This patch tweaks the opt-in confirm dialog to add a
title and move the text to the body of the dialog, making it
consistent with other dialogs that ask long questions.
Test case for the entire bug fix
[1] Ensure that <opt_in> is set to true in opensrf.xml.
[2] In the web staff client, open the checkout page
and do a barcode search for a patron is *not* the
same system as the workstation that the staff user
is registered to.
[3] Verify that a dialog box is presented asking the
staff user to confirm that personal information can be
shared with the workstation's library.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <>
s.PAYMENT_OVER_MAX = "[% l('Payments over $[_1] are denied by policy.', '{{max_amount}}') %]";
s.PATRON_NOTE_DELETE_CONFIRM_TITLE = "[% l('Delete Note?') %]";
s.PATRON_NOTE_DELETE_CONFIRM = "[% l('Delete the note titled \"[_1]\" created on [_2]?', '{{note_title}}', '{{create_date | date}}') %]";
+ s.OPT_IN_DIALOG_TITLE = "[% l('Verify Permission to Share Personal Information') %]";
s.OPT_IN_DIALOG = "[% l('Does patron [_1], [_2] from [_3] ([_4]) consent to having their personal information shared with your library?', '{{family_name}}', '{{first_given_name}}', '{{org_name}}', '{{org_shortname}}') %]";
.then(function(user) { // retrieve user
var org =;
- egCore.strings.OPT_IN_DIALOG, '',
+ egCore.strings.OPT_IN_DIALOG_TITLE,
+ egCore.strings.OPT_IN_DIALOG,
{ family_name : user.family_name(),
first_given_name : user.first_given_name(),
org_name :,