dojo.forEach(patterns, function(pat) { _hilightNode(node, pat); });
+ /**
+ * Takes a chunk of HTML, inserts it into a new window, prints the window,
+ * then closes the windw. To provide ample printer queueing time, automatically
+ * wait a short time before closing the window after calling .print(). The amount
+ * of time to wait is based on the size of the data to be printed.
+ * @param html The HTML string
+ * @param callback Optional post-printing callback
+ */
+ openils.Util.printHtmlString = function(html, callback) {
+ var win ='', 'Print Window', 'resizable,width=800,height=600,scrollbars=1');
+ // force the new window to the background
+ win.blur();
+ window.focus();
+ win.document.body.innerHTML = html;
+ win.print();
+ setTimeout(
+ function() {
+ win.close();
+ if(callback)
+ callback();
+ },
+ // 1k == 1 second pause, max 10 seconds
+ Math.min(html.length, 10000)
+ );
+ };
var evt = openils.Util.readResponse(r);
if(evt && evt.template_output()) {
- win ='','', 'resizable,width=800,height=600,scrollbars=1');
- win.document.body.innerHTML = evt.template_output().data();
+ openils.Util.printHtmlString(evt.template_output().data());