args[PARAM_OFFSET] = 0;
args[PARAM_MRID] = rec.doc_id();
+ var linkText = link.innerHTML; // IE
link.setAttribute("href", buildOPACLink(args));
+ link.innerHTML = linkText; // IE
function buildTitleDetailLink(rec, link) {
link.appendChild(text(normalize(truncate(rec.title(), 65))));
var args = {}; = RDETAIL;
- //args[PARAM_OFFSET] = 0;
args[PARAM_RID] = rec.doc_id();
+ // in IE, if the link text contains a '@', it replaces the innerHTML text
+ // with the value of the href attribute. Wait, what? Yes. Capture the
+ // innerHTML and put it back into place after the href is set
+ var linkText = link.innerHTML; // IE
link.setAttribute("href", buildOPACLink(args));
+ link.innerHTML = linkText; // IE
/* 'type' is one of STYPE_AUTHOR, STYPE_SUBJECT, ... found in config.js