We currently display both 1xx and 5xx fields in the authority record,
but do not display the tag. This can lead to some confusion when a 5xx
field is actually present. Ergo, show the tag to disambiguate the fields
in the authority browse selection interface.
git-svn-id: svn://svn.open-ils.org/ILS/trunk@19016
dojo.query('datafield[tag^="1"], datafield[tag^="5"]', record).forEach(function(field) {
var row = createRow(
- {},
+ { },
+ createLabel( { "value" : dojo.attr(field, 'tag') } ),
createLabel( { "value" : dojo.attr(field, 'ind1') } ),
createLabel( { "value" : dojo.attr(field, 'ind2') } )