In the TPAC client, when it tries to show record details containing a copy
record with no create date, it shows an Internal Server Error instead.
1. The error is caused by trying to execute the parse_datetime() method
in the parse_date() function in the WWW/EGCatLoader/ module with
an empty date string. The function will normally translate a datetime
string from the database to a datetime string that is formatted for TPAC
templates. The fix is to not execute parse_datetime() and just return
an empty string.
2. In the record/copy_table.tt2 template, if an empty datetime string is
the value for copy_info.create_date, the format() method of the Date
plugin will show the current datetime by default. The fix is to show '-'
in its place, replicating the same template logic as for
Signed-off-by: Jeff Davis <>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
$ro_object_subs->{parse_datetime} = sub {
my $date = shift;
+ # Calling parse_datetime() with empty $date will lead to Internal Server Error
+ return '' if ($date eq '' or $date eq undef);
# Probably an accidental entry like '0212' instead of '2012',
# but 1) the leading 0 may get stripped in cstore and
# 2) DateTime::Format::ISO8601 returns an error as years
ctx.get_crahp(copy_info.age_protect).name : l('None') | html %]
- IF ctx.get_org_setting(copy_info.circ_lib, 'circ.holds.age_protect.active_date') == 1;
- disp_date = copy_info.active_date ? copy_info.active_date : copy_info.create_date;
- disp_date = copy_info.create_date;
- END;
+ IF ctx.get_org_setting(copy_info.circ_lib, 'circ.holds.age_protect.active_date') == 1;
+ disp_date = copy_info.active_date ? copy_info.active_date : copy_info.create_date;
+ disp_date = copy_info.create_date;
+ END;
- date.format(
- ctx.parse_datetime(disp_date),
- ) %]</td>
+ IF disp_date;
+ date.format(
+ ctx.parse_datetime(disp_date),
+ );
+ '-';
+ END;
+ %]</td>
[% END # is_staff %]
[% IF ctx.is_staff OR serial_holdings %]
<td>[% # Show copy/volume hold links to staff (without