When you login to Evergreen from the workstation for the first time, you will
also need to <<register_workstation,register your workstation>>.
-Installing on Linux
+Installing on Linux
-Installation instructions for Linux.
indexterm:[staff client, installation, Linux]
-Using Wine and the Windows client
-indexterm:[staff client, installation, Wine]
-One of th easiest ways to run a staff client on a Linux machine is to use the
-Windows client with Wine.
-. Install http://www.winehq.org/download/[Wine] on your Linux machine.
-. Download the staff client from http://www.open-ils.org/downloads.php.
-. Right click on the downloaded file and open with _Wine Windows
-Program Loader_.
-. Follow the same instructions as you would for
-<<installing_staff_client_on_Windows, installing the staff client on windows>>.
-Building and Deploying an Evergreen Staff Client on Linux
-indexterm:[staff client, building, Linux]
-. From the Evergreen *server*, Navigate to the staff_client directory:
+. On the Evergreen *server*, navigate to the `staff_client` directory inside
+ the Evergreen source:
[source, bash]
-cd /home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-2.3.3/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client
-. _Make_ a linux staff client
+cd /path/to/Evergreen/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client
+. As the *root* user, build release versions of staff clients for both
+ 32-bit and 64-bit Linux systems:
[source, bash]
-make linux-client
-This will generate a staff client tarball called
-. FTP or SCP the tarball to your staff client
-. From your staff client machine, create a folder with the name of
-your staff client and version.
-. Extract the tar files into that folder
-. Within the folder, click on the _evergreen_ file to start the program.
+make rigrelease rebuild linux32-updates-client linux64-updates-client
+This builds and copies two staff client tarballs for Linux to the `updates`
+directory on the Web server.
+. As the *root* user, reset the ownership of the Evergreen install directory
+ to the *opensrf* user. For example, if your install directory is `/openils`:
+[source, bash]
+chown -R opensrf:opensrf /openils
+. On your staff client workstation, download the 32-bit or 64-bit version of
+ the staff client from your Web server at
+ http://hostname/updates/manualupdate.html (where _hostname_ represents the
+ hostname of your Web server).
+. On your staff client workstation, create a directory with the name of your
+ staff client and version.
+. Extract the tar files into that directory.
+. Within the directory, click on the `evergreen` file to start the program.
Or, you can run the program from a terminal (command line). For example, if the
-evergreen files were extracted to a directory called evergreen_client_2.3.3 in
-your home directory, you can run it with:
+staff client files were extracted to a directory called `evergreen_client` in
+your home directory, you can run it with:
[source, bash]
Registering a Workstation