return openils.Util.objectProperties(o);
+ /**
+ * Highlight instances of each pattern in the given DOM node
+ * Inspired by the jquery plugin
+ *
+ */
+ openils.Util.hilightNode = function(node, patterns, args) {
+ var hclass = (args && args.classname) ? args.classname : 'oils-hightlight';
+ function _hilightNode(node, pat) {
+ if(node.nodeType == 3) {
+ pat = pat.toUpperCase();
+ var text =;
+ var pos = -1;
+ // find each instance of pat in the current node
+ while( (pos = text.indexOf(pat, pos + 1)) >= 0 ) {
+ var wrapper = dojo.create('span', {className : hclass});
+ var midnode = node.splitText(pos);
+ midnode.splitText(pat.length);
+ wrapper.appendChild(midnode.cloneNode(true));
+ midnode.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapper, midnode);
+ }
+ } else if(node.nodeType == 1 && node.childNodes[0]) {
+ // not a text node? have you checked the children?
+ dojo.forEach(
+ node.childNodes,
+ function(child) { _hilightNode(child, pat); }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // descend the tree for each pattern, since nodes are changed during highlighting
+ dojo.forEach(patterns, function(pat) { _hilightNode(node, pat); });
+ };