GNU General Public License for more details.
+ @file osrf_parse_json.c
+ @brief Recursive descent parser for JSON.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <opensrf/osrf_json.h>
#include <opensrf/osrf_json_utils.h>
+ @brief A collection of things the parser uses to keep track of what it's doing.
typedef struct {
- growing_buffer* str_buf; // for building strings
- size_t index; // index into buffer
- const char* buff; // client's buffer holding current chunk of input
+ growing_buffer* str_buf; /**< for building strings */
+ size_t index; /**< index into input buffer */
+ const char* buff; /**< client's buffer holding current chunk of input */
} Parser;
-// For building Unicode byte sequences
+ @brief A small buffer for building Unicode byte sequences.
+ Because we pass a Unibuff* instead of a bare char*, the receiving function doesn't
+ have to worry about the size of the supplied buffer. The size is known.
typedef struct {
+ /** @brief A small working buffer.
+ We fill the buffer with four hex characters, and then transform them into a byte
+ sequence up to three bytes long (plus terminal nul) encoding a UTF-8 character.
+ */
unsigned char buff[ 4 ];
} Unibuff;
static char skip_white_space( Parser* parser );
static inline void parser_ungetc( Parser* parser );
static inline char parser_nextc( Parser* parser );
-static void report_error( Parser* parser, char badchar, char* err );
+static void report_error( Parser* parser, char badchar, const char* err );
/* ------------------------------------- */
-// Parse a JSON string; expand classes; construct a jsonObject.
-// Return NULL if the JSON string is invalid.
+ @brief Parse a JSON string, with translation to classname hints.
+ @param str Pointer to the JSON string to parse.
+ @return A pointer to the resulting JSON object, or NULL on error.
+ If any node in the jsonObject tree is of type JSON_HASH, with a tag of JSON_CLASS_KEY
+ and another tag of JSON_DATA_KEY, the parser will collapse a level. The subobject
+ tagged with JSON_DATA_KEY will replace the JSON_HASH, and the string tagged as
+ JSON_CLASS_KEY will be stored as its classname.
+ The calling code is responsible for freeing the resulting jsonObject.
jsonObject* jsonParse( const char* str ) {
return NULL;
return obj2;
-// Parse a JSON string with variable arguments; construct a jsonObject.
-// Return NULL if the resulting JSON string is invalid.
+ @brief Parse a JSON string received as a printf-style format string.
+ @param str A printf-style format string. Subsequent arguments, if any, are formatted
+ and inserted into the JSON string before parsing.
+ @return A pointer to the resulting JSON object, or NULL on error.
+ Unlike jsonParse(), this function does not give any special treatment to a JSON_HASH
+ The calling code is responsible for freeing the resulting jsonObject.
jsonObject* jsonParseFmt( const char* str, ... ) {
if( !str )
return NULL;
return jsonParseRaw( VA_BUF );
-// Parse a JSON string; construct a jsonObject.
-// Return NULL if the JSON string is invalid.
+ @brief Parse a JSON string, with no translation to classname hints.
+ @param s Pointer to the JSON string to parse.
+ @return A pointer to the resulting JSON object, or NULL on error.
+ This function is similar to jsonParse(), except that it does not give any special
+ treatment to a JSON_HASH with tags JSON_CLASS_KEY or JSON_DATA_KEY.
+ The calling code is responsible for freeing the resulting jsonObject.
jsonObject* jsonParseRaw( const char* s ) {
if( !s || !*s )
return obj;
-// Parse a text string into a jsonObject.
+ @brief Parse a JSON string into a jsonObject.
+ @param parser Pointer to a Parser.
+ @return Pointer to the newly created jsonObject.
+ Call get_json_thing() to do the real work, then make sure that there's nothing but
+ white spaqce at the end.
+ Currently we call this function only from jsonParseRaw(), and its code could have been
+ incorporated there in-line. Having it in a separate function is intended to make
+ certain future developments easier.
static jsonObject* parse( Parser* parser ) {
if( ! parser->buff ) {
return obj;
-// Get the next JSON node -- be it string, number, hash, or whatever.
-// Return a pointer to it if successful, or NULL if not.
+ @brief Get the next JSON node -- be it string, number, hash, or whatever.
+ @param parser Pointer to a Parser.
+ @param firstc The first character in the part that we're parsing.
+ @return Pointer to the next JSON node, or NULL upon error.
+ The first character tells us what kind of thing we're parsing next: a string, an array,
+ a hash, a number, a boolean, or a null. Branch accordingly.
+ In the case of an array or a hash, this function indirectly calls itself in order to
+ parse subordinate nodes.
static jsonObject* get_json_thing( Parser* parser, char firstc ) {
jsonObject* obj = NULL;
return obj;
-// Collect characters from the input stream into a character
-// string, terminated by '"'. Return a char* if successful,
-// or NULL if not.
+ @brief Collect characters into a character string.
+ @param parser Pointer to a Parser.
+ @return Pointer to parser->str_buf if successful, or NULL upon error.
+ Translate the usual escape sequences. In particular, "\u" escapes a sequence of four
+ hex characters; turn the hex into the corresponding UTF-8 byte sequence.
+ Return the string we have built, without the enclosing quotation marks, in
+ parser->str_buf. In case of error, log an error message.
static const char* get_string( Parser* parser ) {
if( parser->str_buf )
growing_buffer* gb = parser->str_buf;
// Collect the characters.
- // This is a naive implementation so far.
- // We need to worry about UTF-8.
for( ;; ) {
char c = parser_nextc( parser );
if( '"' == c )
} else if( '\\' == c ) {
c = parser_nextc( parser );
switch( c ) {
- case '"' : OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( gb, '"' ); break;
+ case '"' : OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( gb, '"' ); break;
case '\\' : OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( gb, '\\' ); break;
- case '/' : OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( gb, '/' ); break;
+ case '/' : OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( gb, '/' ); break;
case 'b' : OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( gb, '\b' ); break;
case 'f' : OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( gb, '\f' ); break;
case 'n' : OSRF_BUFFER_ADD_CHAR( gb, '\n' ); break;
return OSRF_BUFFER_C_STR( gb );
-// We found what looks like the first character of a number.
-// Collect all the eligible characters, and verify that they
-// are numeric (possibly after some scrubbing). Return a
-// pointer to a JSON_NUMBER if successful, or NULL if not.
+ @brief Collect characters into a number, and create a JSON_NUMBAER for it.
+ @param parser Pointer to a parser.
+ @param firstc The first character in the number.
+ @return Pointer to a newly created jsonObject of type JSON_NUMBER, or NULL upon error.
+ Collect digits, signs, decimal points, and 'E' or 'e' (for scientific notation) into
+ a buffer. Make sure that the result is numeric. If it's not numeric by strict JSON
+ rules, try to make it numeric by some judicious massaging (we aren't quite as strict
+ as the official JSON rules).
+ If successful, construct a jsonObject of type JSON_NUMBER containing the resulting
+ numeric string. Otherwise log an error message and return NULL.
static jsonObject* get_number( Parser* parser, char firstc ) {
growing_buffer* gb = buffer_init( 32 );
return obj;
-// We found a '['. Create a JSON_ARRAY with all its subordinates.
+ @brief Parse an array, and create a JSON_ARRAY for it.
+ @param parser Pointer to a Parser.
+ @return Pointer to a newly created jsonObject of type JSON_ARRAY, or NULL upon error.
+ Look for a series of JSON nodes, separated by commas and terminated by a right square
+ bracket. Parse each node recursively, collect them all into a newly created jsonObject
+ of type JSON_ARRAY, and return a pointer to the result.
+ Upon error, log an error message and return NULL.
static jsonObject* get_array( Parser* parser ) {
jsonObject* array = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_ARRAY );
return array;
-// We found '{' Get a JSON_HASH, with all its subordinates.
+ @brief Parse a hash (JSON object), and create a JSON_HASH for it.
+ @param parser Pointer to a Parser.
+ @return Pointer to a newly created jsonObject of type JSON_HASH, or NULL upon error.
+ Look for a series of name/value pairs, separated by commas and terminated by a right
+ curly brace. Each name/value pair consists of a quoted string, followed by a colon,
+ followed a JSON node of any sort. Parse the value recursively.
+ Collect the name/value pairs into a newly created jsonObject of type JSON_ARRAY, and
+ return a pointer to it.
+ Upon error, log an error message and return NULL.
static jsonObject* get_hash( Parser* parser ) {
jsonObject* hash = jsonNewObjectType( JSON_HASH );
return hash;
-// We found an 'n'. Verify that the next four characters are "ull",
-// and that there are no further characters in the token.
+ @brief Parse the JSON keyword "null", and create a JSON_NULL for it.
+ @param parser Pointer to a Parser.
+ @return Pointer to a newly created jsonObject of type JSON_NULL, or NULL upon error.
+ We already saw an 'n', or we wouldn't be here. Make sure that the next three characters
+ are 'u', 'l', and 'l', and that the character after that is not a letter or a digit.
+ If all goes well, create a jsonObject of type JSON_NULL, and return a pointer to it.
+ Otherwise log an error message and return NULL.
static jsonObject* get_null( Parser* parser ) {
if( parser_nextc( parser ) != 'u' ||
return NULL;
- // Sneak a peek at the next character
- // to make sure that it's kosher
+ // Peek at the next character to make sure that it's kosher
char c = parser_nextc( parser );
if( ! isspace( (unsigned char) c ) )
parser_ungetc( parser );
if( isalnum( (unsigned char) c ) ) {
- report_error( parser, c,
- "Found letter or number after \"null\"" );
+ report_error( parser, c, "Found letter or number after \"null\"" );
return NULL;
- // Everythings okay. Return a JSON_BOOL.
+ // Everything's okay. Return a JSON_NULL.
return jsonNewObject( NULL );
-// We found a 't'. Verify that the next four characters are "rue",
-// and that there are no further characters in the token.
+ @brief Parse the JSON keyword "true", and create a JSON_BOOL for it.
+ @param parser Pointer to a Parser.
+ @return Pointer to a newly created jsonObject of type JSON_BOOL, or NULL upon error.
+ We already saw a 't', or we wouldn't be here. Make sure that the next three characters
+ are 'r', 'u', and 'e', and that the character after that is not a letter or a digit.
+ If all goes well, create a jsonObject of type JSON_BOOL, and return a pointer to it.
+ Otherwise log an error message and return NULL.
static jsonObject* get_true( Parser* parser ) {
if( parser_nextc( parser ) != 'r' ||
return NULL;
- // Sneak a peek at the next character
- // to make sure that it's kosher
+ // Peek at the next character to make sure that it's kosher
char c = parser_nextc( parser );
if( ! isspace( (unsigned char) c ) )
parser_ungetc( parser );
if( isalnum( (unsigned char) c ) ) {
- report_error( parser, c,
- "Found letter or number after \"true\"" );
+ report_error( parser, c, "Found letter or number after \"true\"" );
return NULL;
- // Everythings okay. Return a JSON_NULL.
+ // Everything's okay. Return a JSON_BOOL.
return jsonNewBoolObject( 1 );
-// We found an 'f'. Verify that the next four characters are "alse",
-// and that there are no further characters in the token.
+ @brief Parse the JSON keyword "false", and create a JSON_BOOL for it.
+ @param parser Pointer to a Parser.
+ @return Pointer to a newly created jsonObject of type JSON_BOOL, or NULL upon error.
+ We already saw a 'f', or we wouldn't be here. Make sure that the next four characters
+ are 'a', 'l', 's', and 'e', and that the character after that is not a letter or a digit.
+ If all goes well, create a jsonObject of type JSON_BOOL, and return a pointer to it.
+ Otherwise log an error message and return NULL.
static jsonObject* get_false( Parser* parser ) {
if( parser_nextc( parser ) != 'a' ||
return NULL;
- // Sneak a peek at the next character
- // to make sure that it's kosher
+ // Peek at the next character to make sure that it's kosher
char c = parser_nextc( parser );
if( ! isspace( (unsigned char) c ) )
parser_ungetc( parser );
if( isalnum( (unsigned char) c ) ) {
- report_error( parser, c,
- "Found letter or number after \"false\"" );
+ report_error( parser, c, "Found letter or number after \"false\"" );
return NULL;
- // Everythings okay. Return a JSON_BOOL.
+ // Everything's okay. Return a JSON_BOOL.
return jsonNewBoolObject( 0 );
-// We found \u. Grab the next 4 characters, confirm that they are hex,
-// and convert them to Unicode.
+ @brief Convert a hex digit to the corresponding numeric value.
+ @param x A hex digit
+ @return The corresponding numeric value.
+ Warning #1: The calling code must ensure that the character to be converted is, in fact,
+ a hex character. Otherwise the results will be strange.
+ Warning #2. This macro evaluates its argument three times. Beware of side effects.
+ (It might make sense to convert this macro to a static inline function.)
+ Warning #3: This code assumes that the characters [a-f] and [A-F] are contiguous in the
+ execution character set, and that the lower 4 bits for 'a' and 'A' are 0001. Those
+ assumptions are true for ASCII and EBCDIC, but there may be some character sets for
+ which it is not true.
+#define hexdigit(x) ( ((x) <= '9') ? (x) - '0' : ((x) & 7) + 9)
+ @brief Translate the next four characters into a UTF-8 character.
+ @param parser Pointer to a Parser.
+ @param unibuff Pointer to a small buffer in which to return the results.
+ @return 0 if successful, or 1 if not.
+ Collect the next four characters into @a unibuff, and make sure that they're all hex.
+ Translate them into a nul-terminated UTF-8 byte sequence, and return the result via
+ @a unibuff.
+ (Note that a UTF-8 byte sequence is guaranteed not to contain a nul byte. Hence using
+ a nul as a terminator creates no ambiguity.)
static int get_utf8( Parser* parser, Unibuff* unibuff ) {
char ubuff[ 5 ];
int i = 0;
/* The following code is adapted with permission from
* json-c
- #define hexdigit(x) ( ((x) <= '9') ? (x) - '0' : ((x) & 7) + 9)
- // Convert the hex sequence into a single integer
+ // Convert the hex sequence to a single integer
unsigned int ucs_char =
(hexdigit(ubuff[ 0 ]) << 12) +
(hexdigit(ubuff[ 1 ]) << 8) +
return 0;
-// Return the next non-whitespace character in the input stream.
+ @brief Skip over white space.
+ @param parser Pointer to a Parser.
+ @return The next non-whitespace character.
static char skip_white_space( Parser* parser ) {
char c;
do {
return c;
-// Put a character back into the input stream.
-// It is the responsibility of the caller not to back up
-// past the beginning of the input string.
+ @brief Back up by one character.
+ @param parser Pointer to a Parser.
+ Decrement an index into the input string. We don't guard against a negative index, so
+ the calling code should make sure that it doesn't do anything stupid.
static inline void parser_ungetc( Parser* parser ) {
-// Get the next character. It is the responsibility of
-//the caller not to read past the end of the input string.
+ @brief Get the next character
+ @param parser Pointer to a Parser.
+ @return The next character.
+ Increment an index into the input string and return the corresponding character.
+ The calling code should make sure that it doesn't try to read past the terminal nul.
static inline char parser_nextc( Parser* parser ) {
return parser->buff[ parser->index++ ];
-// Report a syntax error to standard error.
-static void report_error( Parser* parser, char badchar, char* err ) {
+ @brief Report a syntax error to the log.
+ @param parser Pointer to a Parser.
+ @param badchar The character at the position where the error was detected.
+ @param err Pointer to a descriptive error message.
+ Format and log an error message. Identify the location of the error and
+ the character at that location. Show the neighborhood of the error within
+ the input string.
+static void report_error( Parser* parser, char badchar, const char* err ) {
// Determine the beginning and ending points of a JSON
// fragment to display, from the vicinity of the error
// Copy the fragment into a buffer
int len = post - pre + 1; // length of fragment
char buf[len + 1];
memcpy( buf, parser->buff + pre, len );