// Settings:
-// Project URIs:
-:uri-project: https://gitlab.com/antora/antora-ui-default
-:uri-preview: https://antora.gitlab.io/antora-ui-default
-:uri-ci-pipelines: {uri-project}/pipelines
-:img-ci-status: {uri-project}/badges/master/pipeline.svg
-// External URIs:
-:uri-antora: https://antora.org
-:uri-git: https://git-scm.com
-:uri-git-dl: {uri-git}/downloads
-:uri-gulp: http://gulpjs.com
-:uri-opendevise: https://opendevise.com
-:uri-node: https://nodejs.org
-:uri-nvm: https://github.com/creationix/nvm
-:uri-nvm-install: {uri-nvm}#installation
-:uri-yarn: https://yarnpkg.com
-image:{img-ci-status}[CI Status (GitLab CI), link={uri-ci-pipelines}]
-This project is an archetype that demonstrates how to produce a UI bundle for use in a documentation site generated with {uri-antora}[Antora].
-You can see a preview of the default UI at {uri-preview}.
+// Project URLs:
+:url-project: https://gitlab.com/antora/antora-ui-default
+:url-preview: https://antora.gitlab.io/antora-ui-default
+:url-ci-pipelines: {url-project}/pipelines
+:img-ci-status: {url-project}/badges/master/pipeline.svg
+// External URLs:
+:url-antora: https://antora.org
+:url-git: https://git-scm.com
+:url-git-dl: {url-git}/downloads
+:url-gulp: http://gulpjs.com
+:url-opendevise: https://opendevise.com
+:url-node: https://nodejs.org
+:url-nvm: https://github.com/creationix/nvm
+:url-nvm-install: {url-nvm}#installation
+:url-yarn: https://yarnpkg.com
+image:{img-ci-status}[CI Status (GitLab CI), link={url-ci-pipelines}]
+This project is an archetype that demonstrates how to produce a UI bundle for use in a documentation site generated with {url-antora}[Antora].
+You can see a preview of the default UI at {url-preview}.
== Use the Default UI
To preview and bundle the default UI, you need the following software on your computer:
-* {uri-git}[git] (command: `git`)
-* {uri-node}[Node] (command: `node`)
-* {uri-gulp}[Gulp CLI] (command: `gulp`)
-* {uri-yarn}[Yarn] (command: `yarn`)
+* {url-git}[git] (command: `git`)
+* {url-node}[Node] (command: `node`)
+* {url-gulp}[Gulp CLI] (command: `gulp`)
+* {url-yarn}[Yarn] (command: `yarn`)
==== git
$ git --version
-If not, {uri-git-dl}[download and install] the git package for your system.
+If not, {url-git-dl}[download and install] the git package for your system.
==== Node
If this command fails with an error, you don't have Node installed.
If the command doesn't report a Node LTS version (e.g., v10.14.2), you don't have a suitable version of Node installed.
-While you can install Node from the official packages, we strongly recommend that you use {uri-nvm}[nvm] (Node Version Manager) to install and manage Node.
-Follow the {uri-nvm-install}[nvm installation instructions] to set up nvm on your machine.
+While you can install Node from the official packages, we strongly recommend that you use {url-nvm}[nvm] (Node Version Manager) to install and manage Node.
+Follow the {url-nvm-install}[nvm installation instructions] to set up nvm on your machine.
Once you've installed nvm, open a new terminal and install Node 10 using the following command:
Clone the default UI project using git:
- $ git clone {uri-project} &&
+ $ git clone {url-project} &&
cd "`basename $_`"
The example above clones Antora's default UI project and then switches to the project folder on your filesystem.
== Authors
-Development of Antora is led and sponsored by {uri-opendevise}[OpenDevise Inc].
+Development of Antora is led and sponsored by {url-opendevise}[OpenDevise Inc].