+# if an item is in transit but the status doesn't agree, then we need to fix things.
+# The next two subs will hopefully do that
+sub fix_broken_transit_status {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # Capture the transit so we don't have to fetch it again later during checkin
+ # This used to live in sub check_transit_checkin_interval and later again in
+ # do_checkin
+ $self->transit(
+ $self->editor->search_action_transit_copy(
+ {target_copy => $self->copy->id, dest_recv_time => undef, cancel_time => undef}
+ )->[0]
+ );
+ if ($self->transit && $U->copy_status($self->copy->status)->id != OILS_COPY_STATUS_IN_TRANSIT) {
+ $logger->warn("circulator: we have a copy ".$self->copy->barcode.
+ " that is in-transit but without the In Transit status... fixing");
+ $self->copy->status(OILS_COPY_STATUS_IN_TRANSIT);
+ # FIXME - do we want to make this permanent if the checkin bails?
+ $self->update_copy;
+ }
+sub cancel_transit_if_circ_exists {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self->circ && $self->transit) {
+ $logger->warn("circulator: we have a copy ".$self->copy->barcode.
+ " that is in-transit AND circulating... aborting the transit");
+ my $circ_ses = create OpenSRF::AppSession("open-ils.circ");
+ my $result = $circ_ses->request(
+ "open-ils.circ.transit.abort",
+ $self->editor->authtoken,
+ { 'transitid' => $self->transit->id }
+ )->gather(1);
+ $logger->warn("circulator: transit abort result: ".$result);
+ $circ_ses->disconnect;
+ $self->transit(undef);
+ }
# If a copy goes into transit and is then checked in before the transit checkin
# interval has expired, push an event onto the overridable events list.
sub check_transit_checkin_interval {
my $interval = $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value($self->circ_lib, 'circ.transit.min_checkin_interval');
return unless $interval;
- # capture the transit so we don't have to fetch it again later during checkin
- $self->transit(
- $self->editor->search_action_transit_copy(
- {target_copy => $self->copy->id, dest_recv_time => undef, cancel_time => undef}
- )->[0]
- );
# transit from X to X for whatever reason has no min interval
return if $self->transit->source == $self->transit->dest;
unless $self->copy;
+ $self->fix_broken_transit_status; # if applicable
$logger->warn("circulator: we have ".scalar(@$circs).
" open circs for copy " .$self->copy->id."!!") if @$circs > 1;
+ $self->cancel_transit_if_circ_exists; # if applicable
my $stat = $U->copy_status($self->copy->status)->id;
$self->override_events unless $self->is_renewal;
return if $self->bail_out;
- if( $self->copy and !$self->transit ) {
- $self->transit(
- $self->editor->search_action_transit_copy(
- { target_copy => $self->copy->id, dest_recv_time => undef, cancel_time => undef }
- )->[0]
- );
- }
if( $self->circ ) {
return if $self->bail_out;