This release contains several bugfixes improving on Evergreen 2.10.1
* Fixes a bug where phrase searching in the catalog failed when the phrase
-started or ended with puntuation.
+started or ended with punctuation.
+* Fixes a bug where changing the sort order in the public catalog to
+"relevance" could fail.
+* Fixes a bug that prevented users from recreating a monograph part that
+had previously been deleted.
* Fixes a bug where serials checkouts failed for users that track circulation
+* Fixes a bug that prevented the Library Settings Editor from
+consistently retrieving the values of library settings.
* Fixes several issues with the new web-based Angular patron editor, including:
** Allows barcodes to be used as user name even if it doesn't match the user
name regex.
* Removes support for Debian Squeeze now that its long-term support period
has ended.
-* Fixes some QA tests that had been failing.
+* Fixes a bug that had prevented the dependency libpcre3 from being
+intalled on Debian Jessie.
+* Fixes some QA tests that had been failing.
+* Renumbers the Perl unit test files.
code and documentation patches to the 2.10.2 point release of Evergreen:
* Jason Boyer
+* Steve Callender
* Galen Charlton
* Bill Erickson
* Anna Goben