} # all payment objects have been created and inserted.
- if($type eq 'credit_card_payment') {
- # TODO send to credit card processor
- # amount == $total_paid
- # user == $user_id
- # other args == $cc_args (hash)
- # $e->rollback if processing fails. This will undo everything.
- }
my $evt = _update_patron_credit($e, $patron, $credit);
return $evt if $evt;
return $evt if $evt;
+ if($type eq 'credit_card_payment') {
+ # TODO send to credit card processor
+ # amount == $total_paid
+ # user == $user_id
+ # other args == $cc_args (hash, see api docs)
+ # $e->rollback if processing fails. This will undo everything.
+ }
return 1;