LP#1379815: Stamping upgrade scripts for vandelay stat cat import
authorBen Shum <bshum@biblio.org>
Wed, 19 Aug 2015 16:17:17 +0000 (12:17 -0400)
committerBen Shum <bshum@biblio.org>
Wed, 19 Aug 2015 16:17:39 +0000 (12:17 -0400)
Signed-off-by: Ben Shum <bshum@biblio.org>
Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0928.function.vandelay-oils_xpath_tag_to_table.sql [new file with mode: 0644]
Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0929.schema.vandelay-stat-cat-import.sql [new file with mode: 0644]
Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.function.vandelay-oils_xpath_tag_to_table.sql [deleted file]
Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/YYYY.schema.vandelay-stat-cat-import.sql [deleted file]

index 3b00fb8..209df2d 100644 (file)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ CREATE TRIGGER no_overlapping_deps
     BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON config.db_patch_dependencies
     FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.array_overlap_check ('deprecates');
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('0927', :eg_version); -- dbwells/csharp/bshum
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('0929', :eg_version); -- dbwells/remington/bshum
 CREATE TABLE config.bib_source (
        id              SERIAL  PRIMARY KEY,
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0928.function.vandelay-oils_xpath_tag_to_table.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0928.function.vandelay-oils_xpath_tag_to_table.sql
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9796f8d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0928', :eg_version);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION oils_xpath_tag_to_table(marc text, tag text, xpaths text[]) RETURNS SETOF record AS $function$
+-- This function currently populates columns with the FIRST matching value
+-- of each XPATH.  It would be reasonable to add a 'return_arrays' option
+-- where each column is an array of all matching values for each path, but
+-- that remains as a TODO
+    field RECORD;
+    output RECORD;
+    select_list TEXT[];
+    from_list TEXT[];
+    q TEXT;
+    -- setup query select
+    FOR i IN 1 .. ARRAY_UPPER(xpaths,1) LOOP
+        IF xpaths[i] = 'null()' THEN
+            select_list := ARRAY_APPEND(select_list, 'NULL::TEXT AS c_' || i );
+        ELSE
+            select_list := ARRAY_APPEND(select_list, '(oils_xpath(' ||
+                quote_literal(
+                    CASE
+                        WHEN xpaths[i] ~ $re$/[^/[]*@[^/]+$$re$ -- attribute
+                            OR xpaths[i] ~ $re$text\(\)$$re$
+                        THEN xpaths[i]
+                        ELSE xpaths[i] || '//text()'
+                    END
+                ) || ', field_marc))[1] AS cl_' || i);
+                -- hardcoded to first value for each path
+        END IF;
+    END LOOP;
+    -- run query over tag set
+    q := 'SELECT ' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(select_list, ',')
+        || ' FROM UNNEST(oils_xpath(' || quote_literal('//*[@tag="' || tag
+        || '"]') || ', ' || quote_literal(marc) || ')) AS field_marc;';
+    --RAISE NOTICE '%', q;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0929.schema.vandelay-stat-cat-import.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0929.schema.vandelay-stat-cat-import.sql
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e475366
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('0929', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES (
+    'import.item.invalid.stat_cat_format', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.stat_cat_format', 'Bad format for stat cat data, should be like: CAT 1|VALUE 1', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES (
+    'import.item.invalid.stat_cat_data', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.stat_cat_data', 'Invalid stat cat data', 'vie', 'description') );
+ALTER TABLE vandelay.import_item_attr_definition
+    ADD COLUMN stat_cat_data TEXT;
+ALTER TABLE vandelay.import_item
+    ADD COLUMN stat_cat_data TEXT;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.ingest_items ( import_id BIGINT, attr_def_id BIGINT ) RETURNS SETOF vandelay.import_item AS $$
+    owning_lib      TEXT;
+    circ_lib        TEXT;
+    call_number     TEXT;
+    copy_number     TEXT;
+    status          TEXT;
+    location        TEXT;
+    circulate       TEXT;
+    deposit         TEXT;
+    deposit_amount  TEXT;
+    ref             TEXT;
+    holdable        TEXT;
+    price           TEXT;
+    barcode         TEXT;
+    circ_modifier   TEXT;
+    circ_as_type    TEXT;
+    alert_message   TEXT;
+    opac_visible    TEXT;
+    pub_note        TEXT;
+    priv_note       TEXT;
+    internal_id     TEXT;
+    stat_cat_data   TEXT;
+    attr_def        RECORD;
+    tmp_attr_set    RECORD;
+    attr_set        vandelay.import_item%ROWTYPE;
+    xpaths          TEXT[];
+    tmp_str         TEXT;
+    SELECT * INTO attr_def FROM vandelay.import_item_attr_definition WHERE id = attr_def_id;
+        attr_set.definition := attr_def.id;
+        -- Build the combined XPath
+        owning_lib :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.owning_lib IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.owning_lib ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.owning_lib || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.owning_lib
+            END;
+        circ_lib :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.circ_lib IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circ_lib ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.circ_lib || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.circ_lib
+            END;
+        call_number :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.call_number IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.call_number ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.call_number || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.call_number
+            END;
+        copy_number :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.copy_number IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.copy_number ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.copy_number || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.copy_number
+            END;
+        status :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.status IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.status ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.status || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.status
+            END;
+        location :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.location IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.location ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.location || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.location
+            END;
+        circulate :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.circulate IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circulate ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.circulate || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.circulate
+            END;
+        deposit :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.deposit IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.deposit ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.deposit || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.deposit
+            END;
+        deposit_amount :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.deposit_amount IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.deposit_amount ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.deposit_amount || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.deposit_amount
+            END;
+        ref :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.ref IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.ref ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.ref || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.ref
+            END;
+        holdable :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.holdable IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.holdable ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.holdable || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.holdable
+            END;
+        price :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.price IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.price ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.price || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.price
+            END;
+        barcode :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.barcode IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.barcode ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.barcode || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.barcode
+            END;
+        circ_modifier :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.circ_modifier IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circ_modifier ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.circ_modifier || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.circ_modifier
+            END;
+        circ_as_type :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.circ_as_type IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circ_as_type ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.circ_as_type || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.circ_as_type
+            END;
+        alert_message :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.alert_message IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.alert_message ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.alert_message || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.alert_message
+            END;
+        opac_visible :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.opac_visible IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.opac_visible ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.opac_visible || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.opac_visible
+            END;
+        pub_note :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.pub_note IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.pub_note ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.pub_note || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.pub_note
+            END;
+        priv_note :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.priv_note IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.priv_note ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.priv_note || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.priv_note
+            END;
+        internal_id :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.internal_id IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.internal_id ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.internal_id || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.internal_id
+            END;
+        stat_cat_data :=
+            CASE
+                WHEN attr_def.stat_cat_data IS NULL THEN 'null()'
+                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.stat_cat_data ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.stat_cat_data || '"]'
+                ELSE '*' || attr_def.stat_cat_data
+            END;
+        xpaths := ARRAY[owning_lib, circ_lib, call_number, copy_number, status, location, circulate,
+                        deposit, deposit_amount, ref, holdable, price, barcode, circ_modifier, circ_as_type,
+                        alert_message, pub_note, priv_note, internal_id, stat_cat_data, opac_visible];
+        FOR tmp_attr_set IN
+                SELECT  *
+                  FROM  oils_xpath_tag_to_table( (SELECT marc FROM vandelay.queued_bib_record WHERE id = import_id), attr_def.tag, xpaths)
+                            AS t( ol TEXT, clib TEXT, cn TEXT, cnum TEXT, cs TEXT, cl TEXT, circ TEXT,
+                                  dep TEXT, dep_amount TEXT, r TEXT, hold TEXT, pr TEXT, bc TEXT, circ_mod TEXT,
+                                  circ_as TEXT, amessage TEXT, note TEXT, pnote TEXT, internal_id TEXT,
+                                  stat_cat_data TEXT, opac_vis TEXT )
+        LOOP
+            attr_set.import_error := NULL;
+            attr_set.error_detail := NULL;
+            attr_set.deposit_amount := NULL;
+            attr_set.copy_number := NULL;
+            attr_set.price := NULL;
+            attr_set.circ_modifier := NULL;
+            attr_set.location := NULL;
+            attr_set.barcode := NULL;
+            attr_set.call_number := NULL;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.pr != '' THEN
+                tmp_str = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.pr, E'[^0-9\\.]', '', 'g');
+                IF tmp_str = '' THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.price';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.pr; -- original value
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
+                END IF;
+                attr_set.price := tmp_str::NUMERIC(8,2);
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.dep_amount != '' THEN
+                tmp_str = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.dep_amount, E'[^0-9\\.]', '', 'g');
+                IF tmp_str = '' THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.deposit_amount';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.dep_amount;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
+                END IF;
+                attr_set.deposit_amount := tmp_str::NUMERIC(8,2);
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.cnum != '' THEN
+                tmp_str = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.cnum, E'[^0-9]', '', 'g');
+                IF tmp_str = '' THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.copy_number';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.cnum;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
+                END IF;
+                attr_set.copy_number := tmp_str::INT;
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.ol != '' THEN
+                SELECT id INTO attr_set.owning_lib FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = UPPER(tmp_attr_set.ol); -- INT
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.owning_lib';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.ol;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.clib != '' THEN
+                SELECT id INTO attr_set.circ_lib FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = UPPER(tmp_attr_set.clib); -- INT
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.circ_lib';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.clib;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.cs != '' THEN
+                SELECT id INTO attr_set.status FROM config.copy_status WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER(tmp_attr_set.cs); -- INT
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.status';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.cs;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF COALESCE(tmp_attr_set.circ_mod, '') = '' THEN
+                -- no circ mod defined, see if we should apply a default
+                SELECT INTO attr_set.circ_modifier TRIM(BOTH '"' FROM value)
+                    FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting(
+                        'vandelay.item.circ_modifier.default',
+                        attr_set.owning_lib
+                    );
+                -- make sure the value from the org setting is still valid
+                PERFORM 1 FROM config.circ_modifier WHERE code = attr_set.circ_modifier;
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.circ_modifier';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.circ_mod;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
+                END IF;
+            ELSE
+                SELECT code INTO attr_set.circ_modifier FROM config.circ_modifier WHERE code = tmp_attr_set.circ_mod;
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.circ_modifier';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.circ_mod;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF tmp_attr_set.circ_as != '' THEN
+                SELECT code INTO attr_set.circ_as_type FROM config.coded_value_map WHERE ctype = 'item_type' AND code = tmp_attr_set.circ_as;
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.circ_as_type';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.circ_as;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            IF COALESCE(tmp_attr_set.cl, '') = '' THEN
+                -- no location specified, see if we should apply a default
+                SELECT INTO attr_set.location TRIM(BOTH '"' FROM value)
+                    FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting(
+                        'vandelay.item.copy_location.default',
+                        attr_set.owning_lib
+                    );
+                -- make sure the value from the org setting is still valid
+                PERFORM 1 FROM asset.copy_location WHERE id = attr_set.location;
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.location';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.cs;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
+                END IF;
+            ELSE
+                -- search up the org unit tree for a matching copy location
+                WITH RECURSIVE anscestor_depth AS (
+                    SELECT  ou.id,
+                        out.depth AS depth,
+                        ou.parent_ou
+                    FROM  actor.org_unit ou
+                        JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
+                    WHERE ou.id = COALESCE(attr_set.owning_lib, attr_set.circ_lib)
+                        UNION ALL
+                    SELECT  ou.id,
+                        out.depth,
+                        ou.parent_ou
+                    FROM  actor.org_unit ou
+                        JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
+                        JOIN anscestor_depth ot ON (ot.parent_ou = ou.id)
+                ) SELECT  cpl.id INTO attr_set.location
+                    FROM  anscestor_depth a
+                        JOIN asset.copy_location cpl ON (cpl.owning_lib = a.id)
+                    WHERE LOWER(cpl.name) = LOWER(tmp_attr_set.cl)
+                    ORDER BY a.depth DESC
+                    LIMIT 1;
+                IF NOT FOUND THEN
+                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.location';
+                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.cs;
+                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
+                END IF;
+            END IF;
+            attr_set.circulate      :=
+                LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.circ, 1, 1)) IN ('t','y','1')
+                OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.circ) = 'circulating'; -- BOOL
+            attr_set.deposit        :=
+                LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.dep, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
+                OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.dep) = 'deposit'; -- BOOL
+            attr_set.holdable       :=
+                LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.hold, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
+                OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.hold) = 'holdable'; -- BOOL
+            attr_set.opac_visible   :=
+                LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.opac_vis, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
+                OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.opac_vis) = 'visible'; -- BOOL
+            attr_set.ref            :=
+                LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.r, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
+                OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.r) = 'reference'; -- BOOL
+            attr_set.call_number    := tmp_attr_set.cn; -- TEXT
+            attr_set.barcode        := tmp_attr_set.bc; -- TEXT,
+            attr_set.alert_message  := tmp_attr_set.amessage; -- TEXT,
+            attr_set.pub_note       := tmp_attr_set.note; -- TEXT,
+            attr_set.priv_note      := tmp_attr_set.pnote; -- TEXT,
+            attr_set.alert_message  := tmp_attr_set.amessage; -- TEXT,
+            attr_set.internal_id    := tmp_attr_set.internal_id::BIGINT;
+            attr_set.stat_cat_data  := tmp_attr_set.stat_cat_data; -- TEXT,
+            RETURN NEXT attr_set;
+        END LOOP;
+    END IF;
+    RETURN;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.ingest_bib_items ( ) RETURNS TRIGGER AS $func$
+    attr_def    BIGINT;
+    item_data   vandelay.import_item%ROWTYPE;
+        RETURN NEW;
+    END IF;
+    SELECT item_attr_def INTO attr_def FROM vandelay.bib_queue WHERE id = NEW.queue;
+    FOR item_data IN SELECT * FROM vandelay.ingest_items( NEW.id::BIGINT, attr_def ) LOOP
+        INSERT INTO vandelay.import_item (
+            record,
+            definition,
+            owning_lib,
+            circ_lib,
+            call_number,
+            copy_number,
+            status,
+            location,
+            circulate,
+            deposit,
+            deposit_amount,
+            ref,
+            holdable,
+            price,
+            barcode,
+            circ_modifier,
+            circ_as_type,
+            alert_message,
+            pub_note,
+            priv_note,
+            internal_id,
+            opac_visible,
+            stat_cat_data,
+            import_error,
+            error_detail
+        ) VALUES (
+            NEW.id,
+            item_data.definition,
+            item_data.owning_lib,
+            item_data.circ_lib,
+            item_data.call_number,
+            item_data.copy_number,
+            item_data.status,
+            item_data.location,
+            item_data.circulate,
+            item_data.deposit,
+            item_data.deposit_amount,
+            item_data.ref,
+            item_data.holdable,
+            item_data.price,
+            item_data.barcode,
+            item_data.circ_modifier,
+            item_data.circ_as_type,
+            item_data.alert_message,
+            item_data.pub_note,
+            item_data.priv_note,
+            item_data.internal_id,
+            item_data.opac_visible,
+            item_data.stat_cat_data,
+            item_data.import_error,
+            item_data.error_detail
+        );
+    END LOOP;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.function.vandelay-oils_xpath_tag_to_table.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/XXXX.function.vandelay-oils_xpath_tag_to_table.sql
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 48e44f8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
---SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('XXXX', :eg_version);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION oils_xpath_tag_to_table(marc text, tag text, xpaths text[]) RETURNS SETOF record AS $function$
--- This function currently populates columns with the FIRST matching value
--- of each XPATH.  It would be reasonable to add a 'return_arrays' option
--- where each column is an array of all matching values for each path, but
--- that remains as a TODO
-    field RECORD;
-    output RECORD;
-    select_list TEXT[];
-    from_list TEXT[];
-    q TEXT;
-    -- setup query select
-    FOR i IN 1 .. ARRAY_UPPER(xpaths,1) LOOP
-        IF xpaths[i] = 'null()' THEN
-            select_list := ARRAY_APPEND(select_list, 'NULL::TEXT AS c_' || i );
-        ELSE
-            select_list := ARRAY_APPEND(select_list, '(oils_xpath(' ||
-                quote_literal(
-                    CASE
-                        WHEN xpaths[i] ~ $re$/[^/[]*@[^/]+$$re$ -- attribute
-                            OR xpaths[i] ~ $re$text\(\)$$re$
-                        THEN xpaths[i]
-                        ELSE xpaths[i] || '//text()'
-                    END
-                ) || ', field_marc))[1] AS cl_' || i);
-                -- hardcoded to first value for each path
-        END IF;
-    END LOOP;
-    -- run query over tag set
-    q := 'SELECT ' || ARRAY_TO_STRING(select_list, ',')
-        || ' FROM UNNEST(oils_xpath(' || quote_literal('//*[@tag="' || tag
-        || '"]') || ', ' || quote_literal(marc) || ')) AS field_marc;';
-    --RAISE NOTICE '%', q;
diff --git a/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/YYYY.schema.vandelay-stat-cat-import.sql b/Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/YYYY.schema.vandelay-stat-cat-import.sql
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 57b0a45..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
---SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('XXXX', :eg_version);
-INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES (
-    'import.item.invalid.stat_cat_format', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.stat_cat_format', 'Bad format for stat cat data, should be like: CAT 1|VALUE 1', 'vie', 'description') );
-INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES (
-    'import.item.invalid.stat_cat_data', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.stat_cat_data', 'Invalid stat cat data', 'vie', 'description') );
-ALTER TABLE vandelay.import_item_attr_definition
-    ADD COLUMN stat_cat_data TEXT;
-ALTER TABLE vandelay.import_item
-    ADD COLUMN stat_cat_data TEXT;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.ingest_items ( import_id BIGINT, attr_def_id BIGINT ) RETURNS SETOF vandelay.import_item AS $$
-    owning_lib      TEXT;
-    circ_lib        TEXT;
-    call_number     TEXT;
-    copy_number     TEXT;
-    status          TEXT;
-    location        TEXT;
-    circulate       TEXT;
-    deposit         TEXT;
-    deposit_amount  TEXT;
-    ref             TEXT;
-    holdable        TEXT;
-    price           TEXT;
-    barcode         TEXT;
-    circ_modifier   TEXT;
-    circ_as_type    TEXT;
-    alert_message   TEXT;
-    opac_visible    TEXT;
-    pub_note        TEXT;
-    priv_note       TEXT;
-    internal_id     TEXT;
-    stat_cat_data   TEXT;
-    attr_def        RECORD;
-    tmp_attr_set    RECORD;
-    attr_set        vandelay.import_item%ROWTYPE;
-    xpaths          TEXT[];
-    tmp_str         TEXT;
-    SELECT * INTO attr_def FROM vandelay.import_item_attr_definition WHERE id = attr_def_id;
-        attr_set.definition := attr_def.id;
-        -- Build the combined XPath
-        owning_lib :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.owning_lib IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.owning_lib ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.owning_lib || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.owning_lib
-            END;
-        circ_lib :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.circ_lib IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circ_lib ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.circ_lib || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.circ_lib
-            END;
-        call_number :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.call_number IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.call_number ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.call_number || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.call_number
-            END;
-        copy_number :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.copy_number IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.copy_number ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.copy_number || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.copy_number
-            END;
-        status :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.status IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.status ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.status || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.status
-            END;
-        location :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.location IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.location ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.location || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.location
-            END;
-        circulate :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.circulate IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circulate ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.circulate || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.circulate
-            END;
-        deposit :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.deposit IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.deposit ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.deposit || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.deposit
-            END;
-        deposit_amount :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.deposit_amount IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.deposit_amount ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.deposit_amount || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.deposit_amount
-            END;
-        ref :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.ref IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.ref ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.ref || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.ref
-            END;
-        holdable :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.holdable IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.holdable ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.holdable || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.holdable
-            END;
-        price :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.price IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.price ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.price || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.price
-            END;
-        barcode :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.barcode IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.barcode ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.barcode || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.barcode
-            END;
-        circ_modifier :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.circ_modifier IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circ_modifier ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.circ_modifier || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.circ_modifier
-            END;
-        circ_as_type :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.circ_as_type IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.circ_as_type ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.circ_as_type || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.circ_as_type
-            END;
-        alert_message :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.alert_message IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.alert_message ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.alert_message || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.alert_message
-            END;
-        opac_visible :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.opac_visible IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.opac_visible ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.opac_visible || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.opac_visible
-            END;
-        pub_note :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.pub_note IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.pub_note ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.pub_note || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.pub_note
-            END;
-        priv_note :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.priv_note IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.priv_note ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.priv_note || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.priv_note
-            END;
-        internal_id :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.internal_id IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.internal_id ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.internal_id || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.internal_id
-            END;
-        stat_cat_data :=
-            CASE
-                WHEN attr_def.stat_cat_data IS NULL THEN 'null()'
-                WHEN LENGTH( attr_def.stat_cat_data ) = 1 THEN '*[@code="' || attr_def.stat_cat_data || '"]'
-                ELSE '*' || attr_def.stat_cat_data
-            END;
-        xpaths := ARRAY[owning_lib, circ_lib, call_number, copy_number, status, location, circulate,
-                        deposit, deposit_amount, ref, holdable, price, barcode, circ_modifier, circ_as_type,
-                        alert_message, pub_note, priv_note, internal_id, stat_cat_data, opac_visible];
-        FOR tmp_attr_set IN
-                SELECT  *
-                  FROM  oils_xpath_tag_to_table( (SELECT marc FROM vandelay.queued_bib_record WHERE id = import_id), attr_def.tag, xpaths)
-                            AS t( ol TEXT, clib TEXT, cn TEXT, cnum TEXT, cs TEXT, cl TEXT, circ TEXT,
-                                  dep TEXT, dep_amount TEXT, r TEXT, hold TEXT, pr TEXT, bc TEXT, circ_mod TEXT,
-                                  circ_as TEXT, amessage TEXT, note TEXT, pnote TEXT, internal_id TEXT,
-                                  stat_cat_data TEXT, opac_vis TEXT )
-        LOOP
-            attr_set.import_error := NULL;
-            attr_set.error_detail := NULL;
-            attr_set.deposit_amount := NULL;
-            attr_set.copy_number := NULL;
-            attr_set.price := NULL;
-            attr_set.circ_modifier := NULL;
-            attr_set.location := NULL;
-            attr_set.barcode := NULL;
-            attr_set.call_number := NULL;
-            IF tmp_attr_set.pr != '' THEN
-                tmp_str = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.pr, E'[^0-9\\.]', '', 'g');
-                IF tmp_str = '' THEN
-                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.price';
-                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.pr; -- original value
-                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
-                END IF;
-                attr_set.price := tmp_str::NUMERIC(8,2);
-            END IF;
-            IF tmp_attr_set.dep_amount != '' THEN
-                tmp_str = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.dep_amount, E'[^0-9\\.]', '', 'g');
-                IF tmp_str = '' THEN
-                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.deposit_amount';
-                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.dep_amount;
-                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
-                END IF;
-                attr_set.deposit_amount := tmp_str::NUMERIC(8,2);
-            END IF;
-            IF tmp_attr_set.cnum != '' THEN
-                tmp_str = REGEXP_REPLACE(tmp_attr_set.cnum, E'[^0-9]', '', 'g');
-                IF tmp_str = '' THEN
-                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.copy_number';
-                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.cnum;
-                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
-                END IF;
-                attr_set.copy_number := tmp_str::INT;
-            END IF;
-            IF tmp_attr_set.ol != '' THEN
-                SELECT id INTO attr_set.owning_lib FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = UPPER(tmp_attr_set.ol); -- INT
-                IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.owning_lib';
-                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.ol;
-                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
-                END IF;
-            END IF;
-            IF tmp_attr_set.clib != '' THEN
-                SELECT id INTO attr_set.circ_lib FROM actor.org_unit WHERE shortname = UPPER(tmp_attr_set.clib); -- INT
-                IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.circ_lib';
-                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.clib;
-                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
-                END IF;
-            END IF;
-            IF tmp_attr_set.cs != '' THEN
-                SELECT id INTO attr_set.status FROM config.copy_status WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER(tmp_attr_set.cs); -- INT
-                IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.status';
-                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.cs;
-                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
-                END IF;
-            END IF;
-            IF COALESCE(tmp_attr_set.circ_mod, '') = '' THEN
-                -- no circ mod defined, see if we should apply a default
-                SELECT INTO attr_set.circ_modifier TRIM(BOTH '"' FROM value)
-                    FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting(
-                        'vandelay.item.circ_modifier.default',
-                        attr_set.owning_lib
-                    );
-                -- make sure the value from the org setting is still valid
-                PERFORM 1 FROM config.circ_modifier WHERE code = attr_set.circ_modifier;
-                IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.circ_modifier';
-                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.circ_mod;
-                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
-                END IF;
-            ELSE
-                SELECT code INTO attr_set.circ_modifier FROM config.circ_modifier WHERE code = tmp_attr_set.circ_mod;
-                IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.circ_modifier';
-                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.circ_mod;
-                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
-                END IF;
-            END IF;
-            IF tmp_attr_set.circ_as != '' THEN
-                SELECT code INTO attr_set.circ_as_type FROM config.coded_value_map WHERE ctype = 'item_type' AND code = tmp_attr_set.circ_as;
-                IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.circ_as_type';
-                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.circ_as;
-                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
-                END IF;
-            END IF;
-            IF COALESCE(tmp_attr_set.cl, '') = '' THEN
-                -- no location specified, see if we should apply a default
-                SELECT INTO attr_set.location TRIM(BOTH '"' FROM value)
-                    FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting(
-                        'vandelay.item.copy_location.default',
-                        attr_set.owning_lib
-                    );
-                -- make sure the value from the org setting is still valid
-                PERFORM 1 FROM asset.copy_location WHERE id = attr_set.location;
-                IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.location';
-                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.cs;
-                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
-                END IF;
-            ELSE
-                -- search up the org unit tree for a matching copy location
-                WITH RECURSIVE anscestor_depth AS (
-                    SELECT  ou.id,
-                        out.depth AS depth,
-                        ou.parent_ou
-                    FROM  actor.org_unit ou
-                        JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
-                    WHERE ou.id = COALESCE(attr_set.owning_lib, attr_set.circ_lib)
-                        UNION ALL
-                    SELECT  ou.id,
-                        out.depth,
-                        ou.parent_ou
-                    FROM  actor.org_unit ou
-                        JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type)
-                        JOIN anscestor_depth ot ON (ot.parent_ou = ou.id)
-                ) SELECT  cpl.id INTO attr_set.location
-                    FROM  anscestor_depth a
-                        JOIN asset.copy_location cpl ON (cpl.owning_lib = a.id)
-                    WHERE LOWER(cpl.name) = LOWER(tmp_attr_set.cl)
-                    ORDER BY a.depth DESC
-                    LIMIT 1;
-                IF NOT FOUND THEN
-                    attr_set.import_error := 'import.item.invalid.location';
-                    attr_set.error_detail := tmp_attr_set.cs;
-                    RETURN NEXT attr_set; CONTINUE;
-                END IF;
-            END IF;
-            attr_set.circulate      :=
-                LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.circ, 1, 1)) IN ('t','y','1')
-                OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.circ) = 'circulating'; -- BOOL
-            attr_set.deposit        :=
-                LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.dep, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
-                OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.dep) = 'deposit'; -- BOOL
-            attr_set.holdable       :=
-                LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.hold, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
-                OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.hold) = 'holdable'; -- BOOL
-            attr_set.opac_visible   :=
-                LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.opac_vis, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
-                OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.opac_vis) = 'visible'; -- BOOL
-            attr_set.ref            :=
-                LOWER( SUBSTRING( tmp_attr_set.r, 1, 1 ) ) IN ('t','y','1')
-                OR LOWER(tmp_attr_set.r) = 'reference'; -- BOOL
-            attr_set.call_number    := tmp_attr_set.cn; -- TEXT
-            attr_set.barcode        := tmp_attr_set.bc; -- TEXT,
-            attr_set.alert_message  := tmp_attr_set.amessage; -- TEXT,
-            attr_set.pub_note       := tmp_attr_set.note; -- TEXT,
-            attr_set.priv_note      := tmp_attr_set.pnote; -- TEXT,
-            attr_set.alert_message  := tmp_attr_set.amessage; -- TEXT,
-            attr_set.internal_id    := tmp_attr_set.internal_id::BIGINT;
-            attr_set.stat_cat_data  := tmp_attr_set.stat_cat_data; -- TEXT,
-            RETURN NEXT attr_set;
-        END LOOP;
-    END IF;
-    RETURN;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vandelay.ingest_bib_items ( ) RETURNS TRIGGER AS $func$
-    attr_def    BIGINT;
-    item_data   vandelay.import_item%ROWTYPE;
-        RETURN NEW;
-    END IF;
-    SELECT item_attr_def INTO attr_def FROM vandelay.bib_queue WHERE id = NEW.queue;
-    FOR item_data IN SELECT * FROM vandelay.ingest_items( NEW.id::BIGINT, attr_def ) LOOP
-        INSERT INTO vandelay.import_item (
-            record,
-            definition,
-            owning_lib,
-            circ_lib,
-            call_number,
-            copy_number,
-            status,
-            location,
-            circulate,
-            deposit,
-            deposit_amount,
-            ref,
-            holdable,
-            price,
-            barcode,
-            circ_modifier,
-            circ_as_type,
-            alert_message,
-            pub_note,
-            priv_note,
-            internal_id,
-            opac_visible,
-            stat_cat_data,
-            import_error,
-            error_detail
-        ) VALUES (
-            NEW.id,
-            item_data.definition,
-            item_data.owning_lib,
-            item_data.circ_lib,
-            item_data.call_number,
-            item_data.copy_number,
-            item_data.status,
-            item_data.location,
-            item_data.circulate,
-            item_data.deposit,
-            item_data.deposit_amount,
-            item_data.ref,
-            item_data.holdable,
-            item_data.price,
-            item_data.barcode,
-            item_data.circ_modifier,
-            item_data.circ_as_type,
-            item_data.alert_message,
-            item_data.pub_note,
-            item_data.priv_note,
-            item_data.internal_id,
-            item_data.opac_visible,
-            item_data.stat_cat_data,
-            item_data.import_error,
-            item_data.error_detail
-        );
-    END LOOP;