+ method => 'adjust_bills_to_zero_manual',
+ api_name => 'open-ils.circ.money.billable_xact.adjust_to_zero',
+ signature => {
+ desc => q/
+ Given a list of billable transactions, manipulate the
+ transaction using account adjustments to result in a
+ balance of $0.
+ /,
+ params => [
+ {desc => 'Authtoken', type => 'string'},
+ {desc => 'Array of transaction IDs', type => 'array'}
+ ],
+ return => {
+ desc => q/Array of IDs for each transaction updated,
+ Event on error./
+ }
+ }
+sub _rebill_xact {
+ my ($e, $xact) = @_;
+ my $xact_id = $xact->id;
+ # the plan: rebill voided billings until we get a positive balance
+ #
+ # step 1: get the voided/adjusted billings
+ my $billings = $e->search_money_billing([
+ {
+ xact => $xact_id,
+ },
+ {
+ order_by => {mb => 'amount desc'},
+ flesh => 1,
+ flesh_fields => {mb => ['adjustments']},
+ }
+ ]);
+ my @billings = grep { $U->is_true($_->voided) or @{$_->adjustments} } @$billings;
+ my $xact_balance = $xact->balance_owed;
+ $logger->debug("rebilling for xact $xact_id with balance $xact_balance");
+ my $rebill_amount = 0;
+ my @rebill_ids;
+ # step 2: generate new bills just like the old ones
+ for my $billing (@billings) {
+ my $amount = 0;
+ if ($U->is_true($billing->voided)) {
+ $amount = $billing->amount;
+ } else { # adjusted billing
+ map { $amount = $U->fpadd($amount, $_->amount) } @{$billing->adjustments};
+ }
+ my $evt = $CC->create_bill(
+ $e,
+ $amount,
+ $billing->btype,
+ $billing->billing_type,
+ $xact_id,
+ "System: MANUAL ADJUSTMENT, BILLING #".$billing->id." REINSTATED\n(PREV: ".$billing->note.")",
+ $billing->billing_ts()
+ );
+ return $evt if $evt;
+ $rebill_amount += $billing->amount;
+ # if we have a postive (or zero) balance now, stop
+ last if $rebill_amount >= $xact_balance;
+ }
+sub _is_fully_adjusted {
+ my ($billing) = @_;
+ my $amount_adj = 0;
+ map { $amount_adj = $U->fpadd($amount_adj, $_->amount) } @{$billing->adjustments};
+ return $billing->amount == $amount_adj;
+sub adjust_bills_to_zero_manual {
+ my ($self, $client, $auth, $xact_ids) = @_;
+ my $e = new_editor(xact => 1, authtoken => $auth);
+ return $e->die_event unless $e->checkauth;
+ # in case a bare ID is passed
+ $xact_ids = [$xact_ids] unless ref $xact_ids;
+ my @modified;
+ for my $xact_id (@$xact_ids) {
+ my $xact =
+ $e->retrieve_money_billable_transaction_summary([
+ $xact_id,
+ {flesh => 1, flesh_fields => {mbts => ['usr']}}
+ ]) or return $e->die_event;
+ return $e->die_event unless
+ $e->allowed('ADJUST_BILLS', $xact->usr->home_ou);
+ if ($xact->balance_owed < 0) {
+ my $evt = _rebill_xact($e, $xact);
+ return $evt if $evt;
+ # refetch xact to get new balance
+ $xact =
+ $e->retrieve_money_billable_transaction_summary([
+ $xact_id,
+ {flesh => 1, flesh_fields => {mbts => ['usr']}}
+ ]) or return $e->die_event;
+ }
+ my $billings = $e->search_money_billing([
+ {
+ xact => $xact_id,
+ },
+ {
+ order_by => {mb => 'amount desc'},
+ flesh => 1,
+ flesh_fields => {mb => ['adjustments']},
+ }
+ ]);
+ if ($xact->balance_owed == 0) {
+ # if was zero, or we rebilled it to zero
+ next;
+ } else {
+ # it's positive and needs to be adjusted
+ my @billings_to_zero = grep { !$U->is_true($_->voided) or !_is_fully_adjusted($_) } @$billings;
+ $CC->adjust_bills_to_zero($e, \@billings_to_zero, "System: MANUAL ADJUSTMENT");
+ }
+ push(@modified, $xact->id);
+ # now we see if we can close the transaction
+ # same logic as make_payments();
+ my $circ = $e->retrieve_action_circulation($xact_id);
+ if ($circ and !$CC->can_close_circ($e, $circ)) {
+ # we don't check to see if the xact is already closed. since the
+ # xact had a negative balance, it should not have been closed, so
+ # assume 'now' is the correct close time regardless.
+ my $trans = $e->retrieve_money_billable_transaction($xact_id);
+ $trans->xact_finish("now");
+ $e->update_money_billable_transaction($trans) or return $e->die_event;
+ }
+ }
+ $e->commit;
+ return \@modified;
method => 'edit_bill_note',
api_name => 'open-ils.circ.money.billing.note.edit',
signature => q/