my $U = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
use constant COOKIE_SES => 'ses';
+use constant COOKIE_ORIG_LOC => 'eg_orig_loc';
sub new {
my($class, $apache, $ctx) = @_;
$ctx->{unparsed_uri} = $self->apache->unparsed_uri;
$ctx->{opac_root} = $ctx->{base_path} . "/opac"; # absolute base url
$ctx->{is_staff} = ($self->apache->headers_in->get('User-Agent') =~ /oils_xulrunner/);
+ $ctx->{orig_loc} = $self->get_orig_loc;
# capture some commonly accessed pages
$ctx->{home_page} = 'http://' . $self->apache->hostname . $self->ctx->{opac_root} . "/home";
return Apache2::Const::OK;
+# orig_loc (i.e. "original location") passed in as a URL
+# param will replace any existing orig_loc stored as a cookie.
+sub get_orig_loc {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(my $orig_loc = $self->cgi->param('orig_loc')) {
+ $self->apache->headers_out->add(
+ "Set-Cookie" => $self->cgi->cookie(
+ -name => COOKIE_ORIG_LOC,
+ -path => $self->ctx->{base_path},
+ -value => $orig_loc,
+ -expires => undef
+ )
+ );
+ return $orig_loc;
+ }
+ return $self->cgi->cookie('orig_loc');
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Log in and redirect to the redirect_to URL (or home)
+my %org_cache;
sub handler {
+ my $apache = shift;
+ my $cgi = CGI->new( $apache );
+ my $port = $cgi->server_port();
+ my $hostname = $cgi->server_name();
+ my $proto = ($cgi->https) ? 'https' : 'http';
my $user_ip = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR};
- my $apache_obj = shift;
- my $cgi = CGI->new( $apache_obj );
+ # Apache config values
+ my $skin = $apache->dir_config('OILSRedirectSkin') || 'default';
+ my $depth = $apache->dir_config('OILSRedirectDepth');
+ my $locale = $apache->dir_config('OILSRedirectLocale') || 'en-US';
+ my $use_tt = ($apache->dir_config('OILSRedirectTpac') || '') =~ /true/i;
+ my $orig_loc;
- my $skin = $apache_obj->dir_config('OILSRedirectSkin') || 'default';
- my $depth = $apache_obj->dir_config('OILSRedirectDepth');
- my $locale = $apache_obj->dir_config('OILSRedirectLocale') || 'en-US';
+ $apache->log->debug("Redirector sees client frim $user_ip");
- my $hostname = $cgi->server_name();
- my $port = $cgi->server_port();
+ # parse the IP file
+ my ($shortname, $nskin, $nhostname) = redirect_libs($user_ip);
- my $proto = "http";
- if($cgi->https) { $proto = "https"; }
+ if ($shortname) { # we have a config
- my $url = "$proto://$hostname:$port/opac/$locale/skin/$skin/xml/index.xml";
- my $path = $apache_obj->path_info();
+ # Read any override vars from the ips txt file
+ if ($nskin =~ m/[^\s]/) { $skin = $nskin; }
+ if ($nhostname =~ m/[^\s]/) { $hostname = $nhostname; }
- $logger->debug("Apache client connecting from $user_ip");
+ if($org_cache{$shortname}) {
+ $orig_loc = $org_cache{$shortname};
- my ($shortname, $nskin, $nhostname) = redirect_libs($user_ip);
- if ($shortname) {
+ } else {
- if ($nskin =~ m/[^\s]/) { $skin = $nskin; }
- if ($nhostname =~ m/[^\s]/) { $hostname = $nhostname; }
+ my $session = OpenSRF::AppSession->create("");
+ my $org = $session->request(
+ '',
+ $shortname)->gather(1);
+ $org_cache{$shortname} = $orig_loc = $org->id if $org;
+ }
+ }
- $logger->info("Apache redirecting $user_ip to $shortname with skin $skin and host $hostname");
- my $session = OpenSRF::AppSession->create("");
+ my $url = "$proto://$hostname:$port";
- $url = "$proto://$hostname:$port/opac/$locale/skin/$skin/xml/index.xml";
+ if($use_tt) {
- my $org = $session->request(
- '',
- $shortname)->gather(1);
+ $url .= "/eg/opac/home";
+ $url .= "?orig_loc=$orig_loc" if $orig_loc;
- if($org) {
- $url .= "?ol=" . $org->id;
+=head potential locale/skin implementation
+ if($locale ne 'en-US') {
+ $apache->headers_out->add(
+ "Set-Cookie" => $cgi->cookie(
+ -name => "oils:locale", # see
+ -path => "/eg",
+ -value => $locale,
+ -expires => undef
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ if($skin ne 'default') {
+ $apache->headers_out->add(
+ "Set-Cookie" => $cgi->cookie(
+ -name => "oils:skin", # see
+ -path => "/eg",
+ -value => $skin,
+ -expires => undef
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $url .= "/opac/$locale/skin/$skin/xml/index.xml";
+ if($orig_loc) {
+ $url .= "?ol=" . $orig_loc;
$url .= "&d=$depth" if defined $depth;
- }
+ }
- print "Location: $url\n\n";
+ $logger->info("Apache redirecting $user_ip to $url");
+ $apache->headers_out->add('Location' => "$url");
return Apache2::Const::REDIRECT;
- return print_page($url);
sub redirect_libs {
my $range = new Net::IP( $block->[0] . ' - ' . $block->[1] );
if( $source_ip->overlaps($range)==$IP_A_IN_B_OVERLAP ||
$source_ip->overlaps($range)==$IP_IDENTICAL ) {
- return ($shortname, $block->[2], $block->[3]);
+ return ($shortname, $block->[2] || '', $block->[3] || '');
return 0;
-sub print_page {
- my $url = shift;
- print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";
- print <<" HTML";
- <html>
- <head>
- <meta HTTP-EQUIV='Refresh' CONTENT="0; URL=$url"/>
- <style TYPE="text/css">
- .loading_div {
- text-align:center;
- margin-top:30px;
- font-weight:bold;
- background: lightgrey;
- color:black;
- width:100%;
- }
- </style>
- </head>
- <body>
- <br/><br/>
- <div class="loading_div">
- <h4>Loading...</h4>
- </div>
- <br/><br/>
- <center><img src='/opac/images/main_logo.jpg'/></center>
- </body>
- </html>
- return Apache2::Const::OK;