this.itemCircsNeeded = [];
+ // Track vol IDs for the current fetch so we can prune
+ // any that were deleted in an out-of-band update.
+ const volsFetched: number[] = [];
{ record: this.recordId,
{authoritative: true}
- callNum => this.appendCallNum(callNum),
+ callNum => {
+ this.appendCallNum(callNum);
+ volsFetched.push(callNum.id());
+ },
err => {},
() => {
this.refreshHoldings = false;
+ this.pruneVols(volsFetched);
ok => this.flattenHoldingsTree(observer)
+ // Remove vols that were deleted out-of-band, via edit, merge, etc.
+ pruneVols(volsFetched: number[]) {
+ const toRemove: number[] = []; // avoid modifying mid-loop
+ Object.keys(this.treeNodeCache.callNum).forEach(volId => {
+ const id = Number(volId);
+ if (!volsFetched.includes(id)) {
+ toRemove.push(id);
+ }
+ });
+ if (toRemove.length === 0) { return; }
+ const pruneNodes = (node: HoldingsTreeNode) => {
+ if (node.nodeType === 'callNum' &&
+ toRemove.includes(node.target.id())) {
+ console.debug('pruning deleted vol:', node.target.id());
+ // Remove this node from the parents list of children
+ node.parentNode.children =
+ node.parentNode.children.filter(
+ c => c.target.id() !== node.target.id());
+ } else {
+ node.children.forEach(c => pruneNodes(c));
+ }
+ };
+ // remove from cache
+ toRemove.forEach(volId => delete this.treeNodeCache.callNum[volId]);
+ // remove from tree
+ pruneNodes(this.holdingsTree.root);
+ // refresh tree / grid
+ this.holdingsGrid.reload();
+ }
// Retrieve circulation objects for checked out items.
fetchCircs(): Promise<any> {
const copyIds = this.itemCircsNeeded.map(copy => copy.id());
if (callNumNode) {
const pNode = this.treeNodeCache.org[callNum.owning_lib()];
if (callNumNode.parentNode.target.id() !== pNode.target.id()) {
- // Call number owning library changed. Un-link it from the
- // previous org unit collection before adding to the new one.
- // XXX TODO: ^--
callNumNode.parentNode = pNode;