--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Synchronize Evergreen user accounts with an LDAP directory via OpenSRF
+LDAP and OpenSRF authentication information is stored in a separate Python
+file (credentials.py) and imported to avoid storing credentials in the VCS.
+1. Pull a list of new LDAP records since the last sync from the LDAP
+ directory using the filter (createTimestamp>=time).
+2. For each new LDAP record, check to see if the record exists in Evergreen
+ (matching on ident_value)
+ If not, create a new account with barcode.
+3. Dump the output of new ident_value + barcode in CSV format somewhere.
+import sys
+import ldap
+import oils.event
+import oils.utils.idl
+import oils.utils.utils
+import osrf.gateway
+import osrf.json
+import tempfile
+import urllib2
+import credentials
+def load_idl():
+ """
+ Loads the fieldmapper IDL, registering class hints for the defined objects
+ We use a temporary file to store the IDL each time load_idl()
+ is invoked to ensure that the IDL is in sync with the target
+ server. One could a HEAD request to do some smarter caching,
+ perhaps.
+ """
+ parser = oils.utils.idl.IDLParser()
+ idlfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
+ # Get the fm_IDL.xml file from the server
+ try:
+ idl = urllib2.urlopen('%s://%s/%s' %
+ (credentials.OSRF_HTTP, credentials.OSRF_HOST, credentials.IDL_URL)
+ )
+ idlfile.write(idl.read())
+ # rewind to the beginning of the file
+ idlfile.seek(0)
+ except urllib2.URLError, exc:
+ print("Could not open URL to read IDL: %s", exc.code)
+ except IOError, exc:
+ print("Could not write IDL to file: %s", exc.code)
+ # parse the IDL
+ parser.set_IDL(idlfile)
+ parser.parse_IDL()
+def login(username, password, workstation=None):
+ """
+ Login to the server and get back an authtoken
+ """
+ __authtoken = None
+ print("attempting login with user " + username)
+ seed = request(
+ 'open-ils.auth',
+ 'open-ils.auth.authenticate.init', username).send()
+ # generate the hashed password
+ password = oils.utils.utils.md5sum(seed + oils.utils.utils.md5sum(password))
+ result = request(
+ 'open-ils.auth',
+ 'open-ils.auth.authenticate.complete',
+ { 'workstation' : workstation,
+ 'username' : username,
+ 'password' : password,
+ 'type' : 'staff'
+ }).send()
+ evt = oils.event.Event.parse_event(result)
+ if evt and not evt.success:
+ raise AuthException(evt.text_code)
+ __authtoken = result['payload']['authtoken']
+ return __authtoken
+def request(service, method, *args):
+ """
+ Make a JSON request to the OpenSRF gateway
+ This is as simple as it gets. Atomic requests will require a bit
+ more effort.
+ """
+ req = osrf.gateway.JSONGatewayRequest(service, method, *args)
+ # The gateway URL ensures we're using JSON v1, not v0
+ req.setPath(credentials.GATEWAY_URL)
+ return req
+class AuthException(Exception):
+ """
+ Exceptions for authentication events
+ """
+ def __init__(self, msg=''):
+ """
+ Initialize the authentication exception
+ """
+ Exception.__init__(self)
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str__(self):
+ """
+ Stringify the authentication exception
+ """
+ return 'AuthException: %s' % self.msg
+def datatel_to_barcode(datatel):
+ """
+ Converts a Datatel Colleague ID into a barcode
+ Used only for matching legacy barcodes for the purposes of updates.
+ New users will get a barcode generated for them from a database series.
+ >>> datatel_to_barcode('0104923')
+ '00007001049233'
+ """
+ barcode = '000070%s' % (datatel)
+ barcode = '%s%d' % (barcode, mod10_checksum(barcode))
+ return barcode
+def barcode_to_datatel(barcode):
+ """
+ Converts a barcode into a Datatel Colleague ID
+ Used to generate the ident_value for legacy users.
+ >>> barcode_to_datatel('00007001049233')
+ '0104923'
+ """
+ if len(barcode) != 14:
+ return False
+ return barcode[6:13]
+def mod10_checksum(barcode):
+ """
+ Calculates the mod10 checksum for a given string of digits
+ This checksum algorithm is used for Code 3 of 9 barcodes.
+ """
+ total, position = 0, 0
+ for digit in barcode:
+ digit = int(digit)
+ position += 1
+ if (position % 2):
+ digit *= 2
+ if digit < 10:
+ total += digit
+ else:
+ total += digit - 9
+ else:
+ total += digit
+ rem = total % 10
+ if rem:
+ return 10 - rem
+ return rem
+def find_new_ldap_users(con, attributes, create_date):
+ """
+ Retrieve personnel accounts from LDAP directory and process'em
+ """
+ base_dn = 'o=lul'
+ search_scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
+ ldap_filter = '(&(objectclass=lulEduPerson))'
+ ldap_filter = '(&(objectclass=lulEduPerson)(lulPrimaryAffiliation=*)(createTimestamp>=%s000000Z))' % create_date
+ ldap_filter = '(&(lulStudentLevel=*))'
+ try:
+ result_id = con.search(base_dn, search_scope, ldap_filter, attributes)
+ while 1:
+ result_type, result_data = con.result(result_id, 0)
+ if result_data == []:
+ break
+ else:
+ # dump_data(result_data)
+ create_evergreen_user(result_data[0][1])
+ except ldap.LDAPError, e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, e
+def create_evergreen_user(result_data):
+ """
+ Generate statements to push data into the staging table
+ """
+ if 'mail' not in result_data:
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'mail not found for %s' % result_data['cn']
+ return
+ newau = oils.utils.idl.IDLParser.get_class('au')()
+ newau.isnew(True)
+ # Strip leading/ending whitespace
+ newau.usrname(result_data['mail'][0].strip().lower())
+ newau.email(result_data['mail'][0].strip().lower())
+ newau.family_name(result_data['sn'][0].strip().lower())
+ newau.ident_value(result_data['lulColleagueId'][0].strip().lower())
+ if 'givenName' in result_data:
+ newau.given_name(result_data['givenName'][0].strip())
+ else:
+ newau.given_name('LDAP_NULL')
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'No givenName for %s' % (newau.usrname())
+ if len(newau.ident_value()) != 7:
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'Datatel number not 7 chars for %s (%s)' % (
+ newau.usrname(), newau.datatel()
+ )
+ if len(newau.datatel()) == 6:
+ newau.datatel('0%s' % newau.datatel())
+ elif len(newau.datatel()) == 5:
+ newau.datatel('00%s' % newau.datatel())
+ if 'preferredLanguage' in result_data:
+ lang = result_data['preferredLanguage'][0].strip()
+ else:
+ lang = r'\N'
+ if 'lulStudentLevel' in result_data:
+ affiliation = result_data['lulStudentLevel'][0].strip().lower()
+ elif 'lulPrimaryAffiliation' in result_data:
+ affiliation = result_data['lulPrimaryAffiliation'][0].strip().lower()
+ else:
+ affiliation = r'\N'
+ if affiliation == 'ug' or affiliation == 'student':
+ newau.profile(13)
+ elif affiliation == 'gr':
+ newau.profile(12)
+ elif affiliation == 'al':
+ newau.profile(14)
+ elif affiliation == 'faculty':
+ newau.profile(11)
+ elif affiliation == 'staff':
+ newau.profile(15)
+def dump_data(result_data):
+ """
+ Simple dump of all data received
+ """
+ print()
+ print(result_data[0][0])
+ for key in result_data[0][1]:
+ print(key, result_data[0][1][key])
+def generate_ldap_sql(create_date):
+ """
+ Generate the SQL required to create and update Evergreen accounts
+ """
+ con = ldap.initialize(credentials.LDAP_HOST)
+ con.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
+ try:
+ attributes = ['lulStudentLevel', 'lulPrimaryAffiliation', 'cn', 'mail', 'givenName', 'sn', 'lulColleagueId', 'preferredLanguage']
+ con.simple_bind_s(credentials.LDAP_DN, credentials.LDAP_PW)
+ find_new_ldap_users(con, attributes, create_date)
+ except ldap.LDAPError, e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Could not connect: " + e.message['info']
+ if type(e.message) == dict and e.message.has_key('desc'):
+ print >> sys.stderr, e.message['desc']
+ else:
+ print >> sys.stderr, e
+ sys.exit()
+ finally:
+ con.unbind()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import doctest
+ doctest.testmod()
+ exit()
+ # Set the host for our requests
+ osrf.gateway.GatewayRequest.setDefaultHost(credentials.OSRF_HOST)
+ # Pull all of our object definitions together
+ load_idl()
+ # Log in and get an authtoken
+ authtoken = login(credentials.OSRF_USER, credentials.OSRF_PW)
+ generate_ldap_sql('20110701')
+# vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:tw=78: