<format name='opac' type='text/html'/>
<format name='html' type='text/html'/>
<format name='htmlholdings' type='text/html'/>
+ <format name='holdings_xml' type='application/xml'/>
+ <format name='holdings_xml-full' type='application/xml'/>
<format name='html-full' type='text/html'/>
<format name='htmlholdings-full' type='text/html'/>
<format name='marctxt' type='text/plain'/>
<format name='opac' type='text/html'/>
<format name='html' type='text/html'/>
<format name='htmlholdings' type='text/html'/>
+ <format name='holdings_xml' type='application/xml'/>
+ <format name='holdings_xml-full' type='application/xml'/>
<format name='html-full' type='text/html'/>
<format name='htmlholdings-full' type='text/html'/>
<format name='marctxt' type='text/plain'/>
if ( !grep
- { (keys(%$_))[0] eq $base_format }
- @{ $supercat->request("open-ils.supercat.$type.formats")->gather(1) }
- and !grep
- { $_ eq $base_format }
- qw/opac html htmlholdings marctxt ris/
+ { (keys(%$_))[0] eq $base_format }
+ @{ $supercat->request("open-ils.supercat.$type.formats")->gather(1) }
+ and !grep
+ { $_ eq $base_format }
+ qw/opac html htmlholdings marctxt ris holdings_xml/
) {
print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";
$apache->custom_response( 406, <<" HTML");
return Apache2::Const::OK;
- my $req = $supercat->request("open-ils.supercat.$type.$format.$command",$id);
+ my $method = "open-ils.supercat.$type.$base_format.$command";
+ my @params = ($id);
+ if ($base_format eq 'holdings_xml') {
+ $method .= '.atomic';
+ push @params, $lib;
+ if ($format !~ /-full$/o) {
+ push @params, 1;
+ }
+ }
+ my $req = $supercat->request($method,@params);
my $data = $req->gather(1);
+ $data = join('', @$data) if ($base_format eq 'holdings_xml');
if ($req->failed || !$data) {
print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";
$apache->custom_response( 404, <<" HTML");
<!ENTITY result.table.keyword "View titles for this record">
<!ENTITY result.table.author "Perform an Author Search">
<!ENTITY result.googleBooks.browse "Browse in Google Books Search">
+<!ENTITY result.localCallNumbers "Local Call Numbers:">
<!ENTITY common.call.number.label "Call Number:">
<!ENTITY common.isbn.label "ISBN:">
title_link.setAttribute("href", buildOPACLink(args));
title_link.appendChild(text(normalize(truncate(rec.title(), 65))));
+ var here = findOrgUnit(getLocation());
+ if (findOrgType(here.ou_type()).can_have_vols()) { // show the callnumber list
+ dojo.require('openils.BibTemplate');
+ var l_cn_list = $n(r,'local_callnumber_list');
+ setTimeout(
+ function () {
+ unHideMe(l_cn_list);
+ new openils.BibTemplate({
+ root : l_cn_list,
+ record : onlyrec,
+ org_unit : here.shortname()
+ }).render();
+ }, 0
+ );
+ }
} else {
buildunAPISpan($n(r,'unapi'), 'metabib-metarecord', rec.doc_id());
+ var here = findOrgUnit(getLocation());
+ if (findOrgType(here.ou_type()).can_have_vols()) { // show the callnumber list
+ dojo.require('openils.BibTemplate');
+ var l_cn_list = $n(r,'local_callnumber_list');
+ var onlyrec = rec.doc_id();
+ setTimeout(
+ function () {
+ unHideMe(l_cn_list);
+ new openils.BibTemplate({
+ root : l_cn_list,
+ record : onlyrec,
+ org_unit : here.shortname()
+ }).render();
+ }, 0
+ );
+ }
buildSearchLink(STYPE_AUTHOR, rec.author(), author_link);
<tr style='height: 1em' name='counts_row'>
- <td rowspan='3' class='result_table_pic_header'>
+ <td rowspan='4' class='result_table_pic_header'>
<a><img name='item_jacket' class='result_table_pic'/></a>
<!-- Copy this td for each copy count appended -->
- <td rowspan='3' nowrap='nowrap' name="copy_count_cell" class='copy_count_cell'>
+ <td rowspan='4' nowrap='nowrap' name="copy_count_cell" class='copy_count_cell'>
+ <tr name="local_callnumber_list" class="result_table_title_cell hide_me">
+ <td>&result.localCallNumbers;
+ <span type='opac/slot-data+holdings_xml' query='volumes volume' join=", ">
+ <script type='opac/slot-format'><![CDATA[return '<b>'+item.getAttribute('label')+'</b>';]]></script>
+ </span>
+ </td>
+ </tr>