder;
+use C4::Items qw{AddItem};
sub itemdata {
my $self = shift;
sub acceptitem {
- my $self = shift;
- my $barcode = shift;
+ my $self = shift || die "Not called as a method, we must bail out";
+ my $barcode = shift || die "No barcode passed can not continue";
+ my $user = shift;
+ my $action = shift;
+ my $create = shift;
+ my $iteminfo = shift;
my $result;
+ $self->userenv(); # set userenvironment
+ my ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber );
+ if ($create) {
+ my $record;
+ my $frameworkcode = 'FA'; # we should get this from config
+ warn "Create yo";
+ warn $iteminfo->{title};
+ # we must make the item first
+ # Autographics workflow is to make the item each time
+ if ( C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC' ) {
+ # TODO
+ }
+ elsif ( C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') eq 'NORMARC' ) {
+ }
+ else {
+ # MARC21
+ # create a marc record
+ $record = MARC::Record->new();
+ $record->leader(' nac 22 1u 4500');
+ $record->insert_fields_ordered(
+ MARC::Field->new( '100', '1', '0', 'a' => $iteminfo->{author} ),
+ MARC::Field->new( '245', '1', '0', 'a' => $iteminfo->{title} ),
+ MARC::Field->new(
+ '260', '1', '0',
+ 'b' => $iteminfo->{publisher},
+ 'c' => $iteminfo->{publicationdate}
+ ),
+ MARC::Field->new(
+ '942', '1', '0', 'c' => $iteminfo->{mediumtype}
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber ) =
+ AddBiblio( $record, $frameworkcode );
+ my $itemnumber;
+ my %args;
+ ( $args{tag}, $args{subfield} ) =
+ GetMarcFromKohaField( "items.barcode", '' );
+ my ( $nextnum, $scr ) =
+ C4::Barcodes::ValueBuilder::incremental::get_barcode( \%args );
+ my $item = { 'barcode' => $nextnum };
+ ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, $itemnumber ) =
+ AddItem( $item, $biblionumber );
+ $barcode = $nextnum;
+ }
# find hold and get branch for that, check in there
my $itemdata = GetItem( undef, $barcode );
+ warn $itemdata->{'itemnumber'};
my ( $reservedate, $borrowernumber, $branchcode, $reserve_id, $wait ) =
GetReservesFromItemnumber( $itemdata->{'itemnumber'} );
- unless ($reserve_id) {
- $result = { success => 0, messages => { NO_HOLD => 1 } };
- return $result;
+ warn "barcode $barcode";
+ # now we have to check the requested action
+ if ( $action =~ /^Hold For Pickup And Notify/ ) {
+ unless ($reserve_id) {
+ $branchcode = 'AS'; # set this properly
+ # no reserve, place one
+ if ($user) {
+ my $borrower = GetMemberDetails( undef, $user );
+ if ($borrower) {
+ AddReserve(
+ $branchcode,
+ $borrower->{'borrowernumber'},
+ $biblionumber,
+ 'a',
+ [$biblioitemnumber],
+ 1,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ 'Placed By ILL',
+ '',
+ $itemdata->{'itemnumber'},
+ undef
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $result =
+ { success => 0, messages => { NO_BORROWER => 1 } };
+ return $result;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $result =
+ { success => 0, messages => { NO_HOLD_BORROWER => 1 } };
+ return $result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ unless ($reserve_id) {
+ $result = { success => 0, messages => { NO_HOLD => 1 } };
+ return $result;
+ }
my ( $success, $messages, $issue, $borrower ) =
AddReturn( $barcode, $branchcode, undef, undef );
success => $success,
messages => $messages,
iteminformation => $issue,
- borrower => $borrower
+ borrower => $borrower,
+ newbarcode => $barcode
return $result;