sub put_cache {
my($self, $key, $value, $expiretime ) = @_;
+ $key = _clean_cache_key($key);
return undef unless( defined $key and defined $value );
$value = OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->perl2JSON($value);
sub delete_cache {
my( $self, $key ) = @_;
+ $key = _clean_cache_key($key);
if(!$key) { return undef; }
if($self->{persist}){ _load_methods(); }
sub get_cache {
my($self, $key ) = @_;
+ $key = _clean_cache_key($key);
my $val = $self->{memcache}->get( $key );
return OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->JSON2perl($val) if defined($val);
+=head2 _clean_cache_key
+Try to make the requested cache key conform to memcached's requirements. Per
+Data stored by memcached is identified with the help of a key. A key
+is a text string which should uniquely identify the data for clients
+that are interested in storing and retrieving it. Currently the
+length limit of a key is set at 250 characters (of course, normally
+clients wouldn't need to use such long keys); the key must not include
+control characters or whitespace.
+sub _clean_cache_key {
+ my $key = shift;
+ $key =~ s{(\p{Cntrl}|\s)}{}g;
+ return $key;
#!perl -T
-use Test::More tests => 1;
+use Test::More tests => 2;
use_ok( 'OpenSRF::Utils::Cache' );
+is (OpenSRF::Utils::Cache::_clean_cache_key('ac.jacket.large.9780415590211 (hbk.)'), 'ac.jacket.large.9780415590211(hbk.)');