The TPAC login failure message states "Ensure Caps-Lock is off" however
as was noted on IRC not long ago, passwords are case-sensitive. So this
message may be misleading.
Signed-off-by: James Fournie <>
Signed-off-by: Pasi Kallinen <>
Signed-off-by: Ben Shum <>
l("This account has been deactivated. Please contact your local library.");
l("Login failed. The username or password provided was not valid.
- Ensure Caps-Lock is off and try again or contact your local library.");
+ Passwords are case-sensitive. Check your Caps-Lock key and try again or contact your local library.");
<!ENTITY login.barcode.inactive "The barcode used to login is marked as inactive. Please contact your local library.">
<!ENTITY login.account.inactive "This account has been deactivated. Please contact your local library.">
<!ENTITY login.failed "Login failed. The username or password provided was not valid.
-Ensure Caps-Lock is off and try again or contact your local library.">
+Passwords are case-sensitive. Check your Caps-Lock key and try again or contact your local library.">
<!ENTITY button.go "Go!">
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