--- /dev/null
+= Easing gently into OpenSRF =
+Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
+v0.9, May 2010
+== Abstract ==
+The Evergreen open-source library system serves library consortia composed of
+hundreds of branches with millions of patrons - for example,
+http://www.georgialibraries.org/statelibrarian/bythenumbers.pdf[the Georgia
+Public Library Service PINES system]. One of the claimed advantages of
+Evergreen over alternative integrated library systems is the underlying Open
+Service Request Framework (OpenSRF, pronounced "open surf") architecture. This
+article introduces OpenSRF, demonstrates how to build OpenSRF services through
+simple code examples, and explains the technical foundations on which OpenSRF
+is built.
+== Introducing OpenSRF ==
+OpenSRF is a message routing network that offers scalability and failover
+support for individual services and entire servers with minimal development and
+deployment overhead. You can use OpenSRF to build loosely-coupled applications
+that can be deployed on a single server or on clusters of geographically
+distributed servers using the same code and minimal configuration changes.
+Although copyright statements on some of the OpenSRF code date back to Mike
+Rylander's original explorations in 2000, Evergreen was the first major
+application to be developed with, and to take full advantage of, the OpenSRF
+architecture starting in 2004. The first official release of OpenSRF was 0.1 in
+February 2005 (http://evergreen-ils.org/blog/?p=21), but OpenSRF's development
+continues a steady pace of enhancement and refinement, with the release of
+1.0.0 in October 2008 and the most recent release of 1.2.2 in February 2010.
+OpenSRF is a distinct break from the architectural approach used by previous
+library systems and has more in common with modern Web applications. The
+traditional "scale-up" approach to serve more transactions is to purchase a
+server with more CPUs and more RAM, possibly splitting the load between a Web
+server, a database server, and a business logic server. Evergreen, however, is
+built on the Open Service Request Framework (OpenSRF) architecture, which
+firmly embraces the "scale-out" approach of spreading transaction load over
+cheap commodity servers. The http://evergreen-ils.org/blog/?p=56[initial GPLS
+PINES hardware cluster], while certainly impressive, may have offered the
+misleading impression that Evergreen is complex and requires a lot of hardware
+to run.
+This article hopes to correct any such lingering impression by demonstrating
+that OpenSRF itself is an extremely simple architecture on which one can easily
+build applications of many kinds – not just library applications – and that you
+can use a number of different languages to call and implement OpenSRF methods
+with a minimal learning curve. With an application built on OpenSRF, when you
+identify a bottleneck in your application's business logic layer, you can
+adjust the number of the processes serving that particular bottleneck on each
+of your servers; or if the problem is that your service is resource-hungry, you
+could add an inexpensive server to your cluster and dedicate it to running that
+resource-hungry service.
+=== Programming language support ===
+If you need to develop an entirely new OpenSRF service, you can choose from a
+number of different languages in which to implement that service. OpenSRF
+client language bindings have been written for C, Java, JavaScript, Perl, and
+Python, and server language bindings have been written for C, Perl, and Python.
+This article uses Perl examples as a lowest common denominator programming
+language. Writing an OpenSRF binding for another language is a relatively small
+task if that language offers libraries that support the core technologies on
+which OpenSRF depends:
+ * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3920[Extensible Messaging and Presence
+Protocol] (XMPP, sometimes referred to as Jabber) - provides the base messaging
+infrastructure between OpenSRF clients and servers
+ * http://json.org[JavaScript Object Notation] (JSON) - serializes the content
+of each XMPP message in a standardized and concise format
+ * http://memcached.org[memcached] - provides the caching service
+ * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5424[syslog] - the standard UNIX logging
+Unfortunately, the
+reference documentation], although augmented by the
+glossary], blog posts like http://evergreen-ils.org/blog/?p=36[the description
+of OpenSRF and Jabber], and even this article, is not a sufficient substitute
+for a complete specification on which one could implement a language binding.
+The recommended option for would-be developers of another language binding is
+to use the Python implementation as the cleanest basis for a port to another
+=== OpenSRF communication flows over XMPP ===
+The XMPP messaging service underpins OpenSRF, requiring an XMPP server such
+as http://www.ejabberd.im/[ejabberd]. When you start OpenSRF, the first XMPP
+clients that connect to the XMPP server are the OpenSRF public and private
+_routers_. OpenSRF routers maintain a list of available services and connect
+clients to available services. When an OpenSRF service starts, it establishes a
+connection to the XMPP server and registers itself with the private router. The
+OpenSRF configuration contains a list of public OpenSRF services, each of which
+must also register with the public router. Services and clients connect to the
+XMPP server using a single set of XMPP client credentials (for example,
+`opensrf@private.localhost`), but use XMPP resource identifiers to
+differentiate themselves in the Jabber ID (JID) for each connection. For
+example, the JID for a copy of the `opensrf.simple-text` service with process
+ID `6285` that has connected to the `private.localhost` domain using the
+`opensrf` XMPP client credentials could be
+=== OpenSRF communication flows over HTTP ===
+Any OpenSRF service registered with the public router is accessible via the
+OpenSRF HTTP Translator. The OpenSRF HTTP Translator implements the
+proposed specification] as an Apache module that translates HTTP requests into
+OpenSRF requests and returns OpenSRF results as HTTP results to the initiating
+HTTP client.
+.Issuing an HTTP POST request to an OpenSRF method via the OpenSRF HTTP Translator
+# curl request broken up over multiple lines for legibility
+curl -H "X-OpenSRF-service: opensrf.simple-text" \ # <1>
+ --data 'osrf-msg=[ \ # <2>
+ {"__c":"osrfMessage","__p":{"threadTrace":0,"locale":"en-CA", \ # <3>
+ "type":"REQUEST","payload": {"__c":"osrfMethod","__p": \
+ {"method":"opensrf.simple-text.reverse","params":["foobar"]} \
+ }} \
+ }]' \
+http://localhost/osrf-http-translator \ # <4>
+<1> The `X-OpenSRF-service` header identifies the OpenSRF service of interest.
+<2> The POST request consists of a single parameter, the `osrf-msg` value,
+which contains a JSON array.
+<3> The first object is an OpenSRF message (`"__c":"osrfMessage"`) with a set of
+parameters (`"__p":{}`) containing:
+ * the identifier for the request (`"threadTrace":0`); this value is echoed
+back in the result
+ * the message type (`"type":"REQUEST"`)
+ * the locale for the message; if the OpenSRF method is locale-sensitive, it
+can check the locale for each OpenSRF request and return different information
+depending on the locale
+ * the payload of the message (`"payload":{}`) containing the OpenSRF method
+request (`"__c":"osrfMethod"`) and its parameters (`"__p:"{}`), which in turn
+ ** the method name for the request (`"method":"opensrf.simple-text.reverse"`)
+ ** a set of JSON parameters to pass to the method (`"params":["foobar"]`); in
+this case, a single string `"foobar"`
+<4> The URL on which the OpenSRF HTTP translator is listening,
+`/osrf-http-translator` is the default location in the Apache example
+configuration files shipped with the OpenSRF source, but this is configurable.
+.Results from an HTTP POST request to an OpenSRF method via the OpenSRF HTTP Translator
+# HTTP response broken up over multiple lines for legibility
+[{"__c":"osrfMessage","__p": \ # <1>
+ {"threadTrace":0, "payload": \ # <2>
+ {"__c":"osrfResult","__p": \ # <3>
+ {"status":"OK","content":"raboof","statusCode":200} \ # <4>
+ },"type":"RESULT","locale":"en-CA" \ # <5>
+ }
+{"__c":"osrfMessage","__p": \ # <6>
+ {"threadTrace":0,"payload": \ # <7>
+ {"__c":"osrfConnectStatus","__p": \ # <8>
+ {"status":"Request Complete","statusCode":205} \ # <9>
+ },"type":"STATUS","locale":"en-CA" \ # <10>
+ }
+<1> The OpenSRF HTTP Translator returns an array of JSON objects in its
+response. Each object in the response is an OpenSRF message
+(`"__c":"osrfMessage"`) with a collection of response parameters (`"__p":`).
+<2> The OpenSRF message identifier (`"threadTrace":0`) confirms that this
+message is in response to the request matching the same identifier.
+<3> The message includes a payload JSON object (`"payload":`) with an OpenSRF
+result for the request (`"__c":"osrfResult"`).
+<4> The result includes a status indicator string (`"status":"OK"`), the content
+of the result response - in this case, a single string "raboof"
+(`"content":"raboof"`) - and an integer status code for the request
+<5> The message also includes the message type (`"type":"RESULT"`) and the
+message locale (`"locale":"en-CA"`).
+<6> The second message in the set of results from the response.
+<7> Again, the message identifier confirms that this message is in response to
+a particular request.
+<8> The payload of the message denotes that this message is an
+OpenSRF connection status message (`"__c":"osrfConnectStatus"`), with some
+information about the particular OpenSRF connection that was used for this
+<9> The response parameters for an OpenSRF connection status message include a
+verbose status (`"status":"Request Complete"`) and an integer status code for
+the connection status (`"statusCode":205).
+<10> The message also includes the message type (`"type":"RESULT"`) and the
+message locale (`"locale":"en-CA"`).
+Before adding a new public OpenSRF service, ensure that it does
+not introduce privilege escalation or unchecked access to data. For example,
+the Evergreen `open-ils.cstore` private service is an object-relational mapper
+that provides read and write access to the entire Evergreen database, so it
+would be catastrophic to expose that service publicly. In comparison, the
+Evergreen `open-ils.pcrud` public service offers the same functionality as
+`open-ils.cstore` to any connected HTTP client or OpenSRF client, but the
+additional authentication and authorization layer in `open-ils.pcrud` prevents
+unchecked access to Evergreen's data.
+=== Stateless and stateful connections ===
+OpenSRF supports both _stateless_ and _stateful_ connections. When an OpenSRF
+client issues a `REQUEST` message in a _stateless_ connection, the router
+forwards the request to the next available service and the service returns the
+result directly to the client.
+.REQUEST flow in a stateless connection
+image:media/REQUEST.png[REQUEST flow in a stateless connection]
+When an OpenSRF client issues a `CONNECT` message to create a _stateful_ conection, the
+router returns the Jabber ID of the next available service to the client so
+that the client can issue one or more `REQUEST` message directly to that
+particular service and the service will return corresponding `RESULT` messages
+directly to the client. Until the client issues a `DISCONNECT` message, that
+particular service is only available to the requesting client. Stateful connections
+are useful for clients that need to make many requests from a particular service,
+as it avoids the intermediary step of contacting the router for each request, as
+well as for operations that require a controlled sequence of commands, such as a
+set of database INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements within a transaction.
+.CONNECT, REQUEST, and DISCONNECT flow in a stateful connection
+image:media/CONNECT.png[CONNECT, REQUEST, and DISCONNECT flow in a stateful connection]
+== Enough jibber-jabber: writing an OpenSRF service ==
+Imagine an application architecture in which 10 lines of Perl or Python, using
+the data types native to each language, are enough to implement a method that
+can then be deployed and invoked seamlessly across hundreds of servers. You
+have just imagined developing with OpenSRF – it is truly that simple. Under the
+covers, of course, the OpenSRF language bindings do an incredible amount of
+work on behalf of the developer. An OpenSRF application consists of one or more
+OpenSRF services that expose methods: for example, the `opensrf.simple-text`
+service] exposes the `opensrf.simple-text.split()` and
+`opensrf.simple-text.reverse()` methods. Each method accepts zero or more
+arguments and returns zero or one results. The data types supported by OpenSRF
+arguments and results are typical core language data types: strings, numbers,
+booleans, arrays, and hashes.
+To implement a new OpenSRF service, perform the following steps:
+ 1. Include the base OpenSRF support libraries
+ 2. Write the code for each of your OpenSRF methods as separate procedures
+ 3. Register each method
+ 4. Add the service definition to the OpenSRF configuration files
+For example, the following code implements an OpenSRF service. The service
+includes one method named `opensrf.simple-text.reverse()` that accepts one
+string as input and returns the reversed version of that string:
+package OpenSRF::Application::Demo::SimpleText;
+use strict;
+use OpenSRF::Application;
+use parent qw/OpenSRF::Application/;
+sub text_reverse {
+ my ($self , $conn, $text) = @_;
+ my $reversed_text = scalar reverse($text);
+ return $reversed_text;
+ method => 'text_reverse',
+ api_name => 'opensrf.simple-text.reverse'
+Ten lines of code, and we have a complete OpenSRF service that exposes a single
+method and could be deployed quickly on a cluster of servers to meet your
+application's ravenous demand for reversed strings! If you're unfamiliar with
+Perl, the `use OpenSRF::Application; use parent qw/OpenSRF::Application/;`
+lines tell this package to inherit methods and properties from the
+`OpenSRF::Application` module. For example, the call to
+`__PACKAGE__->register_method()` is defined in `OpenSRF::Application` but due to
+inheritance is available in this package (named by the special Perl symbol
+`__PACKAGE__` that contains the current package name). The `register_method()`
+procedure is how we introduce a method to the rest of the OpenSRF world.
+=== Registering a service with the OpenSRF configuration files ===
+Two files control most of the configuration for OpenSRF:
+ * `opensrf.xml` contains the configuration for the service itself as well as
+a list of which application servers in your OpenSRF cluster should start
+the service
+ * `opensrf_core.xml` (often referred to as the "bootstrap configuration"
+file) contains the OpenSRF networking information, including the XMPP server
+connection credentials for the public and private routers; you only need to touch
+this for a new service if the new service needs to be accessible via the
+public router
+Begin by defining the service itself in `opensrf.xml`. To register the
+`opensrf.simple-text` service, add the following section to the `<apps>`
+element (corresponding to the XPath `/opensrf/default/apps/`):
+ <opensrf.simple-text> <!-- <1> -->
+ <keepalive>3</keepalive> <!-- <2> -->
+ <stateless>1</stateless> <!-- <3> -->
+ <language>perl</language> <!-- <4> -->
+ <implementation>OpenSRF::Application::Demo::SimpleText</implementation> <!-- <5> -->
+ <max_requests>100</max_requests> <!-- <6> -->
+ <unix_config>
+ <max_requests>1000</max_requests> <!-- <7> -->
+ <unix_log>opensrf.simple-text_unix.log</unix_log> <!-- <8> -->
+ <unix_sock>opensrf.simple-text_unix.sock</unix_sock> <!-- <9> -->
+ <unix_pid>opensrf.simple-text_unix.pid</unix_pid> <!-- <10> -->
+ <min_children>5</min_children> <!-- <11> -->
+ <max_children>15</max_children> <!-- <12> -->
+ <min_spare_children>2</min_spare_children> <!-- <13> -->
+ <max_spare_children>5</max_spare_children> <!-- <14> -->
+ </unix_config>
+ </opensrf.simple-text>
+ <!-- other OpenSRF services registered here... -->
+<1> The element name is the name that the OpenSRF control scripts use to refer
+to the service.
+<2> Specifies the interval (in seconds) between checks to determine if the
+service is still running.
+<3> Specifies whether OpenSRF clients can call methods from this service
+without first having to create a connection to a specific service backend
+process for that service. If the value is `1`, then the client can simply
+issue a request and the router will forward the request to an available
+service and the result will be returned directly to the client.
+<4> Specifies the programming language in which the service is implemented
+<5> Specifies the name of the library or module in which the service is implemented
+<6> (C implementations): Specifies the maximum number of requests a process
+serves before it is killed and replaced by a new process.
+<7> (Perl implementations): Specifies the maximum number of requests a process
+serves before it is killed and replaced by a new process.
+<8> The name of the log file for language-specific log messages such as syntax
+<9> The name of the UNIX socket used for inter-process communications.
+<10> The name of the PID file for the master process for the service.
+<11> The minimum number of child processes that should be running at any given
+<12> The maximum number of child processes that should be running at any given
+<13> The minimum number of child processes that should be available to handle
+incoming requests. If there are fewer than this number of spare child
+processes, new processes will be spawned.
+<14> The minimum number of child processes that should be available to handle
+incoming requests. If there are more than this number of spare child processes,
+the extra processes will be killed.
+To make the service accessible via the public router, you must also
+edit the `opensrf_core.xml` configuration file to add the service to the list
+of publicly accessible services:
+.Making a service publicly accessible in `opensrf_core.xml`
+<router> <!-- <1> -->
+ <!-- This is the public router. On this router, we only register applications
+ which should be accessible to everyone on the opensrf network -->
+ <name>router</name>
+ <domain>public.localhost</domain> <!-- <2> -->
+ <services>
+ <service>opensrf.math</service>
+ <service>opensrf.simple-text</service> <!-- <3> -->
+ </services>
+<1> This section of the `opensrf_core.xml` file is located at XPath
+<2> `public.localhost` is the canonical public router domain in the OpenSRF
+installation instructions.
+<3> Each `<service>` element contained in the `<services>` element
+offers their services via the public router as well as the private router.
+Once you have defined the new service, you must restart the OpenSRF Router
+to retrieve the new configuration and start or restart the service itself.
+=== Calling an OpenSRF method ===
+OpenSRF clients in any supported language can invoke OpenSRF services in any
+supported language. So let's see a few examples of how we can call our fancy
+new `opensrf.simple-text.reverse()` method:
+==== Calling OpenSRF methods from the srfsh client ====
+`srfsh` is a command-line tool installed with OpenSRF that you can use to call
+OpenSRF methods. To call an OpenSRF method, issue the `request` command and pass
+the OpenSRF service and method name as the first two arguments; then pass a list
+of JSON objects as the arguments to the method being invoked.
+The following example calls the `opensrf.simple-text.reverse` method of the
+`opensrf.simple-text` OpenSRF service, passing the string `"foobar"` as the
+only method argument:
+$ srfsh
+srfsh # request opensrf.simple-text opensrf.simple-text.reverse "foobar"
+Received Data: "raboof"
+Request Completed Successfully
+Request Time in seconds: 0.016718
+==== Getting documentation for OpenSRF methods from the srfsh client ====
+The `srfsh` client also gives you command-line access to retrieving metadata
+about OpenSRF services and methods. For a given OpenSRF method, for example,
+you can retrieve information such as the minimum number of required arguments,
+the data type and a description of each argument, the package or library in
+which the method is implemented, and a description of the method. To retrieve
+the documentation for an opensrf method from `srfsh`, issue the `introspect`
+command, followed by the name of the OpenSRF service and (optionally) the
+name of the OpenSRF method. If you do not pass a method name to the `introspect`
+command, `srfsh` lists all of the methods offered by the service. If you pass
+a partial method name, `srfsh` lists all of the methods that match that portion
+of the method name.
+The quality and availability of the descriptive information for each
+method depends on the developer to register the method with complete and
+accurate information. The quality varies across the set of OpenSRF and
+Evergreen APIs, although some effort is being put towards improving the
+state of the internal documentation.
+srfsh# introspect opensrf.simple-text "opensrf.simple-text.reverse"
+--> opensrf.simple-text
+Received Data: {
+ "__c":"opensrf.simple-text",
+ "__p":{
+ "api_level":1,
+ "stream":0, \ # <1>
+ "object_hint":"OpenSRF_Application_Demo_SimpleText",
+ "remote":0,
+ "package":"OpenSRF::Application::Demo::SimpleText", \ # <2>
+ "api_name":"opensrf.simple-text.reverse", \ # <3>
+ "server_class":"opensrf.simple-text",
+ "signature":{ \ # <4>
+ "params":[ \ # <5>
+ {
+ "desc":"The string to reverse",
+ "name":"text",
+ "type":"string"
+ }
+ ],
+ "desc":"Returns the input string in reverse order\n", \ # <6>
+ "return":{ \ # <7>
+ "desc":"Returns the input string in reverse order",
+ "type":"string"
+ }
+ },
+ "method":"text_reverse", \ # <8>
+ "argc":1 \ # <9>
+ }
+<1> `stream` denotes whether the method supports streaming responses or not.
+<2> `package` identifies which package or library implements the method.
+<3> `api_name` identifies the name of the OpenSRF method.
+<4> `signature` is a hash that describes the parameters for the method.
+<5> `params` is an array of hashes describing each parameter in the method;
+each parameter has a description (`desc`), name (`name`), and type (`type`).
+<6> `desc` is a string that describes the method itself.
+<7> `return` is a hash that describes the return value for the method; it
+contains a description of the return value (`desc`) and the type of the
+returned value (`type`).
+<8> `method` identifies the name of the function or method in the source
+<9> `argc` is an integer describing the minimum number of arguments that
+must be passed to this method.
+==== Calling OpenSRF methods from Perl applications ====
+To call an OpenSRF method from Perl, you must connect to the OpenSRF service,
+issue the request to the method, and then retrieve the results.
+use strict;
+use OpenSRF::AppSession;
+use OpenSRF::System;
+OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client(config_file => '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml'); # <1>
+my $session = OpenSRF::AppSession->create("opensrf.simple-text"); # <2>
+print "substring: Accepts a string and a number as input, returns a string\n";
+my $result = $session->request("opensrf.simple-text.substring", "foobar", 3); # <3>
+my $request = $result->gather(); # <4>
+print "Substring: $request\n\n";
+print "split: Accepts two strings as input, returns an array of strings\n";
+$request = $session->request("opensrf.simple-text.split", "This is a test", " "); # <5>
+my $output = "Split: [";
+my $element;
+while ($element = $request->recv()) { # <6>
+ $output .= $element->content . ", "; # <7>
+$output =~ s/, $/]/;
+print $output . "\n\n";
+print "statistics: Accepts an array of strings as input, returns a hash\n";
+my @many_strings = [
+ "First I think I'll have breakfast",
+ "Then I think that lunch would be nice",
+ "And then seventy desserts to finish off the day"
+$result = $session->request("opensrf.simple-text.statistics", @many_strings); # <8>
+$request = $result->gather(); # <9>
+print "Length: " . $result->{'length'} . "\n";
+print "Word count: " . $result->{'word_count'} . "\n";
+$session->disconnect(); # <10>
+<1> The `OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client()` method reads the OpenSRF
+configuration information from the indicated file and creates an XMPP client
+connection based on that information.
+<2> The `OpenSRF::AppSession->create()` method accepts one argument - the name
+of the OpenSRF service to which you want to want to make one or more requests -
+and returns an object prepared to use the client connection to make those
+<3> The `OpenSRF::AppSession->request()` method accepts a minimum of one
+argument - the name of the OpenSRF method to which you want to make a request -
+followed by zero or more arguments to pass to the OpenSRF method as input
+values. This example passes a string and an integer to the
+`opensrf.simple-text.substring` method defined by the `opensrf.simple-text`
+OpenSRF service.
+<4> The `gather()` method, called on the result object returned by the
+`request()` method, iterates over all of the possible results from the result
+object and returns a single variable.
+<5> This `request()` call passes two strings to the `opensrf.simple-text.split`
+method defined by the `opensrf.simple-text` OpenSRF service and returns (via
+`gather()`) a reference to an array of results.
+<6> The `opensrf.simple-text.split()` method is a streaming method that
+returns an array of results with one element per `recv()` call on the
+result object. We could use the `gather()` method to retrieve all of the
+results in a single array reference, but instead we simply iterate over
+the result variable until there are no more results to retrieve.
+<7> While the `gather()` convenience method returns only the content of the
+complete set of results for a given request, the `recv()` method returns an
+OpenSRF result object with `status`, `statusCode`, and `content` fields as
+we saw in <<httpResults,the HTTP results example>>.
+<8> This `request()` call passes an array to the
+`opensrf.simple-text.statistics` method defined by the `opensrf.simple-text`
+OpenSRF service.
+<9> The result object returns a hash reference via `gather()`. The hash
+contains the `length` and `word_count` keys we defined in the method.
+<10> The `OpenSRF::AppSession->disconnect()` method closes the XMPP client
+connection and cleans up resources associated with the session.
+=== Accepting and returning more interesting data types ===
+Of course, the example of accepting a single string and returning a single
+string is not very interesting. In real life, our applications tend to pass
+around multiple arguments, including arrays and hashes. Fortunately, OpenSRF
+makes that easy to deal with; in Perl, for example, returning a reference to
+the data type does the right thing. In the following example of a method that
+returns a list, we accept two arguments of type string: the string to be split,
+and the delimiter that should be used to split the string.
+.Text splitting method - streaming mode
+sub text_split {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $conn = shift;
+ my $text = shift;
+ my $delimiter = shift || ' ';
+ my @split_text = split $delimiter, $text;
+ return \@split_text;
+ method => 'text_split',
+ api_name => 'opensrf.simple-text.split'
+We simply return a reference to the list, and OpenSRF does the rest of the work
+for us to convert the data into the language-independent format that is then
+returned to the caller. As a caller of a given method, you must rely on the
+documentation used to register to determine the data structures - if the developer has
+added the appropriate documentation.
+=== Accepting and returning Evergreen objects ===
+OpenSRF is agnostic about objects; its role is to pass JSON back and forth
+between OpenSRF clients and services, and it allows the specific clients and
+services to define their own semantics for the JSON structures. On top of that
+infrastructure, Evergreen offers the fieldmapper: an object-relational mapper
+that provides a complete definition of all objects, their properties, their
+relationships to other objects, the permissions required to create, read,
+update, or delete objects of that type, and the database table or view on which
+they are based.
+The Evergreen fieldmapper offers a great deal of convenience for working with
+complex system objects beyond the basic mapping of classes to database
+schemas. Although the result is passed over the wire as a JSON object
+containing the indicated fields, fieldmapper-aware clients then turn those
+JSON objects into native objects with setter / getter methods for each field.
+All of this metadata about Evergreen objects is defined in the
+fieldmapper configuration file (`/openils/conf/fm_IDL.xml`), and access to
+these classes is provided by the `open-ils.cstore`, `open-ils.pcrud`, and
+`open-ils.reporter-store` OpenSRF services which parse the fieldmapper
+configuration file and dynamically register OpenSRF methods for creating,
+reading, updating, and deleting all of the defined classes.
+.Example fieldmapper class definition for "Open User Summary"
+<class id="mous" controller="open-ils.cstore open-ils.pcrud"
+ oils_obj:fieldmapper="money::open_user_summary"
+ oils_persist:tablename="money.open_usr_summary"
+ reporter:label="Open User Summary"> <!-- <1> -->
+ <fields oils_persist:primary="usr" oils_persist:sequence=""> <!-- <2> -->
+ <field name="balance_owed" reporter:datatype="money" /> <!-- <3> -->
+ <field name="total_owed" reporter:datatype="money" />
+ <field name="total_paid" reporter:datatype="money" />
+ <field name="usr" reporter:datatype="link"/>
+ </fields>
+ <links>
+ <link field="usr" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="au"/> <!-- <4> -->
+ </links>
+ <permacrud xmlns="http://open-ils.org/spec/opensrf/IDL/permacrud/v1"> <!-- <5> -->
+ <actions>
+ <retrieve permission="VIEW_USER"> <!-- <6> -->
+ <context link="usr" field="home_ou"/> <!-- <7> -->
+ </retrieve>
+ </actions>
+ </permacrud>
+<1> The `<class>` element defines the class:
+ * The `id` attribute defines the _class hint_ that identifies the class both
+elsewhere in the fieldmapper configuration file, such as in the value of the
+`field` attribute of the `<link>` element, and in the JSON object itself when
+it is instantiated. For example, an "Open User Summary" JSON object would have
+the top level property of `"__c":"mous"`.
+ * The `controller` attribute identifies the services that have direct access
+to this class. If `open-ils.pcrud` is not listed, for example, then there is
+no means to directly access members of this class through a public service.
+ * The `oils_obj:fieldmapper` attribute defines the name of the Perl
+fieldmapper class that will be dynamically generated to provide setter and
+getter methods for instances of the class.
+ * The `oils_persist:tablename` attribute identifies the schema name and table
+name of the database table that stores the data that represents the instances
+of this class. In this case, the schema is `money` and the table is
+ * The `reporter:label` attribute defines a human-readable name for the class
+used in the reporting interface to identify the class. These names are defined
+in English in the fieldmapper configuration file; however, they are extracted
+so that they can be translated and served in the user's language of choice.
+<2> The `<fields>` element lists all of the fields that belong to the object.
+ * The `oils_persist:primary` attribute identifies the field that acts as the
+primary key for the object; in this case, the field with the name `usr`.
+ * The `oils_persist:sequence` attribute identifies the sequence object
+(if any) in this database provides values for new instances of this class. In
+this case, the primary key is defined by a field that is linked to a different
+table, so no sequence is used to populate these instances.
+<3> Each `<field>` element defines a single field with the following attributes:
+ * The `name` attribute identifies the column name of the field in the
+underlying database table as well as providing a name for the setter / getter
+method that can be invoked in the JSON or native version of the object.
+ * The `reporter:datatype` attribute defines how the reporter should treat
+the contents of the field for the purposes of querying and display.
+ * The `reporter:label` attribute can be used to provide a human-readable name
+for each field; without it, the reporter falls back to the value of the `name`
+<4> The `<links>` element contains a set of zero or more `<link>` elements,
+each of which defines a relationship between the class being described and
+another class.
+ * The `field` attribute identifies the field named in this class that links
+to the external class.
+ * The `reltype` attribute identifies the kind of relationship between the
+classes; in the case of `has_a`, each value in the `usr` field is guaranteed
+to have a corresponding value in the external class.
+ * The `key` attribute identifies the name of the field in the external
+class to which this field links.
+ * The rarely-used `map` attribute identifies a second class to which
+the external class links; it enables this field to define a direct
+relationship to an external class with one degree of separation, to
+avoid having to retrieve all of the linked members of an intermediate
+class just to retrieve the instances from the actual desired target class.
+ * The `class` attribute identifies the external class to which this field
+<5> The `<permacrud>` element defines the permissions that must have been
+granted to a user to operate on instances of this class.
+<6> The `<retrieve>` element is one of four possible children of the
+`<actions>` element that define the permissions required for each action:
+create, retrieve, update, and delete.
+ * The `permission` attribute identifies the name of the permission that must
+have been granted to the user to perform the action.
+ * The `contextfield` attribute, if it exists, defines the field in this class
+that identifies the library within the system for which the user must have
+prvileges to work. If a user has been granted a given permission, but has not been
+granted privileges to work at a given library, they can not perform the action
+at that library.
+<7> The rarely-used `<context>` element identifies a linked field (`link`
+attribute) in this class which links to an external class that holds the field
+(`field` attribute) that identifies the library within the system for which the
+user must have privileges to work.
+When you retrieve an instance of a class, you can ask for the result to
+_flesh_ some or all of the linked fields of that class, so that the linked
+instances are returned embedded directly in your requested instance. In that
+same request you can ask for the fleshed instances to in turn have their linked
+fields fleshed. By bundling all of this into a single request and result
+sequence, you can avoid the network overhead of requiring the client to request
+the base object, then request each linked object in turn.
+You can also iterate over a collection of instances and set the automatically
+generated `isdeleted`, `isupdated`, or `isnew` properties to indicate that
+the given instance has been deleted, updated, or created respectively.
+Evergreen can then act in batch mode over the collection to perform the
+requested actions on any of the instances that have been flagged for action.
+=== Returning streaming results ===
+In the previous implementation of the `opensrf.simple-text.split` method, we
+returned a reference to the complete array of results. For small values being
+delivered over the network, this is perfectly acceptable, but for large sets of
+values this can pose a number of problems for the requesting client. Consider a
+service that returns a set of bibliographic records in response to a query like
+"all records edited in the past month"; if the underlying database is
+relatively active, that could result in thousands of records being returned as
+a single network request. The client would be forced to block until all of the
+results are returned, likely resulting in a significant delay, and depending on
+the implementation, correspondingly large amounts of memory might be consumed
+as all of the results are read from the network in a single block.
+OpenSRF offers a solution to this problem. If the method returns results that
+can be divided into separate meaningful units, you can register the OpenSRF
+method as a streaming method and enable the client to loop over the results one
+unit at a time until the method returns no further results. In addition to
+registering the method with the provided name, OpenSRF also registers an additional
+method with `.atomic` appended to the method name. The `.atomic` variant gathers
+all of the results into a single block to return to the client, giving the caller
+the ability to choose either streaming or atomic results from a single method
+In the following example, the text splitting method has been reimplemented to
+support streaming; very few changes are required:
+.Text splitting method - streaming mode
+sub text_split {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $conn = shift;
+ my $text = shift;
+ my $delimiter = shift || ' ';
+ my @split_text = split $delimiter, $text;
+ foreach my $string (@split_text) { # <1>
+ $conn->respond($string);
+ }
+ return undef;
+ method => 'text_split',
+ api_name => 'opensrf.simple-text.split',
+ stream => 1 # <2>
+<1> Rather than returning a reference to the array, a streaming method loops
+over the contents of the array and invokes the `respond()` method of the
+connection object on each element of the array.
+<2> Registering the method as a streaming method instructs OpenSRF to also
+register an atomic variant (`opensrf.simple-text.split.atomic`).
+=== Error! Warning! Info! Debug! ===
+As hard as it may be to believe, it is true: applications sometimes do not
+behave in the expected manner, particularly when they are still under
+development. The server language bindings for OpenSRF include integrated
+support for logging messages at the levels of ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, and
+the extremely verbose INTERNAL to either a local file or to a syslogger
+service. The destination of the log files, and the level of verbosity to be
+logged, is set in the `opensrf_core.xml` configuration file. To add logging to
+our Perl example, we just have to add the `OpenSRF::Utils::Logger` package to our
+list of used Perl modules, then invoke the logger at the desired logging level.
+You can include many calls to the OpenSRF logger; only those that are higher
+than your configured logging level will actually hit the log. The following
+example exercises all of the available logging levels in OpenSRF:
+use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger;
+my $logger = OpenSRF::Utils::Logger;
+# some code in some function
+ $logger->error("Hmm, something bad DEFINITELY happened!");
+ $logger->warn("Hmm, something bad might have happened.");
+ $logger->info("Something happened.");
+ $logger->debug("Something happened; here are some more details.");
+ $logger->internal("Something happened; here are all the gory details.")
+If you call the mythical OpenSRF method containing the preceding OpenSRF logger
+statements on a system running at the default logging level of INFO, you will
+only see the INFO, WARN, and ERR messages, as follows:
+.Results of logging calls at the default level of INFO
+[2010-03-17 22:27:30] opensrf.simple-text [ERR :5681:SimpleText.pm:277:] Hmm, something bad DEFINITELY happened!
+[2010-03-17 22:27:30] opensrf.simple-text [WARN:5681:SimpleText.pm:278:] Hmm, something bad might have happened.
+[2010-03-17 22:27:30] opensrf.simple-text [INFO:5681:SimpleText.pm:279:] Something happened.
+If you then increase the the logging level to INTERNAL (5), the logs will
+contain much more information, as follows:
+.Results of logging calls at the default level of INTERNAL
+[2010-03-17 22:48:11] opensrf.simple-text [ERR :5934:SimpleText.pm:277:] Hmm, something bad DEFINITELY happened!
+[2010-03-17 22:48:11] opensrf.simple-text [WARN:5934:SimpleText.pm:278:] Hmm, something bad might have happened.
+[2010-03-17 22:48:11] opensrf.simple-text [INFO:5934:SimpleText.pm:279:] Something happened.
+[2010-03-17 22:48:11] opensrf.simple-text [DEBG:5934:SimpleText.pm:280:] Something happened; here are some more details.
+[2010-03-17 22:48:11] opensrf.simple-text [INTL:5934:SimpleText.pm:281:] Something happened; here are all the gory details.
+[2010-03-17 22:48:11] opensrf.simple-text [ERR :5934:SimpleText.pm:283:] Resolver did not find a cache hit
+[2010-03-17 22:48:21] opensrf.simple-text [INTL:5934:Cache.pm:125:] Stored opensrf.simple-text.test_cache.masaa => "here" in memcached server
+[2010-03-17 22:48:21] opensrf.simple-text [DEBG:5934:Application.pm:579:] Coderef for [OpenSRF::Application::Demo::SimpleText::test_cache] has been run
+[2010-03-17 22:48:21] opensrf.simple-text [DEBG:5934:Application.pm:586:] A top level Request object is responding de nada
+[2010-03-17 22:48:21] opensrf.simple-text [DEBG:5934:Application.pm:190:] Method duration for [opensrf.simple-text.test_cache]: 10.005
+[2010-03-17 22:48:21] opensrf.simple-text [INTL:5934:AppSession.pm:780:] Calling queue_wait(0)
+[2010-03-17 22:48:21] opensrf.simple-text [INTL:5934:AppSession.pm:769:] Resending...0
+[2010-03-17 22:48:21] opensrf.simple-text [INTL:5934:AppSession.pm:450:] In send
+[2010-03-17 22:48:21] opensrf.simple-text [DEBG:5934:AppSession.pm:506:] AppSession sending RESULT to opensrf@private.localhost/_dan-karmic-liblap_1268880489.752154_5943 with threadTrace [1]
+[2010-03-17 22:48:21] opensrf.simple-text [DEBG:5934:AppSession.pm:506:] AppSession sending STATUS to opensrf@private.localhost/_dan-karmic-liblap_1268880489.752154_5943 with threadTrace [1]
+To see everything that is happening in OpenSRF, try leaving your logging level
+set to INTERNAL for a few minutes - just ensure that you have a lot of free disk
+space available if you have a moderately busy system!
+=== Caching results: one secret of scalability ===
+If you have ever used an application that depends on a remote Web service
+outside of your control-say, if you need to retrieve results from a
+microblogging service-you know the pain of latency and dependability (or the
+lack thereof). To improve response time in OpenSRF applications, you can take
+advantage of the support offered by the `OpenSRF::Utils::Cache` module for
+communicating with a local instance or cluster of memcache daemons to store
+and retrieve persistent values.
+use OpenSRF::Utils::Cache; # <1>
+sub test_cache {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $conn = shift;
+ my $test_key = shift;
+ my $cache = OpenSRF::Utils::Cache->new('global'); # <2>
+ my $cache_key = "opensrf.simple-text.test_cache.$test_key"; # <3>
+ my $result = $cache->get_cache($cache_key) || undef; # <4>
+ if ($result) {
+ $logger->info("Resolver found a cache hit");
+ return $result;
+ }
+ sleep 10; # <5>
+ my $cache_timeout = 300; # <6>
+ $cache->put_cache($cache_key, "here", $cache_timeout); # <7>
+ return "There was no cache hit.";
+This example:
+<1> Imports the OpenSRF::Utils::Cache module
+<2> Creates a cache object
+<3> Creates a unique cache key based on the OpenSRF method name and
+request input value
+<4> Checks to see if the cache key already exists; if so, it immediately
+returns that value
+<5> If the cache key does not exist, the code sleeps for 10 seconds to
+simulate a call to a slow remote Web service, or an intensive process
+<6> Sets a value for the lifetime of the cache key in seconds
+<7> When the code has retrieved its value, then it can create the cache
+entry, with the cache key, value to be stored ("here"), and the timeout
+value in seconds to ensure that we do not return stale data on subsequent
+=== Initializing the service and its children: child labour ===
+When an OpenSRF service is started, it looks for a procedure called
+`initialize()` to set up any global variables shared by all of the children of
+the service. The `initialize()` procedure is typically used to retrieve
+configuration settings from the `opensrf.xml` file.
+An OpenSRF service spawns one or more children to actually do the work
+requested by callers of the service. For every child process an OpenSRF service
+spawns, the child process clones the parent environment and then each child
+process runs the `child_init()` process (if any) defined in the OpenSRF service
+to initialize any child-specific settings.
+When the OpenSRF service kills a child process, it invokes the `child_exit()`
+procedure (if any) to clean up any resources associated with the child process.
+Similarly, when the OpenSRF service is stopped, it calls the `DESTROY()`
+procedure to clean up any remaining resources.
+=== Retrieving configuration settings ===
+The settings for OpenSRF services are maintained in the `opensrf.xml` XML
+configuration file. The structure of the XML document consists of a root
+element `<opensrf>` containing two child elements:
+ * `<default>` contains an `<apps>` element describing all
+OpenSRF services running on this system -- see <<serviceRegistration>> --, as
+well as any other arbitrary XML descriptions required for global configuration
+purposes. For example, Evergreen uses this section for email notification and
+inter-library patron privacy settings.
+ * `<hosts>` contains one element per host that participates in
+this OpenSRF system. Each host element must include an `<activeapps>` element
+that lists all of the services to start on this host when the system starts
+up. Each host element can optionally override any of the default settings.
+OpenSRF includes a service named `opensrf.settings` to provide distributed
+cached access to the configuration settings with a simple API:
+ * `opensrf.settings.default_config.get`: accepts zero arguments and returns
+the complete set of default settings as a JSON document
+ * `opensrf.settings.host_config.get`: accepts one argument (hostname) and
+returns the complete set of settings, as customized for that hostname, as a
+JSON document
+ * `opensrf.settings.xpath.get`: accepts one argument (an
+http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/[XPath] expression) and returns the portion of
+the configuration file that matches the expression as a JSON document
+For example, to determine whether an Evergreen system uses the opt-in
+support for sharing patron information between libraries, you could either
+invoke the `opensrf.settings.default_config.get` method and parse the
+JSON document to determine the value, or invoke the `opensrf.settings.xpath.get`
+method with the XPath `/opensrf/default/share/user/opt_in` argument to
+retrieve the value directly.
+In practice, OpenSRF includes convenience libraries in all of its client
+language bindings to simplify access to configuration values. C offers
+osrfConfig.c, Perl offers `OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient`, Java offers
+`org.opensrf.util.SettingsClient`, and Python offers `osrf.set`. These
+libraries locally cache the configuration file to avoid network roundtrips for
+every request and enable the developer to request specific values without
+having to manually construct XPath expressions.
+== Getting under the covers with OpenSRF ==
+Now that you have seen that it truly is easy to create an OpenSRF service, we
+can take a look at what is going on under the covers to make all of this work
+for you.
+=== Get on the messaging bus - safely ===
+One of the core innovations of OpenSRF was to use the Extensible Messaging and
+Presence Protocol (XMPP, more colloquially known as Jabber) as the messaging
+bus that ties OpenSRF services together across servers. XMPP is an "XML
+protocol for near-real-time messaging, presence, and request-response services"
+(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3920.txt) that OpenSRF relies on to handle most of
+the complexity of networked communications. OpenSRF achieves a measure of
+security for its services through the use of public and private XMPP domains;
+all OpenSRF services automatically register themselves with the private XMPP
+domain, but only those services that register themselves with the public XMPP
+domain can be invoked from public OpenSRF clients.
+In a minimal OpenSRF deployment, two XMPP users named "router" connect to the
+XMPP server, with one connected to the private XMPP domain and one connected to
+the public XMPP domain. Similarly, two XMPP users named "opensrf" connect to
+the XMPP server via the private and public XMPP domains. When an OpenSRF
+service is started, it uses the "opensrf" XMPP user to advertise its
+availability with the corresponding router on that XMPP domain; the XMPP server
+automatically assigns a Jabber ID (JID) based on the client hostname to each
+service's listener process and each connected drone process waiting to carry
+out requests. When an OpenSRF router receives a request to invoke a method on a
+given service, it connects the requester to the next available listener in the
+list of registered listeners for that service.
+The opensrf and router user names, passwords, and domain names, along with the
+list of services that should be public, are contained in the `opensrf_core.xml`
+configuration file.
+=== Message body format ===
+OpenSRF was an early adopter of JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). While XMPP
+is an XML protocol, the Evergreen developers recognized that the compactness of
+the JSON format offered a significant reduction in bandwidth for the volume of
+messages that would be generated in an application of that size. In addition,
+the ability of languages such as JavaScript, Perl, and Python to generate
+native objects with minimal parsing offered an attractive advantage over
+invoking an XML parser for every message. Instead, the body of the XMPP message
+is a simple JSON structure. For a simple request, like the following example
+that simply reverses a string, it looks like a significant overhead: but we get
+the advantages of locale support and tracing the request from the requester
+through the listener and responder (drone).
+.A request for opensrf.simple-text.reverse("foobar"):
+<message from='router@private.localhost/opensrf.simple-text'
+ to='opensrf@private.localhost/opensrf.simple-text_listener_at_localhost_6275'
+ router_from='opensrf@private.localhost/_karmic_126678.3719_6288'
+ router_to='' router_class='' router_command='' osrf_xid=''
+ <thread>1266781414.366573.12667814146288</thread>
+ <body>
+ {"__c":"osrfMessage","__p":
+ {"threadTrace":"1","locale":"en-US","type":"REQUEST","payload":
+ {"__c":"osrfMethod","__p":
+ {"method":"opensrf.simple-text.reverse","params":["foobar"]}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ </body>
+.A response from opensrf.simple-text.reverse("foobar")
+<message from='opensrf@private.localhost/opensrf.simple-text_drone_at_localhost_6285'
+ to='opensrf@private.localhost/_karmic_126678.3719_6288'
+ router_command='' router_class='' osrf_xid=''
+ <thread>1266781414.366573.12667814146288</thread>
+ <body>
+ {"__c":"osrfMessage","__p":
+ {"threadTrace":"1","payload":
+ {"__c":"osrfResult","__p":
+ {"status":"OK","content":"raboof","statusCode":200}
+ } ,"type":"RESULT","locale":"en-US"}
+ },
+ {"__c":"osrfMessage","__p":
+ {"threadTrace":"1","payload":
+ {"__c":"osrfConnectStatus","__p":
+ {"status":"Request Complete","statusCode":205}
+ },"type":"STATUS","locale":"en-US"}
+ }
+ </body>
+The content of the `<body>` element of the OpenSRF request and result should
+look familiar; they match the structure of the <<OpenSRFOverHTTP,OpenSRF over
+HTTP examples>> that we previously dissected.
+=== Registering OpenSRF methods in depth ===
+Let's explore the call to `__PACKAGE__->register_method()`; most of the elements
+of the hash are optional, and for the sake of brevity we omitted them in the
+previous example. As we have seen in the results of the <<opensrfIntrospection,introspection call>>, a
+verbose regisration method call is recommended to better enable the internal
+documentation. So, for the sake of completeness here, is the set of elements
+that you should pass to `__PACKAGE__->register_method()`:
+ * `method`: the name of the procedure in this module that is being registered as an OpenSRF method
+ * `api_name`: the invocable name of the OpenSRF method; by convention, the OpenSRF service name is used as the prefix
+ * `api_level`: (optional) can be used for versioning the methods to allow the use of a deprecated API, but in practical use is always 1
+ * `argc`: (optional) the minimal number of arguments that the method expects
+ * `stream`: (optional) if this argument is set to any value, then the method supports returning multiple values from a single call to subsequent requests, and OpenSRF automatically creates a corresponding method with ".atomic" appended to its name that returns the complete set of results in a single request; streaming methods are useful if you are returning hundreds of records and want to act on the results as they return
+ * `signature`: (optional) a hash describing the method's purpose, arguments, and return value
+ ** `desc`: a description of the method's purpose
+ ** `params`: an array of hashes, each of which describes one of the method arguments
+ *** `name`: the name of the argument
+ *** `desc`: a description of the argument's purpose
+ *** `type`: the data type of the argument: for example, string, integer, boolean, number, array, or hash
+ ** `return`: a hash describing the return value of the method
+ *** `desc`: a description of the return value
+ *** `type`: the data type of the return value: for example, string, integer, boolean, number, array, or hash
+== Evergreen-specific OpenSRF services ==
+Evergreen is currently the primary showcase for the use of OpenSRF as an
+application architecture. Evergreen 1.6.0 includes the following
+set of OpenSRF services:
+ * `open-ils.actor`: Supports common tasks for working with user accounts
+ and libraries.
+ * `open-ils.auth`: Supports authentication of Evergreen users.
+ * `open-ils.cat`: Supports common cataloging tasks, such as creating,
+ modifying, and merging bibliographic and authority records.
+ * `open-ils.circ`: Supports circulation tasks such as checking out items and
+ calculating due dates.
+ * `open-ils.collections`: Supports tasks to assist collections services for
+ contacting users with outstanding fines above a certain threshold.
+ * `open-ils.cstore`: Supports unrestricted access to Evergreen fieldmapper
+ objects. This is a private service.
+ * `open-ils.ingest`: Supports tasks for importing bibliographic and authority
+ records.
+ * `open-ils.pcrud`: Supports permission-based access to Evergreen fieldmapper
+ objects.
+ * `open-ils.penalty`: Supports the calculation of penalties for users, such as
+ being blocked from further borrowing, for conditions such as having too many
+ items checked out or too many unpaid fines.
+ * `open-ils.reporter`: Supports the creation and scheduling of reports.
+ * `open-ils.reporter-store`: Supports access to Evergreen fieldmapper objects
+ for the reporting service. This is a private service.
+ * `open-ils.search`: Supports searching across bibliographic records,
+ authority records, serial records, Z39.50 sources, and ZIP codes.
+ * `open-ils.storage`: A deprecated method of providing access to Evergreen
+ fieldmapper objects. Implemented in Perl, this service has largely been
+ replaced by the much faster C-based `open-ils.cstore` service.
+ * `open-ils.supercat`: Supports transforms of MARC records into other formats,
+ such as MODS, as well as providing Atom and RSS feeds and SRU access.
+ * `open-ils.trigger`: Supports event-based triggers for actions such as overdue
+ and holds available notification emails.
+ * `open-ils.vandelay`: Supports the import and export of batches of
+ bibliographic and authority records.
+Of some interest is that the `open-ils.reporter-store` and `open-ils.cstore`
+services have identical implementations. Surfacing them as separate services
+enables a deployer of Evergreen to ensure that the reporting service does not
+interfere with the performance-critical `open-ils.cstore` service. One can also
+direct the reporting service to a read-only database replica to, again, avoid
+interference with `open-ils.cstore` which must write to the master database.
+There are only a few significant services that are not built on OpenSRF in
+Evergreen 1.6.0, such as the SIP and Z39.50 servers. These services implement
+different protocols and build on existing daemon architectures (Simple2ZOOM
+for Z39.50), but still rely on the other OpenSRF services to provide access
+to the Evergreen data. The non-OpenSRF services are reasonably self-contained
+and can be deployed on different servers to deliver the same sort of deployment
+flexibility as OpenSRF services, but have the disadvantage of not being
+integrated into the same configuration and control infrastructure as the
+OpenSRF services.
+== Evergreen after one year: reflections on OpenSRF ==
+http://projectconifer.ca[Project Conifer] has been live on Evergreen for just
+over a year now, and as one of the primary technologists I have had to work
+closely with the OpenSRF infrastructure during that time. As such, I am in
+a position to identify some of the strengths and weaknesses of OpenSRF based
+on our experiences.
+=== Strengths of OpenSRF ===
+As a service infrastructure, OpenSRF has been remarkably reliable. We initially
+deployed Evergreen on an unreleased version of both OpenSRF and Evergreen due
+to our requirements for some functionality that had not been delivered in a
+stable release at that point in time, and despite this risky move we suffered
+very little unplanned downtime in the opening months. On July 27, 2009 we
+moved to a newer (but still unreleased) version of the OpenSRF and Evergreen
+code, and began formally tracking our downtime. Since then, we have achieved
+more than 99.9% availability - including scheduled downtime for maintenance.
+This compares quite favourably to the maximum of 75% availability that we were
+capable of achieving on our previous library system due to the nightly downtime
+that was required for our backup process. The OpenSRF "maximum request"
+configuration parameter for each service that kills off drone processes after
+they have served a given number of requests provides a nice failsafe for
+processes that might otherwise suffer from a memory leak or hung process. It
+also helps that when we need to apply an update to a Perl service that is
+running on multiple servers, we can apply the updated code, then restart the
+service on one server at a time to avoid any downtime.
+As promised by the OpenSRF infrastructure, we have also been able to tune our
+cluster of servers to provide better performance. For example, we were able to
+change the number of maximum concurrent processes for our database services
+when we noticed that we seeing a performance bottleneck with database access.
+Making a configuration change go live simply requires you to restart the
+`opensrf.setting` service to pick up the configuration change, then restart the
+affected service on each of your servers. We were also able to turn off some of
+the less-used OpenSRF services, such as `open-ils.collections`, on one of our
+servers to devote more resources on that server to the more frequently used
+services and other performance-critical processes such as Apache.
+The support for logging and caching that is built into OpenSRF has been
+particularly helpful with the development of a custom service for SFX holdings
+integration into our catalogue. Once I understood how OpenSRF works, most of
+the effort required to build that SFX integration service was spent on figuring
+out how to properly invoke the SFX API to display human-readable holdings.
+Adding a new OpenSRF service and registering several new methods for the
+service was relatively easy. The support for directing log messages to syslog
+in OpenSRF has also been a boon for both development and debugging when
+problems arise in a cluster of five servers; we direct all of our log messages
+to a single server where we can inspect the complete set of messages for the
+entire cluster in context, rather than trying to piece them together across
+=== Weaknesses ===
+The primary weakness of OpenSRF is the lack of either formal or informal
+documentation for OpenSRF. There are many frequently asked questions on the
+Evergreen mailing lists and IRC channel that indicate that some of the people
+running Evergreen or trying to run Evergreen have not been able to find
+documentation to help them understand, even at a high level, how the OpenSRF
+Router and services work with XMPP and the Apache Web server to provide a
+working Evergreen system. Also, over the past few years several developers
+have indicated an interest in developing Ruby and PHP bindings for OpenSRF, but
+the efforts so far have resulted in no working code. Without a formal
+specification, clearly annotated examples, and unit tests for the major OpenSRF
+communication use cases that could be ported to the new language as a base set
+of expectations for a working binding, the hurdles for a developer new to
+OpenSRF are significant. As a result, Evergreen integration efforts with
+popular frameworks like Drupal, Blacklight, and VuFind result in the best
+practical option for a developer with limited time -- database-level
+integration -- which has the unfortunate side effect of being much more likely
+to break after an upgrade.
+In conjunction with the lack of documentation that makes it hard to get started
+with the framework, a disincentive for new developers to contribute to OpenSRF
+itself is the lack of integrated unit tests. For a developer to contribute a
+significant, non-obvious patch to OpenSRF, they need to manually run through
+various (undocumented, again) use cases to try and ensure that the patch
+introduced no unanticipated side effects. The same problems hold for Evergreen
+itself, although the
+http://svn.open-ils.org/ILS-Contrib/constrictor[Constrictor] stress-testing
+framework offers a way of performing some automated system testing and
+performance testing.
+These weaknesses could be relatively easily overcome with the effort through
+contributions from people with the right skill sets. This article arguably
+offers a small set of clear examples at both the networking and application
+layer of OpenSRF. A technical writer who understands OpenSRF could contribute a
+formal specification to the project. With a formal specification at their
+disposal, a quality assurance expert could create an automated test harness and
+a basic set of unit tests that could be incrementally extended to provide more
+coverage over time. If one or more continual integration environments are set
+up to track the various OpenSRF branches of interest, then the OpenSRF
+community would have immediate feedback on build quality. Once a unit testing
+framework is in place, more developers might be willing to develop and
+contribute patches as they could sanity check their own code without an intense
+effort before exposing it to their peers.
+== Summary ==
+In this article, I attempted to provide both a high-level and detailed overview
+of how OpenSRF works, how to build and deploy new OpenSRF services, how to make
+requests to OpenSRF method from OpenSRF clients or over HTTP, and why you
+should consider it a possible infrastructure for building your next
+high-performance system that requires the capability to scale out. In addition,
+I surveyed the Evergreen services built on OpenSRF and reflected on the
+strengths and weaknesses of the platform based on the experiences of Project
+Conifer after a year in production, with some thoughts about areas where the
+right application of skills could make a significant difference to the Evergreen
+and OpenSRF projects.
+== Appendix: Python client ==
+Following is a Python client that makes the same OpenSRF calls as the Perl
+[source, python]
+NOTE: Python's `dnspython` module refuses to read `/etc/resolv.conf`, so to
+access hostnames that are not served up via DNS, such as the extremely common
+case of `localhost`, you may need to install a package like `dnsmasq` to act
+as a local DNS server for those hostnames.
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc: