"CREATE_BRESV_LOCAL_ERROR": "Exception trying to create reservation: ",
"CREATE_BRESV_SERVER_ERROR": "Server error trying to create reservation: ",
"CREATE_BRESV_SERVER_NO_RESPONSE": "No response from server after trying to create reservation.",
- "CREATE_BRESV_OK_MISSING_TARGET": function(n, m) {
- return "Created " + n + " reservation(s), but " + m + " of these " +
- "couldn't target any resources.\n\n" +
- "This means that it won't be possible to fulfill some of these\n" +
- "reservations until a suitable resource becomes available.";
- },
- "CREATE_BRESV_OK": function(n) {
- return "Created " + n + " reservation" + (n == 1 ? "" : "s") + ".";
- },
+ "CREATE_BRESV_OK_MISSING_TARGET": "Created ${0} reservation(s), but ${1} of these couldn't target any resources.\n\nThis means that it won't be possible to fulfill some of these\nreservations until a suitable resource becomes available.",
+ "CREATE_BRESV_OK": "Created ${0} reservation.",
+ "CREATE_BRESV_OK_PLURAL": "Created ${0} reservations",
"WHERES_THE_BARCODE": "Enter a patron's barcode to make a reservation.",
"ACTOR_CARD_NOT_FOUND": "Patron barcode not found. Please try again.",
"GET_BRESV_LIST_ERR": "Error while retrieving reservation list: ",
"HERE_ARE_EXISTING_BRESV": "Existing reservations for",
"NO_EXISTING_BRESV": "This user has no existing reservations at this time.",
"NO_USABLE_BRSRC": "No reservable resources. Adjust start and end time\nuntil a resource is available for reservation.",
- "CXL_BRESV_SUCCESS": function(n) {
- return ("Canceled " + n + " reservation" + (n == 1 ? "" : "s") + ".");
- },
+ "CXL_BRESV_SUCCESS": "Canceled ${0} reservation.",
+ "CXL_BRESV_SUCCESS_PLURAL": "Canceled ${0} reservations",
"CXL_BRESV_FAILURE": "Error canceling reservations; server silent.",
"CXL_BRESV_FAILURE2": "Error canceling reservations:\n",
"CXL_BRESV_SELECT_SOMETHING": "You have not selected any reservations to cancel.",