# Makefile to install prerequisites for OpenSRF and Evergreen
-# Currently supports Debian (wheezy, squeeze), Ubuntu (12.04), Ubuntu (14.04) and
-# Fedora (16 and 17).
+# Currently supports Debian (jessie, wheezy, squeeze), Ubuntu (12.04),
+# Ubuntu (14.04) and Fedora (16 and 17).
# Installs Perl prereqs, libjs with Perl wrapper, libdbi, libdbi-drivers, and libyaz
# usage:
+# make -f Makefile.install debian-jessie
+# - or -
# make -f Makefile.install debian-wheezy
# - or -
# make -f Makefile.install debian-squeeze
@echo "please specify an OS" && exit 0
+ @make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian-jessie
@make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian-wheezy
@make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.fedora
+ @make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian-jessie install_postgres_server
@make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian-wheezy install_postgres_server
--- /dev/null
+# install files for Debian Wheezy
+DIR = $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
+export DEBS = \
+ apache2-prefork-dev\
+ aspell\
+ aspell-en\
+ libbusiness-creditcard-perl\
+ libbusiness-isbn-data-perl\
+ libbusiness-isbn-perl\
+ libbusiness-issn-perl\
+ libbusiness-onlinepayment-authorizenet-perl\
+ libbusiness-onlinepayment-perl\
+ libdatetime-format-builder-perl\
+ libdatetime-format-iso8601-perl\
+ libdatetime-format-mail-perl\
+ libdatetime-perl\
+ libdatetime-set-perl\
+ libdatetime-timezone-perl\
+ libdbd-pg-perl\
+ libemail-send-perl\
+ libemail-simple-perl\
+ libgd-graph3d-perl\
+ liblibrary-callnumber-lc-perl \
+ liblocale-maketext-lexicon-perl\
+ liblog-log4perl-perl\
+ libmarc-charset-perl \
+ libmarc-record-perl\
+ libmarc-xml-perl \
+ libncurses5-dev\
+ libnet-ip-perl\
+ libnet-ldap-perl \
+ libnet-server-perl\
+ libnet-ssh2-perl\
+ libnet-z3950-simple2zoom-perl\
+ libnet-z3950-simpleserver-perl\
+ libnet-z3950-zoom-perl \
+ libnspr4-dev\
+ libole-storage-lite-perl\
+ libparent-perl\
+ libpq5\
+ libpq-dev\
+ librose-uri-perl\
+ librpc-xml-perl\
+ libspreadsheet-writeexcel-perl\
+ libsru-perl\
+ libssh2-1-dev\
+ libtest-warn-perl\
+ libtest-output-perl\
+ libtext-aspell-perl\
+ libtext-csv-perl\
+ libuniversal-require-perl\
+ libunix-syslog-perl\
+ libuuid-tiny-perl\
+ libyaz-dev\
+ postgresql-client-9.3\
+ libsoap-lite-perl\
+ libbz2-dev\
+ yaz
+export DEB_APACHE_MODS = \
+ expires\
+ include\
+ proxy\
+ proxy_http\
+ rewrite
+ deflate
+export CPAN_MODULES = \
+ Business::OnlinePayment::PayPal \
+ Business::Stripe \
+ Template::Plugin::POSIX \
+ Safe
+ Class::DBI::Frozen::301
+ postgresql-9.3 \
+ postgresql-contrib-9.3 \
+ postgresql-plperl-9.3 \
+ postgresql-server-dev-9.3
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian install_debs
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian test_for_libdbi_pkg
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.common install_cpan
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.common install_cpan_force
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.common install_libdbi
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian install_js_sm
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian debian_sys_config
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian DEBS="$(PGSQL_SERVER_DEBS_93)"
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.common clean
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian clean
+# vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4:
retrieve the new packages from the backports repository.
4. Issue the following commands as the *root* Linux account to install
prerequisites using the `Makefile.install` prerequisite installer,
- substituting `debian-squeeze`, `debian-wheezy`, `fedora`, `ubuntu-precise`, or
- `ubuntu-trusty` for <osname> below:
+ substituting `debian-jessie`, `debian-wheezy`, `debian-squeeze`, `fedora`,
+ `ubuntu-trusty`, or `ubuntu-precise` for <osname> below:
[source, bash]