--- /dev/null
+HACKING File for Evergreen
+http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=contributing[tutorial for contributing to Evergreen is on the Evergreen Wiki].
+http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:git[Git workflow used by the project is documented on the Evergreen Wiki].
+Git Ignores
+The +.gitignore+ file for the project level should only have files that
+are generated by the build or install processes of Evergreen itself.
+Often, users of various text editors may want to ignore the backup or
+autosave files. Evergreen recommends putting this not in the project's
+.gitignore, but into the global ignore files for their git configuration.
+Below is how to do this for various editors.
+Creating A Global Git ignore file
+A useful tutorial on this issue can be found
+http://programblings.com/2008/10/22/git-global-ignores/[in this blog
+post]. The basic, command, however, is as follows:
+git config --global core.excludesfile /path/to/my/global/gitignore
+Many people like to use +~/.gitignore+ for +/path/to/my/global/gitignore+.
+Git Ignore Emacs Autosave/backup files
+To ignore Emacs autosave/backup files, put the following lines in your
++/path/to/my/global/gitignore+ file.
+Note the need of a backslash before the pound sign above, which is needed
+since pound usually is a comment in a +gitignore+ file.
+Git Ignore Vim Autosave/backup files
+To ignore vim autosave files, put the following lines in your
++/path/to/my/global/gitignore+ file.
+Note that vim sometimes creates more files of similar names, so you may want this: