(193, 'group_application.user.staff.acq', oils_i18n_gettext(193, 'Allows a user to add/remove/edit users in the "ACQ" group', 'ppl', 'description')),
(194, 'CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER', oils_i18n_gettext(194, 'Allows a user to create a purchase order', 'ppl', 'description')),
(195, 'VIEW_PURCHASE_ORDER', oils_i18n_gettext(195, 'Allows a user to view a purchase order', 'ppl', 'description')),
- (196, 'IMPORT_ACQ_LINEITEM_BIB_RECORD', oils_i18n_gettext(196, 'Allows a user to import a bib record from the acq staging area (on-order record) into the ILS bib data set', 'ppl', 'description'));
+ (196, 'IMPORT_ACQ_LINEITEM_BIB_RECORD', oils_i18n_gettext(196, 'Allows a user to import a bib record from the acq staging area (on-order record) into the ILS bib data set', 'ppl', 'description')),
+ (197, 'RECEIVE_PURCHASE_ORDER', oils_i18n_gettext(197, 'Allows a user to mark a purchase order, lineitem, or individual copy as received', 'ppl', 'description'));
SELECT SETVAL('permission.perm_list_id_seq'::TEXT, (SELECT MAX(id) FROM permission.perm_list));