* Converts an interval string to seconds.
* egDate.intervalToSeconds('1 min 2 seconds')) => 62
- * egDate.intervalToSeconds('2 days')) => 172800
+ * egDate.intervalToSeconds('2 days')) => 172800 (except across time changes)
* egDate.intervalToSeconds('02:00:23')) => 7223
service.intervalToSeconds = function(interval) {
describe('egDate', function(){
+ beforeEach(function () {
+ this.addMatchers({
+ // "2 days" may be 47, 48, or 49 hours depending on the
+ // proximity to and direction of a time change event.
+ // This does not take leap seconds into account.
+ toBe2DaysOfSeconds: function () {
+ var actual = this.actual;
+ var hours_47 = 169200;
+ var hours_48 = 172800;
+ var hours_49 = 176400;
+ this.message = function () {
+ return "Expected " + actual + " to be " +
+ hours_47 + ", " + hours_48 + ", or " + hours_49;
+ };
+ return (
+ actual == hours_47 ||
+ actual == hours_48 ||
+ actual == hours_49
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ });
it('should parse a simple interval', inject(function(egDate) {
- expect(egDate.intervalToSeconds('2 days')).toBe(172800);
+ expect(egDate.intervalToSeconds('2 days')).toBe2DaysOfSeconds();
it('should parse a combined interval', inject(function(egDate) {