} else {
# Get data on the patron who has it checked out.
- my $user = $self->retrieve_user_by_id($circ->usr());
+ my $circ_user = $self->retrieve_user_by_id($circ->usr());
# Check if an optional UserId was provided. If so, make sure
# the copy was checked out to that user. We record the id
# field to report it as the problem value if the copy is
# checked out to someone else.
- my ($circ_usr_barcode, $circ_usr_idfield) = $self->find_user_barcode($request);
- if (ref($circ_usr_barcode) ne 'NCIP::Problem') {
- $circ_usr = $self->retrieve_user_by_bacode($circ_user_barcode);
- if ($circ_usr->id() != $user->id()) {
+ my ($user_barcode, $user_idfield) = $self->find_user_barcode($request);
+ if (ref($user_barcode) ne 'NCIP::Problem') {
+ my $user = $self->retrieve_user_by_bacode($circ_user_barcode);
+ if ($user->id() != $circ_user->id()) {
ProblemType => 'Item Not Checked Out To This User',
- ProblemDetail => "Item with barcode $item_barcode not checkout out to user with barcode $circ_usr_barcode.",
- ProblemElement => $cir_usr_idfield,
- ProblemValue => $circ_usr_barcode
+ ProblemDetail => "Item with barcode $item_barcode not checkout out to user with barcode $user_barcode.",
+ ProblemElement => $user_idfield,
+ ProblemValue => $user_barcode
+ if ($result->{textcode} eq 'SUCCESS') {
+ # Delete the copy. Since delete_copy checks ownership
+ # before attempting to delete the copy, we don't bother
+ # checking who owns it.
+ $self->delete_copy($copy);
+ }
# We should check for errors here, but I'll leave that for
# later.
UserId => NCIP::User::Id->new(
UserIdentifierType => 'Barcode Id',
- UserIdentifierValue => $user->card->barcode()
+ UserIdentifierValue => $circ_user->card->barcode()
return $hold;
+=head2 delete_copy
+ $ils->delete_copy($copy);
+Deletes the copy, and if it is owned by our work_ou and not a precat,
+we also delete the volume and bib on which the copy depends.
+sub delete_copy {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $copy = shift;
+ # Shortcut for ownership checks below.
+ my $ou_id = $self->{session}->{work_ou}->id();
+ # First, make sure the copy is not already deleted and we own it.
+ return undef if ($U->is_true($copy->deleted()) || $copy->circ_lib() != $ou_id);
+ # We need a transaction & connected session.
+ my $xact;
+ my $session = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.pcrud');
+ $session->connect();
+ eval {
+ $xact = $session->request(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.transaction.begin',
+ $self->{session}->{authtoken}
+ )->gather(1);
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ undef($xact);
+ }
+ if ($xact) {
+ # Do the rest in one eval block.
+ eval {
+ # Delete the copy.
+ my $r = $session->request(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.delete.acp',
+ $self->{session}->{authtoken},
+ $copy
+ )->gather(1);
+ # Check for volume.
+ if ($copy->call_number() != -1) {
+ # Retrieve the acn object and flesh the bib.
+ my $acn = $session->request(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.acn',
+ $self->{session}->{authtoken},
+ $copy->call_number(),
+ {flesh => 1, flesh_fields => {acn => ['record']}}
+ )->gather(1);
+ if ($acn) {
+ # Get the bib and deflesh the acn.
+ my $bib = $acn->record();
+ $acn->record($bib->id());
+ # Check if we own the call_number.
+ if ($acn->owning_lib() == $ou_id) {
+ $r = $session->request(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.delete.acn',
+ $self->{session}->{authtoken},
+ $acn
+ )->gather(1);
+ if ($r) {
+ # Check if we created the bib.
+ if ($bib->creator() == $self->{session}->{user}->id()) {
+ $r = $session->request(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.delete.bre',
+ $self->{session}->{authtoken},
+ $bib
+ )->gather(1);
+ }
+ # We should probably check for other call
+ # numbers on the bib, first, but no one
+ # else should be using the bib
+ # record. We'll add that check if it ever
+ # happens in the real world.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $r = $session->request(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.transaction.commit',
+ $self->{session}->{authtoken}
+ )->gather(1);
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ eval {
+ my $r = $session->request(
+ 'open-ils.pcrud.transaction.rollback',
+ $self->{session}->{authtoken}
+ )->gather(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $session->disconnect();
+ return undef;
=head2 find_user_barcode