The new 'Export Non-imported Records' feature in Vandelay (see bug
1548147) was tweaked before merge to export MARC21 files by default
(rather than MARC-XML). However, the file save dialog still defaults to
(and filters by) ".xml" for the file extension. This is confusing and
otherwise problematic.
Let's go ahead and save the export using a ".mrc" extension instead.
While not an official extension (as far as I know), it is widely used,
easy to understand, and far less likely to cause issues with other
Signed-off-by: Dan Wells <>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
if (req.readyState == 4) {
var file_tag = opts.nonimported ? '_nonimported' : '';
openils.XUL.contentToFileSaveDialog(req.responseText, null, {
- defaultString : currentQueueName + file_tag + '.xml',
- defaultExtension : '.xml',
- filterName : 'XML',
- filterExtension : '*.xml',
+ defaultString : currentQueueName + file_tag + '.mrc',
+ defaultExtension : '.mrc',
+ filterName : 'MARC21',
+ filterExtension : '*.mrc',
filterAll : true
} );