=head2 AgencyId
+Text string with the agency identifier for the block or trap.
=head2 BlockOrTrapType
+The type of block or trap, i.e. block checkout, block holds....
=head2 ValidFromDate
+Optional date that the block starts.
=head2 ValidToDate
+Optional date that the block ends.
=head1 NAME
-Id -
+Id - UserId obeject as defined in Z39.83-1-2012.
=head2 AgencyId
+Text string with the Agency ID.
=head2 UserIdentifierType
+Text string with the type of user identifier, i.e. barcode, database id.
=head2 UserIdentifierValue
+Text string with the value of the user identifer.
NCIP::User::Id->mk_accessors(qw(AgencyId UserIdentifierType
=head1 NAME
-Privilege -
+Privilege - UserPrivilege as defined in Z39.83-1-2012
=head2 AgencyId
+Text string with the agency identifier where the privilege originates.
=head2 AgencyUserPrivilegeType
+Text string with the type of the privilege.
=head2 ValidFromDate
+Optional start date for the privilege.
=head2 ValidToDate
+Optional end date for the privilege.
=head2 UserPrivilegeStatus
+Optional NCIP::User::PrivilegeStatus object.
=head2 UserPrivilegeDescription
+Optional text string describing the privilege.
=head1 NAME
-PrivilegeStatus -
+PrivilegeStatus - UserPrivilegeStatus as defined in Z39.83-1-2012.
=head2 UserPrivilegeStatusType
+Text string for the status type, i.e. active, inactive, expired, for
+the privilege.
=head2 DateOfUserPrivilegeStatus
+Optional date that the privilege entered the given status.