INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_def_group (id, owner, hook, name)
VALUES (1, 1, 'biblio.format.record_entry.print','Print Record(s)');
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_def_group_member (grp, name, event_def)
- SELECT 1, 'Brief', id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE hook = 'biblio.format.record_entry.print';
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_def_group_member (grp, name, holdings, event_def)
- SELECT 1, 'Full', TRUE, id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE hook = 'biblio.format.record_entry.print';
INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_def_group (id, owner, hook, name)
VALUES (2,1,'','Email Record(s)');
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_def_group_member (grp, name, event_def)
- SELECT 2, 'Brief', id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE hook = '';
+DO $block$
+ PERFORM * FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE hook = '' AND owner = 1 AND active AND template =
+[%- USE date -%]
+[%- SET user = target.0.owner -%]
+To: [%- params.recipient_email || %]
+From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]
+Date: [%- date.format(, '%a, %d %b %Y %T -0000', gmt => 1) %]
+Subject: Bibliographic Records
+Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
+[% FOR cbreb IN target %]
+[% FOR item IN cbreb.items;
+ bre_id = item.target_biblio_record_entry;
+ bibxml = helpers.unapi_bre(bre_id, {flesh => '{mra}'});
+ title = '';
+ FOR part IN bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="245"]/*[@code="a" or @code="b"]');
+ title = title _ part.textContent;
+ END;
+ author = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="100"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;
+ item_type = bibxml.findnodes('//*[local-name()="attributes"]/*[local-name()="field"][@name="item_type"]').getAttribute('coded-value');
+ publisher = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260"]/*[@code="b"]').textContent;
+ pubdate = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260"]/*[@code="c"]').textContent;
+ isbn = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="020"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;
+ issn = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="022"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;
+ upc = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="024"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;
+[% loop.count %]/[% loop.size %]. Bib ID# [% bre_id %]
+[% IF isbn %]ISBN: [% isbn _ "\n" %][% END -%]
+[% IF issn %]ISSN: [% issn _ "\n" %][% END -%]
+[% IF upc %]UPC: [% upc _ "\n" %] [% END -%]
+Title: [% title %]
+Author: [% author %]
+Publication Info: [% publisher %] [% pubdate %]
+Item Type: [% item_type %]
+[% END %]
+[% END %]
+ IF FOUND THEN -- update
+ INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_def_group_member (grp, name, event_def)
+ SELECT 2, 'Brief', id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE hook = '';
+ INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_def_group_member (grp, name, holdings, event_def)
+ SELECT 2, 'Full', TRUE, id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE hook = '';
+ UPDATE action_trigger.event_definition SET template = $$
+[%- USE date -%]
+[%- SET user = target.0.owner -%]
+To: [%- params.recipient_email || || %]
+From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]
+Date: [%- date.format(, '%a, %d %b %Y %T -0000', gmt => 1) %]
+Subject: [%- user_data.0.subject || 'Bibliographic Records' %]
+Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
+[%- FOR cbreb IN target;
+ flesh_list = '{mra';
+ IF user_data.0.type == 'full';
+ flesh_list = flesh_list _ ',holdings_xml,acp';
+ IF params.holdings_limit;
+ flimit = 'acn=>' _ params.holdings_limit _ ',acp=>' _ params.holdings_limit;
+ END;
+ END;
+ flesh_list = flesh_list _ '}';
+ item_list = helpers.sort_bucket_unapi_bre(cbreb.items,{flesh => flesh_list, site => user_data.0.context_org, flesh_limit => flimit}, user_data.0.sort_by, user_data.0.sort_dir);
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_def_group_member (grp, name, holdings, event_def)
- SELECT 2, 'Full', TRUE, id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE hook = '';
+FOR item IN item_list -%]
-UPDATE action_trigger.event_definition SET template = $$
+[% loop.count %]/[% loop.size %]. Bib ID# [% %]
+[% IF item.isbn %]ISBN: [% item.isbn _ "\n" %][% END -%]
+[% IF item.issn %]ISSN: [% item.issn _ "\n" %][% END -%]
+[% IF item.upc %]UPC: [% item.upc _ "\n" %][% END -%]
+Title: [% item.title %]
+[% IF %]Author: [% _ "\n" %][% END -%]
+Publication Info: [% item.publisher %] [% item.pubdate %]
+Item Type: [% item.item_type %]
+[% IF user_data.0.type == 'full' && == 0 %]
+ * No items for this record at the selected location
+[%- END %]
+[% FOR cp IN -%]
+ * Library: [% cp.circ_lib %]
+ Location: [% cp.location %]
+ Call Number: [% cp.prefix _ ' ' _ cp.callnumber _ ' ' _ cp.suffix %]
+[% IF %] Parts: [% _ "\n" %][% END -%]
+ Status: [% cp.status_label %]
+ Barcode: [% cp.barcode %]
+[% END -%]
+[%- END -%]
+[%- END -%]
+$$ WHERE hook = '' AND owner = 1 AND active;
+ ELSE -- insert full and add existing brief
+ INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_def_group_member (grp, name, event_def)
+ SELECT 2, 'Brief', id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE hook = '' AND active;
+ INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (
+ active,
+ owner,
+ name,
+ hook,
+ validator,
+ reactor,
+ cleanup_success,
+ cleanup_failure,
+ group_field,
+ granularity,
+ delay,
+ template
+ owner,
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'NOOP_True',
+ 'SendEmail',
+ 'DeleteTempBiblioBucket',
+ 'DeleteTempBiblioBucket',
+ 'owner',
+ '00:00:00',
+ $$
[%- USE date -%]
[%- SET user = target.0.owner -%]
To: [%- params.recipient_email || || %]
[% END -%]
[%- END -%]
[%- END -%]
-$$ WHERE hook = '';
+$$) FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE hook = '' AND active;
+ INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_def_group_member (grp, name, holdings, event_def)
+ SELECT 2, 'Full', TRUE, id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE name = '' and active;
+DO $block$
+ PERFORM * FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE hook = 'biblio.format.record_entry.print' AND owner = 1 AND active AND template =
+ <style> li { padding: 8px; margin 5px; }</style>
+ <ol>
+ [% FOR cbreb IN target %]
+ [% FOR item IN cbreb.items;
+ bre_id = item.target_biblio_record_entry;
+ bibxml = helpers.unapi_bre(bre_id, {flesh => '{mra}'});
+ title = '';
+ FOR part IN bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="245"]/*[@code="a" or @code="b"]');
+ title = title _ part.textContent;
+ END;
+ author = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="100"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;
+ item_type = bibxml.findnodes('//*[local-name()="attributes"]/*[local-name()="field"][@name="item_type"]').getAttribute('coded-value');
+ publisher = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260"]/*[@code="b"]').textContent;
+ pubdate = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260"]/*[@code="c"]').textContent;
+ isbn = bibxml.findnodes('//*[@tag="020"]/*[@code="a"]').textContent;
+ %]
+ <li>
+ Bib ID# [% bre_id %] ISBN: [% isbn %]<br />
+ Title: [% title %]<br />
+ Author: [% author %]<br />
+ Publication Info: [% publisher %] [% pubdate %]<br/>
+ Item Type: [% item_type %]
+ </li>
+ [% END %]
+ [% END %]
+ </ol>
+ IF FOUND THEN -- update
+ INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_def_group_member (grp, name, event_def)
+ SELECT 1, 'Brief', id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE hook = 'biblio.format.record_entry.print';
+ INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_def_group_member (grp, name, holdings, event_def)
+ SELECT 1, 'Full', TRUE, id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE hook = 'biblio.format.record_entry.print';
+ UPDATE action_trigger.event_definition SET template = $$
+ <style> li { padding: 8px; margin 5px; }</style>
+ <ol>
+ [% FOR cbreb IN target;
+ flesh_list = '{mra';
+ IF user_data.0.type == 'full';
+ flesh_list = flesh_list _ ',holdings_xml,acp';
+ IF params.holdings_limit;
+ flimit = 'acn=>' _ params.holdings_limit _ ',acp=>' _ params.holdings_limit;
+ END;
+ END;
+ flesh_list = flesh_list _ '}';
+ item_list = helpers.sort_bucket_unapi_bre(cbreb.items,{flesh => flesh_list, site => user_data.0.context_org, flesh_limit => flimit}, user_data.0.sort_by, user_data.0.sort_dir);
+ FOR item IN item_list %]
+ <li>
+ Bib ID# [% %]<br />
+ [% IF item.isbn %]ISBN: [% item.isbn %]<br />[% END %]
+ [% IF item.issn %]ISSN: [% item.issn %]<br />[% END %]
+ [% IF item.upc %]UPC: [% item.upc %]<br />[% END %]
+ Title: [% item.title %]<br />
+[% IF %] Author: [% %]<br />[% END -%]
+ Publication Info: [% item.publisher %] [% item.pubdate %]<br/>
+ Item Type: [% item.item_type %]
+ <ul>
+ [% IF user_data.0.type == 'full' && == 0 %]
+ <li>No items for this record at the selected location</li>
+ [% END %]
+ [% FOR cp IN -%]
+ <li>
+ Library: [% cp.circ_lib %]<br/>
+ Location: [% cp.location %]<br/>
+ Call Number: [% cp.prefix _ ' ' _ cp.callnumber _ ' ' _ cp.suffix %]<br/>
+ [% IF %]Parts: [% %]<br/>[% END %]
+ Status: [% cp.status_label %]<br/>
+ Barcode: [% cp.barcode %]
+ </li>
+ [% END %]
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ [% END %]
+ [% END %]
+ </ol>
+$$ WHERE hook = 'biblio.format.record_entry.print' AND owner = 1 AND active;
-UPDATE action_trigger.event_definition SET template = $$
+ ELSE -- insert full and add brief
+ INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_def_group_member (grp, name, event_def)
+ SELECT 1, 'Brief', id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE hook = 'biblio.format.record_entry.print' AND active;
+ INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (
+ active,
+ owner,
+ name,
+ hook,
+ validator,
+ reactor,
+ cleanup_success,
+ cleanup_failure,
+ group_field,
+ granularity,
+ delay,
+ template
+ owner,
+ 'biblio.record_entry.print.full',
+ 'biblio.format.record_entry.print',
+ 'NOOP_True',
+ 'ProcessTemplate',
+ 'DeleteTempBiblioBucket',
+ 'DeleteTempBiblioBucket',
+ 'owner',
+ 'print-on-demand',
+ '00:00:00',
+ $$
<style> li { padding: 8px; margin 5px; }</style>
[% END %]
-$$ WHERE hook = 'biblio.format.record_entry.print';
+$$ FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE hook = 'biblio.format.record_entry.print' AND active;
+ INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_def_group_member (grp, name, holdings, event_def)
+ SELECT 1, 'Full', TRUE, id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE name = 'biblio.record_entry.print.full' and active;