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+Evergreen Oversight Board minutes of 2011-05-17
+As we currently lack a Secretary, Dan Scott volunteered to take
+minutes for this meeting.
+Reports from the committees
+Communications committee
+ * 'Lori or Amy to forward a report'
+ * Jim will present high-level website plan (wireframes) in the near future
+Conference committee
+Chris Sharp reported on behalf of the 2012 conference committee. The 2011
+conference appears to have been a success, with a nice gelling of the community.
+There were plenty of opportunities to connect and network with others with
+similar interests.
+Grace Dunbar has been working on a survey to determine satisfaction with the
+conference that should be made available shortly.
+Expect Indiana to start talking about the 2012 conference over the summer;
+also, the conference committee will put out a call for 2013 conference
+proposals in the next few weeks.
+It was good to see Gordana Vitez's Niagara Falls-area miniconference following
+the 2011 conference. Amy Terlaga hopes that Bibliomation will be able to foster
+similar miniconferences in New England and would like to see more localized
+interest groups and conferences.
+No financials are available yet for the final results of the 2011 conference,
+but that should be forthcoming from Equinox.
+Indiana 2012 dates are April 25-28, 2012. There are 3 people from the Atlanta
+conference on the committee, but the door is still open for others to join!
+Once the 2011 survey results have been tabulated, plans will be altered to
+accommodate potential areas of improvement.
+Aside: Amy Terlaga is organizing a joint Evergreen/Koha cocktail party at the
+ALA conference for anyone generally interested in open source library systems
+to meet and greet. Contributions towards this event are anticipated from
+Equinox, ByWater, and Galecia Group.
+Google Summer of Code discussion
+There was some confusion on the mailing list about the proposal
+Anoop Atre made to IMLS about funding an additional student for a
+summer development position. This position would be a separate
+position, outside of the two student positions that have been
+funded by Google for the Google Summer of Code program.
+IMLS funds for this year have already been budgeted, leaving only
+$1500 for funding a student this year. Accordingly, we would need
+to raise additional funding from the community to provide a stipend
+for the student. As a benchmark, the Google Summer of Code program pays
+students $5,000 for the summer.
+* *ACTION*: Elizabeth to work with Bradley on whether we are ready
+ to start funding this position through the SFC (and if not, what
+ we have to do).
+Assuming that we can gather enough funding for a student position,
+Galen, Dan, and Jason would approach students from the GSoC applicants
+to see if they would be interested in taking on a position outside
+of the GSoC.
+* *ACTION*: Galen and Dan will check with Jason to see if he is
+ still willing to mentor a student for the summer.
+Dan suggested, instead of a summer of code program that is exactly parallel to
+the Google Summer of Code, we consider posting a bounty for the development of
+an Android client (meeting particular requirements, etc). This would remove the
+restriction on time frame.
+* *ACTION*: Anoop and Amy will speak with Lori about the possibility
+ of using the funds for a bounty instead of a summer of code program.
+Mailing list
+Elizabeth suggested that, to match the Evergreen Oversight Board's name,
+the Evergreen Governance mailing list needed to change names. There was
+general agreement.
+* *ACTION*: Chris Sharp will create a new mailing list to match Evergreen Oversight Board
+ and migrate all subscribers over to the new list.
+Rules of Governance
+Elizabeth noted that, now that we have approval from the community for
+the Rules of Governance, we should begin work towards accomplishing the
+goals that we had set for our 2012 deadline.
+Determining officers
+Dan suggested that the first task would be to fill the Officer positions:
+Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary.
+Amy asked what the procedure would be for determining these positions, and
+Dan suggested (in the absence of a process) that we could start by trying to
+gain consensus; if that failed, then we could fall back to a more formalized
+process. The board agreed to try the consensus approach and succeeded as
+ * Secretary: Amy Terlaga was nominated for Secretary by Eliabeth McKinney,
+ seconded by Stephen Wills. The nomination was carried unanimously.
+ * Chairperson: Galen moved that Elizabeth McKinney fill the position of
+ Chairperson. The nomination was carried unanimously.
+ * Vice-Chairperson: Galen moved that Dan Scott fill the position of
+ Vice-Chairperson. The nomination was carried unanimously.
+Conflict of interest guidelines
+Dan Scott referred back to the issue of conflict of interest guidelines
+that had been raised by Stephen Wills late in the drafting process of the
+current Rules of Governance, and asked if Stephen would be willing to
+put together a proposal for the next meeting. Stephen concurred.
+* *ACTION*: Stephen Wills will prepare a proposal to be considered
+ for adoption at the next meeting of the Evergreen Oversight Board.
+The meeting adjourned at 1:45 PM EDT.