grid.columnsProvider = egGridColumnsProvider.instance({
idlClass : grid.idlClass,
+ clientSort : (features.indexOf('clientsort') > -1 && features.indexOf('-clientsort') == -1),
defaultToHidden : (features.indexOf('-display') > -1),
defaultToNoSort : (features.indexOf('-sort') > -1),
defaultToNoMultiSort : (features.indexOf('-multisort') > -1),
+ grid.dataProvider.columnsProvider = grid.columnsProvider;
$scope.itemFieldValue = grid.dataProvider.itemFieldValue;
$scope.indexValue = function(item) {
return grid.indexValue(item)
restrict : 'AE',
scope : {
flesher: '=', // optional; function that can flesh a linked field, given the value
+ comparator: '=', // optional; function that can sort the thing at the end of 'path'
name : '@', // required; unique name
path : '@', // optional; flesh path
ignore: '@', // optional; fields to ignore when path is a wildcard
cols.columns = [];
cols.stockVisible = [];
cols.idlClass = args.idlClass;
+ cols.clientSort = args.clientSort;
cols.defaultToHidden = args.defaultToHidden;
cols.defaultToNoSort = args.defaultToNoSort;
cols.defaultToNoMultiSort = args.defaultToNoMultiSort;
cols.cloneFromScope = function(colSpec) {
return {
flesher : colSpec.flesher,
+ comparator : colSpec.comparator,
name :,
label : colSpec.label,
path : colSpec.path,
// the range defined by count and offset
gridData.arrayNotifier = function(arr, offset, count) {
if (!arr || arr.length == 0) return $q.when();
+ if (gridData.columnsProvider.clientSort
+ && gridData.sort
+ && gridData.sort.length > 0
+ ) {
+ var sorter_cache = [];
+ arr.sort(function(a,b) {
+ for (var si = 0; si < gridData.sort.length; si++) {
+ if (!sorter_cache[si]) { // Build sort structure on first comparison, reuse thereafter
+ var field = gridData.sort[si];
+ var dir = 'asc';
+ if (angular.isObject(field)) {
+ dir = Object.values(field)[0];
+ field = Object.keys(field)[0];
+ }
+ var path = gridData.columnsProvider.findColumn(field).path || field;
+ var comparator = gridData.columnsProvider.findColumn(field).comparator ||
+ function (x,y) { if (x < y) return -1; if (x > y) return 1; return 0 };
+ sorter_cache[si] = {
+ field : path,
+ dir : dir,
+ comparator : comparator
+ };
+ }
+ var sc = sorter_cache[si];
+ var af,bf;
+ if (a._isfieldmapper || angular.isFunction(a[sc.field])) {
+ try {af = a[sc.field](); bf = b[sc.field]() } catch (e) {};
+ } else {
+ af = a[sc.field]; bf = b[sc.field];
+ }
+ if (af === undefined && sc.field.indexOf('.') > -1) { // assume an object, not flat path
+ var parts = sc.field.split('.');
+ af = a;
+ bf = b;
+ angular.forEach(parts, function (p) {
+ if (af) {
+ if (af._isfieldmapper || angular.isFunction(af[p])) af = af[p]();
+ else af = af[p];
+ }
+ if (bf) {
+ if (bf._isfieldmapper || angular.isFunction(bf[p])) bf = bf[p]();
+ else bf = bf[p];
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (af === undefined) af = null;
+ if (bf === undefined) bf = null;
+ if (af === null && bf !== null) return 1;
+ if (bf === null && af !== null) return -1;
+ if (!(bf === null && af === null)) {
+ var partial = sc.comparator(af,bf);
+ if (partial) {
+ if (sc.dir == 'desc') {
+ if (partial > 0) return -1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return partial;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ });
+ }
if (count) arr = arr.slice(offset, offset + count);
var def = $q.defer();
// promise notifications are only witnessed when delivered