With assistance from Mike Rylander on pointing out the needed indexes to keep
search fast, and from Mike Peters on arranging a last minute DCO :-)
Type numbers into a patron phone number field and get a match regardless of
the punctuation actually used in the database.
git-svn-id: svn://svn.open-ils.org/ILS/trunk@20429
my @phonev;
if ($pv) {
for my $p ( qw/day_phone evening_phone other_phone/ ) {
- push @ps, "evergreen.lowercase($p) ~ ?";
+ if ($pv =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ push @ps, "evergreen.lowercase(REGEXP_REPLACE($p, '[^0-9]', '', 'g')) ~ ?";
+ } else {
+ push @ps, "evergreen.lowercase($p) ~ ?";
+ }
push @phonev, "^$pv";
$phone = '(' . join(' OR ', @ps) . ')';
BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON config.db_patch_dependencies
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE evergreen.array_overlap_check ('deprecates');
-INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('0529', :eg_version); -- miker, for Joseph Lewis and Michael Peters
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ('0530', :eg_version); -- senator, for Niles Ingalls
CREATE TABLE config.bib_source (
CREATE INDEX actor_usr_evening_phone_idx ON actor.usr (evergreen.lowercase(evening_phone));
CREATE INDEX actor_usr_other_phone_idx ON actor.usr (evergreen.lowercase(other_phone));
+CREATE INDEX actor_usr_day_phone_idx_numeric ON actor.usr USING BTREE
+ (evergreen.lowercase(REGEXP_REPLACE(day_phone, '[^0-9]', '', 'g')));
+CREATE INDEX actor_usr_evening_phone_idx_numeric ON actor.usr USING BTREE
+ (evergreen.lowercase(REGEXP_REPLACE(evening_phone, '[^0-9]', '', 'g')));
+CREATE INDEX actor_usr_other_phone_idx_numeric ON actor.usr USING BTREE
+ (evergreen.lowercase(REGEXP_REPLACE(other_phone, '[^0-9]', '', 'g')));
CREATE INDEX actor_usr_ident_value_idx ON actor.usr (evergreen.lowercase(ident_value));
CREATE INDEX actor_usr_ident_value2_idx ON actor.usr (evergreen.lowercase(ident_value2));
--- /dev/null
+INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0530'); -- senator
+CREATE INDEX actor_usr_day_phone_idx_numeric ON actor.usr USING BTREE
+ (evergreen.lowercase(REGEXP_REPLACE(day_phone, '[^0-9]', '', 'g')));
+CREATE INDEX actor_usr_evening_phone_idx_numeric ON actor.usr USING BTREE
+ (evergreen.lowercase(REGEXP_REPLACE(evening_phone, '[^0-9]', '', 'g')));
+CREATE INDEX actor_usr_other_phone_idx_numeric ON actor.usr USING BTREE
+ (evergreen.lowercase(REGEXP_REPLACE(other_phone, '[^0-9]', '', 'g')));