Make note of the new password and _Save_ the patron record. The screen will
refresh and the new password will be suppressed from view.
If you need to change a patron or staff account password without using the staff client, here is how you can reset it with SQL.
-Connect to your Evergreen database using psql or a similar tool, and retreive and verify your admin username:
+Connect to your Evergreen database using _psql_ or similar tool, and retreive and verify your admin username:
+[source, sql]
psql -U <user-name> -h <hostname> -d <database>
SELECT id, usrname, passwd from actor.usr where usrname = 'admin';
-If you do not remember the username that you set, search for it in the actor.usr table, and then reset the password.
+If you do not remember the username that you set, search for it in the _actor.usr_ table, and then reset the password.
+[source, sql]
UPDATE actor.usr SET passwd = <password> WHERE id=<id of row to be updated>;
The new password will automatically be hashed.
Barring a Patron