--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r
+<chapter xml:id="lsa" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="EN"\r
+ xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Local Administration Menu</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <section>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Overview</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Many Evergreen configuration options are available under the <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Local Administration</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice> rollover menu.</para>\r
+ <para>Settings are also available from the <guilabel>Local Administration</guilabel> page.</para>\r
+ <para>Either access point can be used, but examples in this manual use the more comprehensive\r
+ <guilabel>Local Administration</guilabel> rollover menu.</para>\r
+ <para>Items on this menu are visible to anyone logged into the staff client but usually\r
+ require special permissions to edit. The following table describes each of the menu options. </para>\r
+ <informaltable>\r
+ <tgroup cols="2" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1">\r
+ <colspec colnum="1" colname="menu" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
+ <colspec colnum="2" colname="description" colwidth="3.0*"/>\r
+ <thead>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Menu option</entry>\r
+ <entry>Description</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ </thead>\r
+ <tbody>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-receipt">Receipt Template Editor</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Customize printed receipts (checkout receipts, hold slips, etc) for a\r
+ single workstation</entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-font">Global Font and Sound Settings</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Change font size and sound settings for a single workstation</entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-printer">Printer Settings Editor</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Configure printer settings for a single workstation</entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-closed">Closed Dates Editor</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Set library closure dates (affects due dates and fines)</entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-copy-locations">Copy Locations Editor</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Create and edit copy locations, also known as shelving locations</entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-library-settings">Library Settings Editor</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Detailed library configuration settings</entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-noncat">Non-Catalogued Type Editor</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Create and edit optional <guilabel>non-catalogued</guilabel> item\r
+ types</entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-statcat">Statistical Categories Editor</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Create and manage optional categories for detailed patron/item\r
+ information</entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Standing Penalties</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <emphasis>admin settings</emphasis>\r
+ </entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row xml:id="lsa-group-penalty-table-entry">\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-group-penalty">Group Penalty Thresholds</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry> Set library-specific thresholds for maximum items out, maximum overdues,\r
+ and maximum fines </entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Field Documentation</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <emphasis>admin settings</emphasis>\r
+ </entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Notifications / Action Triggers</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <emphasis>admin settings</emphasis>\r
+ </entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-survey">Surveys</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Create patron surveys to be completed at patron registration</entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ Reports\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>Generate reports on any field in the Evergreen database</entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-cash-reports">Cash Reports</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>View summary report of cash transactions for selected date range</entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ Transit List\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>View items in transit to or from your library during selected date\r
+ range</entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Circulation Policies</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <emphasis>admin settings</emphasis>\r
+ </entry> \r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Hold Policies</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <emphasis>admin settings</emphasis>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ </tbody>\r
+ </tgroup>\r
+ </informaltable>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="lsa-receipt">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Receipt Template Editor</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>receipt template editor</primary></indexterm>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <para>This tip sheet will show you how to customize your receipts. This example will walk you\r
+ through how to customize the receipt that is printed on checkout. </para>\r
+ <para>Receipt templates are saved on the workstation, but it is possible to export the templates\r
+ to import to other workstations. </para>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu><guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Receipt Template Editor</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. </para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ \r
+ <para>Select the <guimenuitem>checkout</guimenuitem> template from the dropdown menu.\r
+ </para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>You can edit the <guilabel>Header</guilabel>, <guilabel>Line\r
+ Item</guilabel> or <guilabel>Footer</guilabel> on the right hand side. </para> \r
+ </step>\r
+ \r
+ <step><para>In the upper right hand corner you can see the available macros by clicking on the\r
+ <guibutton>Macros</guibutton> button. A macro prints a real value from the database.\r
+ The macros that are available\r
+ vary slightly between types of receipt templates (i.e. bills, holds, items). </para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ \r
+ <step><informalfigure> <para>Here are the available macros for an item receipt, like a checkout receipt. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject role="html">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-5.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ <imageobject role="fo">\r
+ <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-5.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para></informalfigure></step>\r
+ \r
+ </procedure>\r
+ \r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Adding an image</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+<procedure> \r
+ <step><para>You can edit the <guilabel>Header</guilabel> to have an image. This is the default checkout <guilabel>Header</guilabel>.\r
+ </para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ \r
+ <step><para>Using HTML tags you can insert a link to an image that exists on the web. The\r
+ link will end in <emphasis>.jpg</emphasis> or possibly <emphasis>.gif</emphasis>. To\r
+ get this link you can right click on the image and choose <guimenuitem>Copy Image\r
+ Location</guimenuitem> (<application>Firefox</application>). </para>\r
+ \r
+<para>If you are using <application>Internet Explorer</application> right click and select <guimenuitem>Save Picture\r
+ As…</guimenuitem>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step> <para>Enter the URL of the\r
+ link for the image that you just copied off a website. </para>\r
+ \r
+<para>By clicking outside the <guilabel>Header</guilabel> box the <guilabel>Preview</guilabel> will update to reflect the edit you just\r
+ made. </para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ \r
+ <step><para>If the image runs into the text, add a <br/> after the\r
+ image to add a line break.</para>\r
+ </step></procedure> \r
+ <tip><para>You may use most HTML tags. See <link xlink:title="http://www.w3schools.com/html/" xlink:href="http://www.w3schools.com/html/">http://www.w3schools.com/html/</link> for more information on HTML tags. </para></tip>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Line Item</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <informalfigure> <para>This is what the default <guilabel>Line Item</guilabel> looks like:</para>\r
+ \r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject role="html">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="1" fileref="../media/receipt-11.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ <imageobject role="fo">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="1" width="100%" contentdepth="100%"\r
+ fileref="../media/receipt-11.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para></informalfigure>\r
+ <para>In this example, the macro %barcode% prints the item barcodes of the books that were\r
+ checked out. The macro %due_date% prints the due date for each item that was checked out.\r
+ </para>\r
+ <para>In this example, we will not make any changes to the <guilabel>Line Item</guilabel></para>\r
+ \r
+ <note> <para>The due date can only be printed in the YYYY-MM-DD format. </para></note>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Editing the footer</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ \r
+<procedure> <step><informalfigure> <para>This is what the default <guilabel>Footer</guilabel> looks like:</para>\r
+ \r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject role="html">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="1" fileref="../media/receipt-12.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ <imageobject role="fo">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="1" width="100%" contentdepth="100%"\r
+ fileref="../media/receipt-12.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para></informalfigure></step>\r
+ \r
+ <step><informalfigure><para>Remove the “You were helped by %STAFF_FIRSTNAME% <br/>”. As many\r
+ libraries use a generic circulation login on the circulation desk, the “You were\r
+ helped by…” note isn’t meaningful. </para>\r
+ \r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject role="html">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="1" fileref="../media/receipt-13.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ <imageobject role="fo">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="1" width="100%" contentdepth="100%"\r
+ fileref="../media/receipt-13.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para></informalfigure></step>\r
+ <step><informalfigure> <para>Once you have the checkout template how you want it, click <guibutton>Save Locally</guibutton> to save\r
+ the template to your computer. </para>\r
+ \r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-15.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ \r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para></informalfigure></step>\r
+ \r
+ <step><informalfigure><para>Click OK.</para>\r
+ \r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject role="html">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-16.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ <imageobject role="fo">\r
+ <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-16.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para></informalfigure></step></procedure>\r
+ \r
+ <tip> <para>The footer is a good place to advertise upcoming library programs or events. </para></tip>\r
+ \r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Exporting templates</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <para>As you can only save a template on to the computer you are working on you will need to\r
+ export the template if you have more than one computer that prints out receipts (i.e., more\r
+ than one computer on the circulation desk, or another computer in the workroom that you use\r
+ to checkin items or capture holds with).</para>\r
+ \r
+<procedure> <step><informalfigure> <para>Click on <guilabel>Export</guilabel>. </para>\r
+ \r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject role="html">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-17.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ <imageobject role="fo">\r
+ <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-17.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ <step><informalfigure><para>Select the location to save the template to, name the template, and click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>.\r
+ </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject role="html">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-18.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ <imageobject role="fo">\r
+ <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-18.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ \r
+ <step><informalfigure><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject role="html">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-19.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ <imageobject role="fo">\r
+ <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-19.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para></informalfigure></step></procedure>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Importing Templates</title>\r
+ </info>\r
+ \r
+ <step><informalfigure> <para>Click <guibutton>Import</guibutton>.</para>\r
+ \r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject role="html">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-20.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ <imageobject role="fo">\r
+ <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-20.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para></informalfigure></step>\r
+ \r
+ <step><informalfigure><para>Navigate to and select the template that you want to import. Click <guibutton>Open</guibutton>. </para>\r
+ \r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject role="html">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-21.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ <imageobject role="fo">\r
+ <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-21.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para></informalfigure></step>\r
+ \r
+ <step><informalfigure> <para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para>\r
+ \r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject role="html">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-22.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ <imageobject role="fo">\r
+ <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-22.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para></informalfigure></step>\r
+ \r
+ \r
+ <step><informalfigure><para>Click <guibutton>Save Locally</guibutton>.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject role="html">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-23.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ <imageobject role="fo">\r
+ <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-23.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para></informalfigure></step>\r
+ \r
+ <step><informalfigure><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para>\r
+ \r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject role="html">\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-24.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ <imageobject role="fo">\r
+ <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-24.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para></informalfigure></step></procedure>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <section xml:id="lsa-font">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Global Font and Sound Settings</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>staff client</primary><secondary>fonts</secondary></indexterm>\r
+ \r
+ </info>\r
+ <para><guilabel>Global Font and Sound Settings</guilabel> apply to the current workstation\r
+ only. Use to turn staff client sounds on/off or to adjust the font size in the staff client\r
+ interface. These settings do not affect OPAC font sizes.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Global Font and Sound Settings</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>staff client</primary><secondary>sounds</secondary></indexterm>\r
+ <para>To turn off the system sounds, like the noise that happens when a patron with a\r
+ block is retrieved check the <guilabel>disable sound</guilabel> box and click\r
+ <guibutton>Save to Disk</guibutton>. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-4.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>To change the size of the font, pick the desired option and click\r
+ <guibutton>Save to Disk</guibutton>. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-5.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="lsa-printer">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Printer Settings Editor</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>staff client</primary><secondary>printer settings</secondary></indexterm>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <para>Use the <guilabel>Printer Settings Editor</guilabel> to configure printer output for\r
+ each workstation.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Printer Settings Editor</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>From this screen you can print a test page, or alter the page settings for your\r
+ receipt printer. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/lsa-7.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Click on <guibutton>Page Settings</guibutton> to change printing format and\r
+ option settings. Click on the <guilabel>Margins &\r
+ Header/Footer</guilabel> tab to adjust </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-8.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="lsa-closed">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Closed Dates Editor</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>closed dates editor</primary></indexterm>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <para>These dates are in addition to your regular weekly closed days (see <xref\r
+ linkend="server-hours"/>). Both regular closed days and those entered in the\r
+ <guilabel>Closed Dates Editor</guilabel> affect due dates and fines:</para>\r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <formalpara>\r
+ <title>Due dates</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>closed dates editor</primary><secondary>due dates</secondary></indexterm>\r
+ <para>Due dates that would fall on closed days are automatically pushed forward to\r
+ the next open day. Likewise, if an item is checked out at 8pm, for example, and\r
+ would normally be due on a day when the library closes before 8pm, Evergreen\r
+ pushes the due date forward to the next open day.</para>\r
+ </formalpara>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <formalpara>\r
+ <title>Overdue fines</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>closed dates editor</primary><secondary>fines</secondary></indexterm>\r
+ <para>Overdue fines are not charged on days when the library is closed.</para>\r
+ </formalpara>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist> \r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <title>Multi-Day Closing</title>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Closed Dates Editor</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step xml:id="lsa-multi-day-select">\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Select <guibutton>Add Multi-Date Closing</guibutton> if your closed dates\r
+ are entire business days.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-10.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Enter applicable dates and a descriptive reason for the closing and click\r
+ <guibutton>Save</guibutton>. Check the <guilabel>Apply to all of my\r
+ libraries</guilabel> box if your library is a multi-branch system and the\r
+ closing applies to all of your branches. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-11.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <tip>\r
+ <para>You can type dates into fields using YYYY-MM-DD format or use calendar widgets to\r
+ choose dates.</para>\r
+ </tip>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <title>Detailed Closing</title>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>If your closed dates include a portion of a business day, select Add Detailed\r
+ Closing at <xref linkend="lsa-multi-day-select"/>, then enter detailed hours and\r
+ dates and click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>. Time format must be HH:MM.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-12.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </simplesect> \r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="lsa-copy-locations">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Copy Locations Editor</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>copy locations editor</primary></indexterm>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Copy Locations Editor</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>You can create new copy locations, or edit existing copy locations. To create a\r
+ new shelving location type in the name, and select <guilabel>Yes</guilabel> or\r
+ <guilabel>No</guilabel> for the various attributes: <guilabel>OPAC Visible,\r
+ Holdable, Circulate,</guilabel> and <guilabel>Hold Verify</guilabel>.\r
+ <guilabel>Holdable</guilabel> means a patron is able to place a hold on an item\r
+ in this location; <guilabel>Hold Verify</guilabel> means staff will be prompted\r
+ before an item is captured for a hold. Finally click\r
+ <guibutton>Create</guibutton>.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-14.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>In the bottom part of the <guilabel>Copy Locations Editor</guilabel> you can\r
+ edit or delete existing copy locations. You cannot delete a location that contains\r
+ items. In this example the copy location <guilabel>Adult Videos</guilabel> is\r
+ being edited.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/lsa-16.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <tip>\r
+ <para>There are also options in the <guilabel>Copy Editor</guilabel> for a copy to be\r
+ <guilabel>OPAC Visible</guilabel>-yes or no, <guilabel>Holdable</guilabel>-yes or no,\r
+ or <guilabel>Circulate</guilabel>-yes or no. If either the copy record or the shelving\r
+ location is set to Circulate-no, then the item will not be able to circulate.</para>\r
+ </tip>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>This is where you see the shelving locations in the <guilabel>Copy\r
+ Editor</guilabel>:</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-17.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ <para>This is where the shelving location appears in the OPAC.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-18.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="lsa-library-settings">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Library Settings Editor</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>library settings editor</primary></indexterm>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <para>With the <guilabel>Library Settings Editor</guilabel> Local System Admnistrators (LSAs)\r
+ can optionally customize Evergreen's behaviour for a particular library or library system.\r
+ For descriptions of available settings see the <link\r
+ linkend="lsa-library-settings-overview">Settings Overview</link> table below. \r
+ </para>\r
+ <para>To open the <guilabel>Library Settings Editor</guilabel> select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Local Adminstration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Library Settings Editor</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>. </para>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <title>Settings Overview</title>\r
+ <para>This table describes available settings and shows which LSAs can change on a\r
+ per-library basis. Below the table is a list of <link\r
+ linkend="lsa-library-settings-data">data types</link> with details about acceptable\r
+ settings values.</para>\r
+ <informaltable xml:id="lsa-library-settings-overview">\r
+ <tgroup cols="4" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1">\r
+ <colspec colnum="1" colname="setting" colwidth="2.0*"/>\r
+ <colspec colnum="2" colname="description" colwidth="3.0*"/>\r
+ <colspec colnum="3" colname="type" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
+ <colspec colnum="4" colname="notes" colwidth="2.0*"/>\r
+ <thead>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Setting</entry>\r
+ <entry>Description</entry>\r
+ <entry>Data type</entry>\r
+ <entry>Notes</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ </thead>\r
+ <tbody>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Alert on empty bib records</entry>\r
+ <entry>Alert staff before the last copy for a record is deleted</entry>\r
+ <entry><link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link></entry>\r
+ <entry></entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Allow Credit Card Payments</entry>\r
+ <entry>Not available</entry>\r
+ <entry><link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link></entry> \r
+ <entry></entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Change reshelving status interval</entry>\r
+ <entry>Amount of time to wait before changing an item from “reshelving” status\r
+ to “available”</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Duration</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry></entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Charge item price when marked damaged </entry>\r
+ <entry>If true Evergreen bills item price to the last patron who checked out\r
+ the damaged item. Staff receive an alert with patron information and must\r
+ confirm the billing.</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Charge processing fee for damaged items</entry>\r
+ <entry>Optional processing fee billed to last patron who checked out the\r
+ damaged item. Staff receive an alert with patron information and must\r
+ confirm the billing.</entry>\r
+ <entry><link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link> (dollars)</entry>\r
+ <entry>Disabled when set to 0</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Circ: Lost items usable on checkin</entry>\r
+ <entry>Lost items are usable on checkin instead of going 'home' first</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Circ: Restore overdues on lost item return</entry>\r
+ <entry>If true when a lost item is checked in overdue fines are charged (up to\r
+ the maximum fines amount)</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Circ: Void lost item billing when returned</entry>\r
+ <entry>If true,when a lost item is checked in the item replacement bill (item\r
+ price) is voided. If the patron has already paid the bill a credit is\r
+ applied.</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Circ: Void lost max interval</entry>\r
+ <entry>Items that have been lost this long will not result in voided billings\r
+ when returned. Only applies if <guilabel>Circ: Void lost item\r
+ billing</guilabel> or <guilabel>Circ: Void processing fee on lost\r
+ item</guilabel> are true.</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Duration</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Circ: Void processing fee on lost item return</entry>\r
+ <entry>If true the processing fee is voided when a lost item is\r
+ returned</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Default Item Price</entry>\r
+ <entry>Replacement charge for lost items if price is unset in the <guilabel>\r
+ <link linkend="add-editor">Copy Editor</link>\r
+ </guilabel>. Does not apply if item price is set to $0</entry>\r
+ <entry><link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link> (dollars)</entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Default locale</entry>\r
+ <entry>Sets language used in staff client</entry>\r
+ <entry><link linkend="lsa-data-types">Text</link> (dollars)</entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry>Can be set for each workstation at login</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row xml:id="lsa-do-not-automatically-delete">\r
+ <entry>Do not automatically delete empty bib records</entry>\r
+ <entry>If false bib records (aka MARC records) will automatically be deleted\r
+ when the last attached volume is deleted </entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry>Set to <emphasis>false</emphasis> to avoid orphaned bib records</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row xml:id="lsa-library-settings-button">\r
+ <entry>GUI: Above-Tab Button Bar </entry>\r
+ <entry>If true the staff client <link linkend="button-bar">button bar</link>\r
+ appears by default on all workstations registered to your library; staff can\r
+ override this setting at each login.</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row xml:id="lsa-library-settings-horizontal">\r
+ <entry>GUI: Alternative Horizontal Patron Summary Panel</entry>\r
+ <entry>If true replaces the vertical patron summary panel with a horizontal one\r
+ on all workstations registered to your library</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>GUI: Network Activity Meter</entry>\r
+ <entry>If true displays a progress bar when the staff client is sending or\r
+ receiving information from the Evergreen server</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>GUI: Patron display timeout interval</entry>\r
+ <entry>Patron accounts opened in the staff client will close if inactive for\r
+ this period of time</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Duration</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry>Not functional in this version of Evergreen</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Holds: Estimated Wait (Days) </entry>\r
+ <entry>Average number of days between check out and check in, multiplied by a\r
+ patron's position in the hold queue to estimate wait for holds</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry>Not yet implemented</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Holds: Expire Alert Interval</entry>\r
+ <entry>Time before a hold expires at which to send an email notifying the\r
+ patron</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Duration</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry>Only applies if your library notifies patrons of expired holds. </entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Holds: Expire Interval</entry>\r
+ <entry>Amount of time until an unfulfilled hold expires</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Duration</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Holds: Hard boundary</entry>\r
+ <entry>Administrative setting</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Holds: Soft boundary</entry>\r
+ <entry>Administrative setting</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Holds: Soft stalling interval</entry>\r
+ <entry>Administrative setting</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Duration</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Juvenile Age Threshold</entry>\r
+ <entry>Upper cut-off age for patrons to be considered juvenile, calculated from\r
+ date of birth in patron accounts</entry>\r
+ <entry><link linkend="lsa-data-types">Duration</link> (years)</entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Lost Materials Processing Fee</entry>\r
+ <entry>The amount charged in addition to item price when an item is marked los.\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry><link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link> (dollars)</entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Maximum previous checkouts displayed</entry>\r
+ <entry>Number of previous circulations displayed in staff client</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>OPAC Inactivity Timeout (in seconds)</entry>\r
+ <entry>Number of seconds of inactivity before OPAC accounts are automatically\r
+ logged out.</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>OPAC: Allow pending addresses</entry>\r
+ <entry>If true patrons can edit their addresses in the OPAC. Changes must be\r
+ approved by staff</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Password format</entry>\r
+ <entry>Defines acceptable format for OPAC account passwords</entry>\r
+ <entry> Regular expression </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry>Default requires that passwords "be at least 7 characters in length,\r
+ contain at least one letter (a-z/A-Z), and contain at least one number.\r
+ </entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Patron barcode format </entry>\r
+ <entry>Defines acceptable format for patron barcodes</entry>\r
+ <entry> Regular expression </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry></entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row xml:id="library-settings-phone-password">\r
+ <entry>Patron: password from phone #</entry>\r
+ <entry>If true the last 4 digits of the patron's phone number is the password\r
+ for new accounts (password must still be changed at first OPAC\r
+ login)</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Selfcheck: Patron Login Timeout (in seconds)</entry>\r
+ <entry>Administrative setting</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry>Not for SIP connections</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Selfcheck: Pop-up alert for errors</entry>\r
+ <entry>Administrative setting</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry>Not for SIP connections</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Selfcheck: Require patron password</entry>\r
+ <entry>Administrative setting</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry>Not for SIP connections</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Sending email address for patron notices</entry>\r
+ <entry>This email address is for automatically generated patron notices (e.g.\r
+ email overdues, email holds notification). It is good practice to set up a\r
+ generic account, like info@nameofyourlibrary.ca, so that one person’s\r
+ individual email inbox doesn’t get cluttered with emails that were not\r
+ delivered.</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Text</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ \r
+ <entry/>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row xml:id="lsa-show-billing-tab-first">\r
+ <entry>Show billing tab first when bills are present</entry>\r
+ <entry>If true, accounts for patrons with bills will open to the billing tab\r
+ instead of check out</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry></entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Staff Login Inactivity Timeout (in seconds)</entry>\r
+ <entry>Number of seconds of inactivity before staff client prompts for login\r
+ and password.</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Void overdue fines when items are marked lost</entry>\r
+ <entry>If true overdue fines are voided when an item is marked lost</entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ <entry>\r
+ </entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ </tbody>\r
+ </tgroup>\r
+ </informaltable>\r
+ <para xml:id="lsa-library-settings-data">Acceptable formats for each setting type are\r
+ listed below. Quotation marks are never required when updating settings in the staff\r
+ client.</para>\r
+ <informaltable xml:id="lsa-data-types">\r
+ <tgroup cols="2" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1">\r
+ <colspec colnum="1" colname="type" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
+ <colspec colnum="2" colname="formatting" colwidth="5.0*"/>\r
+ \r
+ <thead>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Data type</entry>\r
+ <entry>Formatting</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ </thead>\r
+ <tbody>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>True/false</entry>\r
+ <entry>Select value from drop-down menu</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Number</entry>\r
+ <entry>Enter a numerical value (decimals allowed in price settings)</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Duration</entry>\r
+ <entry>Enter a number followed by a space and any of the following units:\r
+ minutes, hours, days, months (30 minutes, 2 days, etc)</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Text</entry>\r
+ <entry>Free text</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ </tbody>\r
+ </tgroup>\r
+ </informaltable>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="lsa-noncat">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Non-Catalogued Type Editor </title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>non-catalogued type editor</primary></indexterm>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <para>This is where you configure your non-catalogued types that appear in the dropdown menu\r
+ for non-catalogued circulations. </para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Non Catalogued Type Editor</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>To set up a new non-catalogued type, type the name in the left hand box, and\r
+ choose how many days the item will circulate for. Click\r
+ <guibutton>Create</guibutton>.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-22.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Select the <guilabel>Circulate In-House</guilabel> box for non-catalogued items\r
+ that will circulate in house. This can be used to manually track computer use, or\r
+ meeting room rentals. </para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>This is what the dropdown menu for non-catalogued circulations in the patron checkout\r
+ screen looks like:</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-23.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="lsa-group-penalty">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Group Penalty Thresholds</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>group penalty thresholds</primary></indexterm>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <para>Group Penalty Thresholds block circulation transactions for users who exceed maximum\r
+ check out limits, number of overdue items, or fines. Settings for your library are\r
+ visible under <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Group Penalty Thresholds</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>. </para>\r
+ <informaltable>\r
+ <tgroup cols="2" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1">\r
+ <colspec colnum="1" colname="penalty" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
+ <colspec colnum="2" colname="effect" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
+ <thead>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Penalty</entry>\r
+ <entry>Effect</entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ </thead>\r
+ <tbody>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES</entry>\r
+ <entry>Blocks new circulations and renewals if patron exceeds X in fines </entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Blocks new circulations and renewals if patron exceeds X overdue items </entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ <row>\r
+ <entry>Blocks new circulations if patron exceeds X items out </entry>\r
+ </row>\r
+ </tbody>\r
+ </tgroup>\r
+ </informaltable>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Accounts that exceed penalty thresholds display an alert message when opened and\r
+ require staff overrides for blocked transactions.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>patron account with circulation blocks</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-group-1.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ <simplesect xml:id="lsa-group-inheritance">\r
+ <title>Penalty threshold inheritance rules</title>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Local penalty thresholds are identified by <guilabel>Org Unit</guilabel> and\r
+ appear in the same table as the system wide defaults.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>group penalty threshold table</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-group-1a.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Where there is more than one threshold for the same penalty Evergreen gives\r
+ precedence to local settings. In this example Salt Spring Island Public Library (BGSI)\r
+ patrons are blocked when owing $5.00 in fines (<inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/2.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject>) instead of the system default(<inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/1.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject>). </para>\r
+ <para>Thresholds <inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/3.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject> and <inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/4.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject> are both for BGSI but apply to different user profile groups.\r
+ Threshold <inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/3.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject> limits all patrons to a maximum of 12 items out, but <inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/4.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject> provides an exception for the <guilabel>Board</guilabel>\r
+ profile.</para>\r
+ <tip>\r
+ <para>Multi-branch libraries may create rules for the entire library system or for\r
+ individual branches. Evergreen will use the most specific applicable rule.</para>\r
+ </tip>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect xml:id="lsa-group-create">\r
+ <title>Creating local penalty thresholds</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>group penalty thresholds</primary><secondary>creating local penalty thresholds</secondary></indexterm>\r
+ <para>Local System Administrators can override the system defaults by creating local penalty\r
+ thresholds for selected patron groups.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Group Penalty Thresholds</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Click <guibutton>New Penalty Threshold</guibutton>. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>group penalty threshold interface</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-group-2.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>The new penalty pop-up appears. Complete all fields and click\r
+ <guibutton>Save</guibutton>. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>new penalty threshold form</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-group-3.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/1.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <guilabel> Group</guilabel> - the profile group to which the rule applies.\r
+ Selecting <guilabel>Patrons</guilabel> includes all profiles below it in the\r
+ user hierarchy.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/2.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <guilabel> Org Unit</guilabel> - multi-branch libraries may create rules for\r
+ individual branches or the entire library system.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/3.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </inlinemediaobject>\r
+ <guilabel> Penalty</guilabel> - select\r
+ <guilabel>PATRON_EXCEEDS_CHECKOUT_COUNT</guilabel>,\r
+ <guilabel>PATRON_EXCEEDS_OVERDUE_COUNT</guilabel>, or\r
+ <guilabel>PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES</guilabel></para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>After clicking <guibutton>Save</guibutton> the new threshold appears with\r
+ the defaults. Evergreen always gives precedence to local settings (in\r
+ this example, BSP). </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>group penalty threshold interface</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-group-4.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <title>Deleting or editing local penalty thresholds</title>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>To delete a local threshold select the row to remove and click <guibutton>Delete\r
+ Selected</guibutton>. The threshold is removed immediately without further\r
+ confirmation.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-group-5.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>To edit a local threshold, double-click the desired row to open the pop-up form.\r
+ Edit the form and click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>. New settings take effect\r
+ immediately.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-group-6.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="lsa-statcat">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Statistical Categories Editor</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>statistical categories editor</primary></indexterm>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <para>This is where you configure your statistical categories (stat cats). Stat cats are a\r
+ way to save and report on additional information that doesn’t fit elsewhere in Evergreen's\r
+ default records. It is possible to have stat cats for copies or patrons. </para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Statistical Categories Editor</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>To create a new stat cat, enter the name of the stat cat, select if you want\r
+ <guilabel>OPAC Visiblity</guilabel>, and select either\r
+ <guimenuitem>patron</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>copy</guimenuitem> from the\r
+ <guimenu>Type</guimenu> dropdown menu. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/lsa-25.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <formalpara>\r
+ <title>Copy Stat Cats</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>copy stat cats</primary></indexterm>\r
+ <para>The image above shows some examples of copy stat cats. You would see these when\r
+ editing items in the <guilabel>Copy Editor</guilabel>, also known as the <guilabel>Edit\r
+ Item Attributes</guilabel> screen. You might use copy stat cats to track books you\r
+ have bought from a specific vendor, or donations. </para>\r
+ </formalpara>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>This is what the copy stat cat looks like in the <guilabel>Copy\r
+ Editor</guilabel>.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/lsa-26.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <formalpara>\r
+ <title>Patron stat cats</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>patron stat cats</primary></indexterm>\r
+ <para>Below are some examples of patron stat cats. Patron stat cats can be used to keep\r
+ track of information like the high school a patron attends, or the home library for a\r
+ consortium patron, e.g. Interlink. You would see these in the fifth screen of patron\r
+ registration/edit patron. </para>\r
+ </formalpara>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/lsa-27.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>This is what the patron stat cat looks like in the patron registration screen. It\r
+ looks very similar in the patron edit screen.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-28.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section xml:id="fielddocumentation">\r
+ <title>Field Documentation</title>\r
+ <para>Field Documentation is custom field-level documentation that explains individual fields for\r
+ library staff. As of 2.0, the field documentation only is used in the Patron Registration screen.</para>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <title>Administering Field Documentation</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>field documentation</primary><secondary>administering field documentation</secondary></indexterm>\r
+ <para>If their permission settings allow, staff members can create local field documentation. This\r
+ requires the ADMIN_FIELD_DOC permission. The 'depth' at which that permission is applied, is the maximum\r
+ level of the org tree at which the staff member will be able to create field documentation.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>In the staff client, select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin</guimenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Local Administration</guimenuitem>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Field Documentation</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice></para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Click the <guibutton>New</guibutton> button.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Using the <guilabel>fm_class</guilabel> selector, select the database table for which you wish to create Field Documentation. This will show all of the \r
+ existing Field Documentation for that table.</para>\r
+ <note><para>As of Evergreen 2.0, only the ILS User table is used anywhere in the Evergreen UI</para></note>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Using the <guilabel>owner</guilabel> selector, select the topmost org unit at which you would like the field documentation to be available.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Using the <guilabel>field</guilabel> selector, select the field you wish to document.</para>\r
+ </step> \r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Enter your actual documentation in the <guilabel>string</guilabel> text box.</para>\r
+ </step> \r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save your Field Documentation entry</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <note>\r
+ <para>To view field documentation for different tables, use the <guilabel>Class</guilabel> selector to filter the Field Documentation list</para>\r
+ </note>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+ <simplesect>\r
+ <title>Patron Field Documentation</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>field documentation</primary><secondary>patron field documentation</secondary></indexterm>\r
+ <para>On the patron registration screen there are small boxes along the left hand side. If a magnifying glass appears, you may click that magnifying \r
+ glass to retrieve the Field Documentation for that patron field.</para>\r
+ </simplesect>\r
+<section xml:id="lsa-survey">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Surveys</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>surveys</primary></indexterm>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <para>This section illustrates how to create a survey, shows where the survey responses are saved\r
+ in the patron record, and explains how to report on surveys.</para>\r
+ <para>Survey questions show up on the 6th patron registration screen, or on the 6th patron edit\r
+ screen. Surveys questions can be optional or required. Some examples of survey questions\r
+ might include: <emphasis>Would you use the library if it were open on a Sunday?</emphasis> \r
+ <emphasis>Would you like to be contacted by the library to learn about new\r
+ services?</emphasis> <emphasis>Do you attend library programs?</emphasis></para>\r
+ <para>Surveys come up when a patron is first registered. If you would like staff to ask the\r
+ survey questions when the patron’s library card is renewed, you’ll need to make that part of\r
+ local procedure.</para>\r
+ <para>It is possible to run reports on survey questions. For example, you could find out how\r
+ many people say they would use the library if it were open on a Sunday, or you could get a\r
+ list of patrons who say they would like to receive marketing material from the library.\r
+ </para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>From the <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu> menu, select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Local Administration</guimenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Surveys</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/survey-1.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>The <guilabel>Survey List</guilabel> will open. In this example the table is\r
+ empty because no surveys have been created. Click <guibutton>Add New\r
+ Survey</guibutton>. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/survey-2.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Fill out the <guilabel>New Survey</guilabel> form, then click <guibutton>Save\r
+ Changes</guibutton>. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/survey-3.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ <para>A few tips when creating a new survey:</para>\r
+ <itemizedlist>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><guilabel>Start Date</guilabel> must always be in the future. It is not\r
+ possible to add questions to a survey after the start date.</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para>Dates should be in YYYY-MM-DD format</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para><guilabel>OPAC Survey?</guilabel> and <guilabel>Poll Style?</guilabel> are\r
+ not yet implemented - leave unchecked</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para>Check <guilabel>Is Required</guilabel> if the survey should be mandatory\r
+ for all new patrons</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ <listitem>\r
+ <para>Check <guilabel>Display in User Summary</guilabel> to make survey answers\r
+ visible from patron records</para>\r
+ </listitem>\r
+ </itemizedlist>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>A summary of your new survey will appear. Type the first survey question in\r
+ the <guilabel>Question</guilabel> field, then click <guibutton>Save Question\r
+ & Add Answer</guibutton>. Survey questions are multiple\r
+ choice.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/survey-4.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Enter possible multiple choice answers and click <guibutton>Add\r
+ Answer</guibutton>. Each question may have as many answers as you\r
+ like.</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/survey-5.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure> <para>Repeat the steps above to add as many questions and answers as you wish. When\r
+ finished click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>, then <guilabel>Go Back</guilabel> to\r
+ return to the survey list.</para>\r
+ <para><mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/survey-6.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ \r
+ </mediaobject></para></informalfigure>\r
+ \r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure><para>Your new survey will appear in the <guilabel>Survey List</guilabel> table. To make further changes click the survey name to open the detailed view.</para>\r
+ \r
+ <para><mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/survey-7.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ \r
+ </mediaobject></para></informalfigure>\r
+ \r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <informalfigure><para>This is what the survey looks like in the patron registration/edit screen. Note that in\r
+ this example this survey question appears in red and is required as the\r
+ <guilabel>Is Required</guilabel> box was checked when creating the survey.</para>\r
+ \r
+ <para><mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/survey-8.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ \r
+ </mediaobject></para></informalfigure>\r
+ \r
+ <informalfigure><para>To see a patron’s response to a survey, retrieve the patron record. Click <menuchoice><guimenu>Other</guimenu><guimenuitem>Surveys</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to see the response.</para>\r
+ <para><mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/survey-9.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ \r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/survey-10.png"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ \r
+ </mediaobject></para></informalfigure>\r
+ <section xml:id="lsa-cash-reports">\r
+ <info>\r
+ <title>Cash Reports</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>cash reports</primary></indexterm>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
+ <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
+ <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
+ <guimenuitem>Cash Reports</guimenuitem>\r
+ </menuchoice>.</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>Select the start date and the end date that you wish to run a cash report for.\r
+ You can either enter the date in the YYYY-MM-DD format, or click on the calendar\r
+ icon to use the calendar widget. </para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-32.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Select your library from the drop down menu. Click <guibutton>Go</guibutton>.\r
+ </para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <informalfigure>\r
+ <para>The output will show cash, check, and credit card payments. It will also show\r
+ amounts for credits, forgiven payments, work payments and goods payments (i.e.\r
+ food for fines initiatives). The output will look something like this:</para>\r
+ <para>\r
+ <mediaobject>\r
+ <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
+ <imageobject>\r
+ <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/lsa-33.jpg"/>\r
+ </imageobject>\r
+ </mediaobject>\r
+ </para>\r
+ </informalfigure>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ <tip>\r
+ <para>By clicking on the hyperlinked column headers (i.e. <guilabel>workstation</guilabel>,\r
+ <guilabel>cash_payment</guilabel>, <guilabel>check_payment</guilabel>, etc.) it is\r
+ possible to sort the columns to order the payments from smallest to largest, or largest\r
+ to smallest, or to group the workstation names. </para>\r
+ </tip>\r
+ </section>\r