* xref:templates.adoc[Work with the Handlebars Templates]
* xref:stylesheets.adoc[Work with the CSS Stylesheets]
* xref:style-guide.adoc[UI Element Styles]
-** xref:inline-text-styles.adoc[Inline Text Styles]
+** xref:inline-text-styles.adoc[Inline Text]
In the default UI, the italic fonts (`font-style: italic`) loaded by the typeface stylesheets are applied to inline text enclosed in `<em>`.
+== Monospace text
+Technical content often requires text to be styled in a way that indicates it is a command or source code.
+Such text is usually emphasized using a fixed-width, i.e., monospace, font.
+Consequentially, how xref:antora:asciidoc:monospace.adoc[inline monospace text] is displayed depends on the fixed-width font loaded by your UI and any CSS styles it applies to the `<code>` HTML tag.
+<p>A monospace <code>word</code>, and a <code>monospace phrase</code>.</p>
+In the default UI, the `code` element, specified in [.path]_css/base.css_, uses a fixed-width font which is loaded by a corresponding typeface stylesheet.