+ <class id="rhcrpbapd" controller="open-ils.cstore open-ils.pcrud open-ils.reporter-store" oils_obj:fieldmapper="reporter::hold_copy_ratio_per_bib_and_pickup_desc" oils_persist:readonly="true" reporter:label="Hold/Copy Ratio per Bib and Pickup Library (and Descendants) ">
+ <oils_persist:source_definition>
+ WITH counts_at_ou AS (
+ SELECT bib_record, pickup_lib, count(DISTINCT ahr.id) AS holds_at_pickup_library,
+ COALESCE(count(DISTINCT ac.id),0) as copy_count_at_pickup_library
+ FROM action.hold_request ahr
+ JOIN reporter.hold_request_record rhrr USING (id)
+ LEFT JOIN action.hold_copy_map ahcm ON (ahr.id = ahcm.hold)
+ LEFT JOIN asset.copy ac ON (ahcm.target_copy = ac.id AND ahr.pickup_lib = ac.circ_lib)
+ WHERE ahr.cancel_time IS NULL
+ AND ahr.fulfillment_time IS NULL
+ GROUP BY bib_record, pickup_lib
+ )
+ CASE WHEN copy_count_at_or_below = 0 THEN 'Infinity'::FLOAT ELSE holds_at_or_below::FLOAT/copy_count_at_or_below END AS hold_copy_ratio_at_or_below_ou,
+ CASE WHEN copy_count_everywhere = 0 THEN 'Infinity'::FLOAT ELSE holds_everywhere::FLOAT/copy_count_everywhere END AS everywhere_ratio
+ (SELECT bib_record AS id, aou.id AS pickup_lib_or_desc, SUM(holds_at_pickup_library) AS holds_at_or_below, SUM(copy_count_at_pickup_library) AS copy_count_at_or_below
+ FROM actor.org_unit aou
+ JOIN counts_at_ou cao ON (cao.pickup_lib IN (SELECT id FROM actor.org_unit_descendants(aou.id)))
+ GROUP BY bib_record, pickup_lib_or_desc
+ )x
+ (SELECT bib_record AS id, count(DISTINCT ahr.id) AS holds_everywhere, COALESCE(count(DISTINCT target_copy),0) as copy_count_everywhere
+ action.hold_request ahr
+ JOIN reporter.hold_request_record rhrr USING (id)
+ LEFT JOIN action.hold_copy_map ahcm ON (ahr.id = ahcm.hold)
+ ahr.cancel_time IS NULL
+ AND ahr.fulfillment_time IS NULL
+ GROUP BY bib_record
+ )y
+ USING (id)
+ </oils_persist:source_definition>
+ <fields oils_persist:primary="id" oils_persist:sequence="biblio.record_entry">
+ <field reporter:label="Record ID" name="id" reporter:datatype="link"/>
+ <field reporter:label="Pickup Library" name="pickup_lib_or_desc" reporter:datatype="org_unit"/>
+ <field reporter:label="Active Holds at Pickup Library and its Descendants" name="holds_at_or_below" reporter:datatype="int"/>
+ <field reporter:label="Holdable Copy Count at Pickup Library and its Descendants" name="copy_count_at_or_below" reporter:datatype="int"/>
+ <field reporter:label="Active Holds Everywhere" name="holds_everywhere" reporter:datatype="int"/>
+ <field reporter:label="Holdable Copy Count Everywhere" name="copy_count_everywhere" reporter:datatype="int"/>
+ <field reporter:label="Hold/Copy Ratio at Pickup Library and its Descendants" name="hold_copy_ratio_at_or_below_ou" reporter:datatype="float"/>
+ <field reporter:label="Hold/Copy Ratio Everywhere" name="everywhere_ratio" reporter:datatype="float"/>
+ </fields>
+ <links>
+ <link field="id" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="bre"/>
+ <link field="pickup_lib" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="aou"/>
+ </links>
+ <permacrud xmlns="http://open-ils.org/spec/opensrf/IDL/permacrud/v1">
+ <actions>
+ <retrieve/>
+ </actions>
+ </permacrud>
+ </class>
<class id="rlc" controller="open-ils.cstore open-ils.pcrud open-ils.reporter-store" oils_obj:fieldmapper="reporter::last_circ_date" oils_persist:readonly="true" reporter:label="Last Circulation or Creation Date">