--- /dev/null
+# PINES-specific strings
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: evergreen\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: help@help.georgialibraries.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-11-22 11:41-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-22 21:19+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Terran McCanna <tmccanna@georgialibraries.org>\n"
+"Language-Team: PINES <help@help.georgialibraries.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2016-11-22 05:19+0000\n"
+"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 18169)\n"
+#. =================================================================
+#. Strings customized for PINES
+#. =================================================================
+#. =================================================================
+#. Navigation
+#. =================================================================
+msgid "Search the Catalog"
+msgstr "Basic Search"
+msgid "Expert Search"
+msgstr "MARC Record Search"
+msgid "Request Library Card"
+msgstr "Apply for a PINES Library Card"
+msgid "Search: "
+msgstr "Search for: "
+msgid "Type: "
+msgstr "Search by: "
+msgid "Format: "
+msgstr "Limit to: "
+msgid "Library: "
+msgstr "Search within: "
+msgid "Kids Catalog"
+msgstr "Kids' Catalog"
+msgid "GALILEO"
+msgstr "GALILEO Research Databases"
+msgid "Funding Note"
+msgstr "This Web site and other Georgia Public Library Service programs are partially assisted with funds from the Library Services and Technology Act through the <a href='http://www.imls.gov/'> Institute of Museum and Library Services</a>."
+#. =================================================================
+#. Home Page
+#. =================================================================
+msgid "PINES Library Locations Note"
+msgstr "Your PINES card gives you access to<br/>more than 275 libraries across Georgia!"
+msgid "PINES Help Note"
+msgstr "Tips on searching the catalog, placing holds, and other frequently asked questions."
+#. =================================================================
+#. Advanced Search Screens
+#. =================================================================
+msgid "Search Input"
+msgstr "Enter Search Words:"
+msgid "Add Search Row"
+msgstr "Add Another Search Row
+msgid "Search Filters"
+msgstr "Choose Search Limits:
+msgid "Field:"
+msgstr "Search by:"
+msgid "Search Library:"
+msgstr "Search within:"
+msgid "PINES Advanced Search Note"
+msgstr "Tip: Ctrl-Click to select multiple lines or to deselect lines (Shift-Click for Macs)."
+#. =================================================================
+#. Browse the Catalog
+#. =================================================================
+msgid "PINES Browse Note"
+msgstr "Browse through a virtual index of titles, authors, subjects, or series for a particular library, for a library system, or for all of PINES. If browsing by author, type in the first letters of the last name."
+#. =================================================================
+#. Search Results
+#. =================================================================
+msgid "Sort by"
+msgstr "Sort search results:"
+msgid "Group Formats and Editions"
+msgstr "Group results by format and edition"
+msgid "Call number:"
+msgstr "Call Number:"
+msgid "Add to my list"
+msgstr "Add To My List"
+msgid "Remove from my list"
+msgstr "Remove From List"
+msgid "PINES Facet Tip"
+msgstr "Tip: Click on the links below to narrow down your search results. To remove a search limit you've selected, click on the link again."
+#. =================================================================
+#. Record Details
+#. =================================================================
+msgid "Search Results"
+msgstr "Return to Search Results"
+msgid "Results %1 - %2 of about %3"
+msgstr "Now showing results %1 - %2 of about %3"
+msgid "Record details"
+msgstr "Item details"
+msgid "%1 of %quant(%2,copy,copies) available at %3."
+msgstr "%1 out of %quant(%2,copy,copies) are currently available at %3."
+msgid "%quant(%1,current hold,current holds) with %quant(%2,total copy,total copies)."
+msgstr "%quant(%1,current hold,current holds) on %quant(%2,total copy,total copies)."
+msgid "Available copies"
+msgstr "Currently available copies"
+msgid "Content descriptions"
+msgstr "Contents / Notes"
+msgid "Search for related items by subject"
+msgstr "Find similar items by subject"
+msgid "PINES Location"
+msgstr "Library System: Library Branch Name"
+msgid "PINES Location Tip"
+msgstr "(Click library name for locations and hours)"
+msgid "Awards, Reviews, & Suggested Reads"
+msgstr "Recommended Reads and Reviews"
+msgid "Shelf Browser"
+msgstr "Browse the Shelves"
+msgid "PINES Shelf Browse Tip"
+msgstr "(Shelf browsing works best if you are browsing a single library location and not an entire library system.)"
+#. =================================================================
+#. My Account Screens
+#. =================================================================
+msgid "Log in to Your Account"
+msgstr "PINES Account Login"
+msgid "PIN Number or Password"
+msgstr "Password"
+msgid "Stay logged in?"
+msgstr "Keep me logged in"
+msgid "Questions?"
+msgstr "Account Help"
+msgid "Visit our FAQs section for answers to common questions about how to use your account."
+msgstr "Learn more about using your PINES account."
+msgid "PINES Hold Tip"
+msgstr "If you require assistance placing a hold or have a question about a hold that you have placed, please contact your <a href=http://pines.georgialibraries.org/pinesLocator/locator.html>local library</a>."
+msgid "Show only available holds"
+msgstr "Show holds that are ready to pick up"
+msgid "Current Items on Hold"
+msgstr "Items Currently On Hold"
+msgid "Day Phone"
+msgstr "Day (Primary) Phone"
+msgid "Previously Held Items"
+msgstr "Previously Requested Items"
+msgid "PINES Account Tips"
+msgstr "If you require assistance, please contact your <a href=http://pines.georgialibraries.org/pinesLocator/locator.html>local library</a>."
+msgid "PINES Renewal Tip"
+msgstr "If you are having trouble renewing your items, please contact your <a href=http://pines.georgialibraries.org/pinesLocator/locator.html>local library</a>."
+msgid "PINES Renewal Note"
+msgstr "* You will be unable to renew items if other patrons have holds on them, if your account is expired, or if you have more than $10.00 in fines and fees."
+msgid "PINES Account Info Tip"
+msgstr "If you need to change your phone number or address, please visit your <a href=http://pines.georgialibraries.org/pinesLocator/locator.html>local library</a>."
+msgid "PINES List Tips"
+msgstr "Lists allow you to keep track of books you'd like to read in the future, recommendations you'd like to share with other people, and more. <a href=http://pines.georgialibraries.org/catalog-help#my_list>Learn more about using lists.</a>"
+#. =================================================================
+#. Patron Registration
+#. =================================================================
+msgid "Request Library Card"
+msgstr "Apply for a PINES Library Card"
+msgid "Please see library staff to complete your registration."
+msgstr "Please visit your Home Library within 14 days to complete your registration."
+msgid "PINES Location Tip"
+msgstr "<a href=\"http://pines.georgialibraries.org/pinesLocator/locator.html\" target=\"_blank\">Find the name of the library system and branch closest to you.</a>"
+msgid "Daytime Phone"
+msgstr "Main Phone"