return $e->search_action_all_circulation([
{target_copy => $copyid},
- {limit => $count, order_by => { circ => "xact_start DESC" }}
+ {limit => $count, order_by => { combcirc => "xact_start DESC" }}
+ var newest_circ_aged = true;
+ var all_circs_aged = true;
function show_circs() {
try {
$('r_last').disabled = true; $('r_all').disabled = true;
var gb = $('circs');
for (var j = 0; j < g.circs.length; j++) {
+ if (g.circs[j].usr()) { // have at least 1 active circ
+ all_circs_aged = false;
+ if (j == 0) { // first circ is active
+ newest_circ_aged = false;
+ }
+ }
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.setAttribute('style','overflow: none; min-height: 100px;');
iframe.setAttribute('src', urls.XUL_CIRC_BRIEF); // + '?circ_id=' + g.circs[j].id() );
get_contentWindow(iframe).xulG = { 'circ_id' : g.circs[j].id() };
+ // Disable retrieve patron buttons when there are no
+ // patrons to retrieve, because related circs are aged.
+ $('r_all').disabled = all_circs_aged;
+ $('r_last').disabled = newest_circ_aged;
} catch(E) {
g.error.standard_unexpected_error_alert('error showing circs',E);