-<form role="form" class="form-validated eg-edit-fm-record">
+<form role="form" class="form-validated eg-edit-fm-record" name="fm_record_form">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close"
<label for="rec-{{field.name}}">{{field.label}}</label>
<div class="col-md-9">
- <span ng-if="field.datatype == 'id' && !id_is_editable">{{rec[field.name]()}}</span>
- <input ng-if="field.datatype == 'id' && id_is_editable"
- ng-readonly="field.readonly"
- ng-required="field.is_required()"
- ng-model="rec[field.name]"
- ng-model-options="{ getterSetter : true }">
- </input>
- <input ng-if="field.datatype == 'text'"
- ng-readonly="field.readonly"
- ng-required="field.is_required()"
- ng-model="rec[field.name]"
- ng-model-options="{ getterSetter : true }">
- </input>
- <input ng-if="field.datatype == 'int'"
- type="number"
- ng-readonly="field.readonly"
- ng-required="field.is_required()"
- ng-model="rec[field.name]"
- ng-model-options="{ getterSetter : true }">
- </input>
- <input ng-if="field.datatype == 'float'"
- type="number" step="0.1"
- ng-readonly="field.readonly"
- ng-required="field.is_required()"
- ng-model="rec[field.name]"
- ng-model-options="{ getterSetter : true }">
- </input>
- <input ng-if="field.datatype == 'bool'"
- type="checkbox"
- ng-readonly="field.readonly"
- ng-model="rec[field.name]"
- ng-model-options="{ getterSetter : true }">
- </input>
- <span ng-if="field.datatype == 'link'"
- ng-class="{nullable : !field.is_required()}">
- <select ng-if="field.datatype == 'link'"
+ <span ng-if="field.use_custom_template">
+ <eg-fm-custom-field-input template="field.custom_template" handlers="field.handlers">
+ </span>
+ <span ng-if="!field.use_custom_template">
+ <span ng-if="field.datatype == 'id' && !id_is_editable">{{rec[field.name]()}}</span>
+ <input ng-if="field.datatype == 'id' && id_is_editable"
+ ng-readonly="field.readonly"
+ ng-required="field.is_required()"
+ ng-model="rec[field.name]"
+ ng-model-options="{ getterSetter : true }">
+ </input>
+ <input ng-if="field.datatype == 'text'"
+ ng-readonly="field.readonly"
+ ng-required="field.is_required()"
+ ng-model="rec[field.name]"
+ ng-model-options="{ getterSetter : true }">
+ </input>
+ <input ng-if="field.datatype == 'int'"
+ type="number"
+ ng-readonly="field.readonly"
+ ng-required="field.is_required()"
+ ng-model="rec[field.name]"
+ ng-model-options="{ getterSetter : true }">
+ </input>
+ <input ng-if="field.datatype == 'float'"
+ type="number" step="0.1"
- ng-options="item.id as item.name for item in field.linked_values"
ng-model-options="{ getterSetter : true }">
- </select>
+ </input>
+ <input ng-if="field.datatype == 'bool'"
+ type="checkbox"
+ ng-readonly="field.readonly"
+ ng-model="rec[field.name]"
+ ng-model-options="{ getterSetter : true }">
+ </input>
+ <span ng-if="field.datatype == 'link'"
+ ng-class="{nullable : !field.is_required()}">
+ <select ng-if="field.datatype == 'link'"
+ ng-readonly="field.readonly"
+ ng-required="field.is_required()"
+ ng-options="item.id as item.name for item in field.linked_values"
+ ng-model="rec[field.name]"
+ ng-model-options="{ getterSetter : true }">
+ </select>
+ </span>
+ <eg-org-selector ng-if="field.datatype == 'org_unit' && !field.org_default_allowed"
+ selected="rec_org_values[field.name]"
+ onchange="rec_orgs[field.name]" nodefault>
+ </eg-org-selector>
+ <eg-org-selector ng-if="field.datatype == 'org_unit' && field.org_default_allowed"
+ selected="rec_org_values[field.name]"
+ onchange="rec_orgs[field.name]">
+ </eg-org-selector>
- <eg-org-selector ng-if="field.datatype == 'org_unit'"
- selected="rec_org_values[field.name]"
- onchange="rec_orgs[field.name]" nodefault>
- </eg-org-selector>
<div class="modal-footer">
- <button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="ok()">[% l('Save') %]</button>
+ <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" ng-disabled="fm_record_form.$invalid" ng-click="ok()">[% l('Save') %]</button>
<button class="btn btn-warning" ng-click="cancel()">[% l('Cancel') %]</button>
// record ID to update
recordId : '=',
+ // fields with custom templates
+ // hash keyed on field name; may contain
+ // template - Angular template; should access
+ // field value using rec_flat[field.name]
+ // handlers - any functions you want to pass
+ // in to the custom template
+ customFieldTemplates : '=',
// comma-separated list of fields that should not be
// displayed
hiddenFields : '@',
// supplements what the IDL considers required
requiredFields : '@',
+ // comma-separated list of org_unit fields where
+ // the selector should default to the workstation OU
+ orgDefaultAllowed : '@',
// hash, keyed by field name, of functions to invoke
// to check whether a field is required. Each
// callback is passed the field name and the record
$scope.required = list_to_hash($scope.requiredFields);
$scope.readonly = list_to_hash($scope.readonlyFields);
$scope.hidden = list_to_hash($scope.hiddenFields);
+ $scope.org_default_allowed = list_to_hash($scope.orgDefaultAllowed);
$scope.record_label = egCore.idl.classes[$scope.idlClass].label;
$scope.rec_orgs = {};
+ $scope.rec_flat = {};
$scope.rec_org_values = {};
$scope.id_is_editable = false;
+ // retrieve values from any fields controlled
+ // by custom templates, which for the moment all
+ // expect to be passed an ordinary flat value
+ if (field.name in $scope.rec_flat) {
+ rec[field.name]($scope.rec_flat[field.name]);
+ }
if ($scope.rec[field.name]()) {
$scope.rec_org_values[field.name] = $scope.rec_orgs[field.name]();
+ field.org_default_allowed = (field.name in $scope.org_default_allowed);
+ }
+ if (field.name in $scope.customFieldTemplates) {
+ field.use_custom_template = true;
+ field.custom_template = $scope.customFieldTemplates[field.name].template;
+ field.handlers = $scope.customFieldTemplates[field.name].handlers;
+ $scope.rec_flat[field.name] = $scope.rec[field.name]();
return fields.filter(function(field) { return !(field.name in $scope.hidden) });
+.directive('egFmCustomFieldInput', function($compile) {
+ return {
+ restrict : 'E',
+ scope : {
+ template : '=',
+ handlers : '='
+ },
+ link : function(scope, element, attrs) {
+ element.html(scope.template);
+ $compile(element.contents())(scope.$parent);
+ }
+ };