// translate the patron back into IDL form
service.save_user = function(phash) {
- var patron = new egCore.idl.au();
- for (var key in phash) {
- if (typeof patron[key] == 'function')
- patron[key](phash[key]);
- }
+ var patron = egCore.idl.fromHash('au', phash);
var card_hashes = patron.cards();
angular.forEach(card_hashes, function(chash) {
- var card = new egCore.idl.ac();
- for (var key in chash) {
- if (typeof card[key] == 'function')
- card[key](chash[key]);
- }
+ var card = egCore.idl.fromHash('ac', chash)
card.active(chash.active ? 't' : 'f');
if (chash._primary) {
var addr_hashes = patron.addresses();
angular.forEach(addr_hashes, function(addr_hash) {
- var addr = new egCore.idl.aua();
+ if (!addr_hash.isnew && !addr_hash.isdeleted)
+ addr_hash.ischanged = true;
+ var addr = egCore.idl.fromHash('aua', addr_hash);
- for (var key in addr_hash) {
- if (typeof addr[key] == 'function')
- addr[key](addr_hash[key]);
- }
addr.valid(addr.valid() ? 't' : 'f');
addr.within_city_limits(addr.within_city_limits() ? 't' : 'f');
if (addr_hash._is_mailing) patron.mailing_address(addr);
if (addr_hash._is_billing) patron.billing_address(addr);
+ console.log('deleted? ' + addr.isdeleted());
- // TODO extract hold_notify_phone, etc.
+ console.log(patron.addresses());
if (!patron.isnew()) patron.ischanged(true);
if (service.patron_id) {
// only update modified settings for existing patrons
angular.forEach(user_settings, function(val, key) {
- console.log(val + ' : ' + service.user_settings[key]);
if (val !== service.user_settings[key])
settings[key] = val;
- console.log('updating settings ' + Object.keys(settings));
if (Object.keys(settings).length == 0) return $q.when();
return egCore.net.request(
egCore.auth.token(), new_user.id(), settings
).then(function(resp) {
console.log('settings returned ' + resp);
+ return resp;
var addr = egCore.idl.toHash(new egCore.idl.aua());
patronRegSvc.ingest_address($scope.patron, addr);
addr.id = patronRegSvc.virt_id--;
+ addr.isnew = true;
addr.valid = true;
addr.within_city_limits = true;
+ $scope.set_addr_type = function(addr, type) {
+ var addrs = $scope.patron.addresses;
+ if (addr['_is_'+type]) {
+ angular.forEach(addrs, function(a) {
+ if (a.id != addr.id) a['_is_'+type] = false;
+ });
+ } else {
+ // unchecking mailing/billing means we have to randomly
+ // select another address to fill that role. Select the
+ // first address in the list (that does not match the
+ // modifed address)
+ for (var i = 0; i < addrs.length; i++) {
+ if (addrs[i].id != addr.id) {
+ addrs[i]['_is_' + type] = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Translate hold notify preferences from the form/scope back into a
// single user setting value for opac.hold_notify.
function compress_hold_notify() {
$scope.edit_passthru.save = function() {
+ // toss the deleted addresses back into the patron's list of
+ // addresses so it's included in the update
+ $scope.patron.addresses =
+ $scope.patron.addresses.concat(deleted_addresses);
.then(function(new_user) {
- return patronRegSvc.save_user_settings(
- new_user, $scope.user_settings);
- }).then(function() {
+ if (new_user && new_user.classname) {
+ return patronRegSvc.save_user_settings(
+ new_user, $scope.user_settings);
+ } else {
+ alert('Patron update failed. \n\n' + js2JSON(new_user));
+ return true; // ensure page reloads to reset
+ }
+ }).then(function(keep_going) {
// reloading the page means potentially losing some information
// (e.g. last patron search), but is the only way to ensure all
// components are properly updated to reflect the modified patron.
+// This controller may be loaded from different modules (patron edit vs.
+// register new patron), so we have to inject the controller params manually.
+PatronRegCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$routeParams', '$q', '$modal',
+ '$window', 'egCore', 'patronSvc', 'patronRegSvc'];
-// TODO: $inject controller params