-- Links reference headings in authority records to main entry headings
in other authority records. Should be run at least once a day (only for
changed records).
- * authority_control_fields.pl
+ * <<_authority_control_fields,authority_control_fields.pl>>
-- Links bibliographic records to the best matching authority record.
Should be run at least once a day (only for changed records).
You can accomplish this by running _authority_control_fields.pl --days-back=1_
-- Uses the output of marc2bre.pl (or similar tools) to generate the SQL
for importing records into Evergreen in a parallel fashion
+authority_control_fields: Connecting Bibliographic and Authority records
+indexterm:[authority control]
+This script matches headings in bibliographic records to the appropriate
+authority records. When it finds a match, it will add a subfield 0 to the
+matching bibliographic field.
+Here is how the matching works:
+|Bibliographic field|Authority field it matches|Subfields that it examines