$location = $self->retrieve_org_unit_by_shortname($loc);
+ # Look for a NeedBeforeDate to use as expiration...
+ my $hold_expiration = $request->{$message}->{NeedBeforeDate};
# Place the hold.
- my $hold = $self->place_hold($item, $user, $location);
+ my $hold = $self->place_hold($item, $user, $location, $hold_expiration);
if (ref($hold) eq 'NCIP::Problem') {
} else {
=head2 place_hold
- $hold = $ils->place_hold($item, $user, $location);
+ $hold = $ils->place_hold($item, $user, $location, $expiration);
This function places a hold on $item for $user for pickup at
$location. If location is not provided or undefined, the user's home
library is used as a fallback.
+The $expiration argument is optional and must be a properly formatted
+ISO date time. It will be used as the hold expire time, if
+provided. Otherwise the system default time will be used.
$item can be a copy (asset::copy), volume (asset::call_number), or bib
(biblio::record_entry). The appropriate hold type will be placed
depending on the object.
my $item = shift;
my $user = shift;
my $location = shift;
+ my $expiration = shift;
# If $location is undefined, use the user's home_ou, which should
# have been fleshed when the user was retrieved.
+ $hold->expire_time(cleanse_ISO8601($expiration)) if ($expiration);
if (!$user->email()) {
$hold->phone_notify($user->day_phone()) if ($user->day_phone());